MGT604 T11 12

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Review Questions

Aliya Nazhat Ali

A 00154486

1. Outline the most common sources of job candidates.

Sources of recruitment refers to various modes of connecting with the job seeker for
completing the task of finding potential employees. In simple words, sources of
recruitment are the medium through which communication regarding the vacant positions
is made aware to the prospective candidates.
 Current employees.
 Employee referrals.
 Networking.
 Unsolicited applications.
 Schools and colleges.
 Alumni placement offices.
 Job fairs.
 Associations.

2. What issues does an owner or entrepreneur need to consider before deciding

whether to employ another staff member?
While personality and culture fit are important, they should not be the deciding factor for
hiring a candidate. There are other considerations that should weigh heavier for hiring
employees than culture fit including skill set, successful past experiences, and the
potential for development

3. How do employment practices vary from one country to another in the Asia-Pacific
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the value of the comparative study of
industrial relations with a consideration of developments in industrial relations in selected
Asia-Pacific countries.

4. Outline and briefly explain the major legal obligations of employers.

Main Responsibilities of Employees. Employees have responsibilities towards their
employers, even if they work part time or don't have a written contract

5. List the major differences in employment practices between small and large firms.
Employers must give their employees a place to work and make sure they have access to
it. They must give them the tools, equipment and other things they need to do their work.
Employers must pay their employees the salary and benefits they agreed to, including
vacation, paid holidays and other types of holidays.
Tutorial Topic 12

Review Questions

1. What is the difference between social responsiveness and social responsibility?

The main difference between social responsibility and social responsiveness is that social
responsibility is the ethical/moral obligation/duty of an individual or an entity towards the
society whereas social responsiveness is the manner in which an individual or an entity
responds to a social need.

2. What are the seven components that an eco-efficient firm uses in its activities?
The main aspects of eco-efficiency are: Reduction of energy, water and virgin material
use. Reduction of waste and pollution levels. Extension of function and therefore
product/service life.

3. How does a social entrepreneur differ from a conventional one?

While the traditional entrepreneur aims to create a product, service or process for which a
consumer will pay, the social entrepreneur aims to create a product, service or process
from which society will benefit.

4. List the ways in which women and men differ in the management of a small
Man entrepreneurs are motivated by the factors beyond financial components. Women
entrepreneurs are motivated by sense of belongingness. They start venture in
comparatively younger age. They normally start new venture at older age compared to

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