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card hacking tutorial pdf

Credit card tutorial pdf.

You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 8 to 18 are not shown in this preview. Disclaimer The Article writer’s intent is to spread awareness about the carding. The writer is not responsible if any damage occurs. This is for educational purpose only. Hello Guys, if you were a victim of carding fraud or really want to understand what is Carding and how it
should be done then here I prepared the document which will clear the basic understanding. Points I cover: What is carding? What are the factors relates to carding? How it’s done, I mean process? Precautionary measures Carder should take Nowadays, if we see the credit card fraud trend, it is being increased day by day and new techniques being
discovered to hack the credit card info and use it for malicious purpose. As everything goes cashless, the use of a credit card will be necessary for everyone.
This is reason people should be aware of how carding fraud is done and learn how to become not to become a victim. There are so many ways to get the credit card details available on the internet through Darknet sites as well as on TOR sites (Data Leak .etc.). My aim is to spread security awareness about carding, what is it, how the carder does it,
etc. I have referred many articles, sites and basic documentation which I feel will be useful to share it with you. I want the normal user to be aware of carding methods so they can be alert to it. As we can see on social media sites and groups, most of the carders provide the offers which are collected from Online Sites and groups for your reference: Be
aware that you should never contact a ripper. A Ripper is a fraud who takes the money and never deliver the product. Offer on Facebook group Offer on WhatsApp group Let’s start with the basics. 1. Introduction to carding and key points There are multiple definitions available per different views.
Carding itself is defined as the illegal use of the card (Credit/Debit) by unauthorized people (carder) to buy a product. For educational purposes, I will now show how a carder is able to go about their illicit activities. Remember – carding is highly illegal, and should not be attempted under any circumstances. 1.1 Key points in carding method 2. Let us
understand each point one by one 2.1 Computer (PC) For doing carding always use a computer. I know some methods using a mobile device, but it is less secure and involves more risk. 2.2 SOCKS SOCKS stands for SOCKet Secure. It is internet protocol which allows client and server traffic pass through a proxy server, so real IP is getting hidden and
proxy IP get reflected. This is useful while carding because carder wants to use the credit card holder’s location while doing it. Users can buy SOCKS. 2.3 Mac Address Changer MAC stands for Media Access Control. It is the unique address of every Network Interface Card (NIC). A MAC address changer allows you to change the MAC address of NIC
instantly. It is required to be anonymous and safe J 2.4 CCleaner It is very useful tool help in cleaning your browsing history, cookies, temp files, etc. Many people ignore this part and get caught, so be careful and don’t forget to use it J 2.5 RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) RDP allows one computer to connect to another computer within the network. It
is protocol developed by Microsoft. Basically, carders use it to connect to computers of the geolocation of the person whose credit card carder want to use. It is used for safety and stay anon. Here carders use others PC for doing carding instead of their own.

2.6 DROP DROP is an address which the carder uses for the shipping address in the carding process. Let me explain in details with an example: If I am carding with US credit card, then I use USA address as shipping address then my order will be shipped successfully, and I will be safe. If you have relatives/friends, then no problem, otherwise use
sites who provide drop services only we have to pay extra for shipping it. 2.7 Credit card This part is very much important so read it carefully. Any credit card it is in the following format: | credit card Number |Exp Date| CVV2 code | Name on the Card | Address | City | State | Country | Zip code | Phone # (sometimes not included depending on where
you get your credit card from)| e.g.: (randomly taken number/details) | 4305873969346315 | 05 | 2018 | 591 | UNITED STATES | John Mechanic | 201 Stone Wayne Lane | Easternton | MA | 01949 | Types of credit card Every Credit card company starts their credit card number with a unique number to identify individually like shown below American
Express (AMEX Card) – 3 Visa Card – 4 Master Card – 5 Discover (Disco) – 6 Company wise credit card details Visa Classic: The Card is used worldwide in any locations designated by Visa, including ATMs, real and virtual Stores, and shops offering goods and services by mail and telephone. Gold – This card has a higher limit capacity.
Most used card and adopted worldwide. Platinum – Card is having limits over $10,000. Signature – No preset spending limit – great bin to get Infinite – Most prestigious card with having virtually no limit. There is less in circulation so be alert when buying these.

Use only with reputable sellers! Business – it can be used for small to medium sized businesses, usually has a limit. Corporate – it can be used with medium to large size businesses, having more limit than a Business card. Black – It has limited membership. It has no limit only having $500 annual fee, high-end card. MasterCard Standard – it is same as
classic visa card. Gold – it is same as visa gold card. Platinum – it is same as visa platinum card World – it has a very high limit. World Elite – it is virtually no limit, high-end card. Amex Card Gold – it usually has around a 10k limit. Platinum- is usually has a higher limit (around 35k). Centurion – it has a High limit (75k+). It is also known as the
black card, note: do not confuse with visa black card. Now we can start with some of the questionnaire and basic concepts before starting practical process of Carding. Q1. What is BIN? It is known as Bank Identification Number (BIN). It is a 6-digit number e.g.: 431408. Some of the reference sites that give BIN info which I also refer could be found
in the sources section of the article. Simply go to the site (àenter BIN number and click on find to get the details.

Now the question is how to know the balance of CC. is it possible? and answer is Yes, I will let you know step by step using normal as well as Skype method J Q2. What is the meaning of VBV, NON VBV and MSC? VBV (Verified by Visa) – Extra level protection is added by Visa to protect the Card from fraud.
Like DOB, password, Social Security Number and Mother’s name, etc. also sending OTP (one-time password) as extra security level to card owner mobile number to validate the transaction. NON VBV (Verified by Visa) –Handy to use. No need extra information as specified in VBV card while doing the transaction. Note it down (IMP)- Carders mainly
buy and use NON VBV cards for carding. MSC (MasterCard Secure Code) – security level same as VBV card. Q3. What is AVS? It stands for Address Verification System It is the system which is used to identify the credit card holder original address with billing address provided by the user while shopping or online transaction. The system is used to
identify the online fraud over the internet. Q4. How to check credit card is live or dead? There are many sites available on the internet to verify credit card is live or dead, but they charge for it approx. $0.001 (price may vary). Also, 80% websites kill the credit card so never use it. There are tools also available on the internet to check the credit card
status, but most of them are a backdoor or Trojan so prefer not to use it. As such there is no easy method to check it. Carder uses own ways to find it out.

One of the ways is… Most carder go to Porn sites, buy a membership and confirm the credit card is live and proceed with carding. Q5. How to check the credit card is live or dead? (Skype Method) (Note: method is posted on March 16) Login into Skype account and call on Magic number +18005xx5633 (masked). You will connect to voice mail (lady’s
voice). Start by entering the credit card number, and voice mail lady will stop automatically. After that enter Expiry date of a card like 01 16 (mm: yy format). If your credit card is live then voice mail lady will speak like “Thank you for calling, we really appreciate your business, since u are a 1st-time caller we would like to connect you .. blah blah”
then just hang the call. But if the credit card is used and voice mail lady speak like “Ohh I’m sorry please re-enter your credit card number now” then the card is dead. You can repeat the same process as many time you want. Note: You need a good internet connection for Skype calls. Q6. What is Bill=ship/Bill=CC/Ship=your Address? Kindly pay
attention here as it is also the main portion in carding process. Any mistake will cancel the order and id get blocked. BILL=SHIP (Billing address: Shipping address) Take a scenario of normal online shopping scenario, when you are doing carding you will use billing address and shipping address are same. Means in both u will use your address. No
need to use credit card address. Bill=Shipping address, Ship=your address When you are doing carding, you will use credit card holder address as your billing address, and shipping address will be your address. Most sites use this method. Now we have cleared basic concepts and starting with the actual process of Carding Setup SOCKS proxy in
Firefox: Follow the steps à open Firefox à go to options àadvanced options à network à A pop-up will come. It will show options No proxy 2. Auto Detect 3. Use system proxy 4. Manual proxy configuration Select manual proxy configuration. Enter socks host: <> and port: <> e.g.: 8080. Press ok and restart Firefox. Now you
are connected to secure Socks5 J Note: when you buy a socks always match with credit card holder address. If credit card holder is from California, USA then try to get SOCKS5 at least matching state, country J Guys now time to start the Carding process. Kindly follow the steps: Create the email id matching with credit card holder name. If his name
is John Cena (the random name was taken), then email id should be or near about. Now Run RDP and connect to the credit card holder location system to proceed. If you didn’t have RDP, then follow following steps. Open MAC changer and change the address randomly. Run CCleaner and clean all the unwanted data
(cookies/history/temp data etc.). Setup SOCKS5 proxy in Firefox. <>. Be sure to use SOCK5 is matching to the location of credit card holder and be aware not to use blacklisted IP. Check with Open the site for shopping. I want to recommend a website shop from your country because you don`t need to wait a lot for your package.
Register with credit card holder information (John Cena), name, country, city, address, and email. Shop and choose your item and add to cart. Precaution: Select item not more than $500 at first step. In shipping address add your address or drop address where the product is going to deliver. Then go to the payment page and choose payment method
like a credit card. Enter all details of credit card manually because most of site having copy paste detector script. Finally, in billing address add credit card owner address info and then proceed with the payment process. If everything all right then the order will get successfully placed. Once the order arrives at the shipping address, receive it from
delivery boy. (Few carder arrange fake id if delivery boy ask for proof). Carding method using mobile: Extra pro carder uses mobile for doing carding. If you followed steps carefully, you would also do that. Basic requirement: Require rooted Android mobile. Install few application require for carding (proxy apps, CCleaner, IMEI changer, Photo and
Android ID changer). You can use any VPN for carding I recommend HMA or Zen mate. You can use SOCKS5 proxy with proxy droid apps. Also, proceed with IMEI and Android ID changer and do it. Now connect with proxy droid with SOCKS5 proxy and connect it. Now follow all the steps explained above J BIN: Bank Identification Number CC: Credit
Card CCN: Credit Card Number CVV/CVV2: Credit Verification Value (Card Security Code) SSN: Social Security Number MMN: Mother Maiden Name DOB: Date Of Birth COB: Change of Billing VBV: Verified by Visa MCSC: MasterCard Secure Code POS: Point of Sale VPN: Virtual Private Network BTC: Bitcoin Normal users: Keep your credit card
safe hands. Keep changing the credit card PIN on a monthly basis. Do not make the online transaction from unknown system/mobile. Who want to learn carding – I observed many of the newcomers try to be smart and got ripped multiple times. Don’t do it, it’s finally your loss. Carding is Illegal activity. Do not do it. If get caught, then, you will be in
trouble. Be safe and have fun J Card Fraud in the Deep Web Hacking communities in the Deep Web [Updated 2019] Cybercrime and the Underground Market [Updated 2018] uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of
cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. Carding Tutorial.txt[9/3/2014 1:04:42 PM] Carding Tutorial By MuFl3hLEGAL TIDBITS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This FAQ is intended for educational PURPOSES ONLY.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE BIG QUESTION: WHAT IS CARDING?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- Well, defined loosely, carding is the art of credit card manipulation to access goods or services by way of fraud. But dont let the "politically
correct" definition of carding stop fool you, because carding is more than that. Much more. Although different people card for different reasons, the motive is usually tied to money. Yea, handling a $9,000 plasma television in your hands and knowing that you didnt pay one red cent for it is definitely a rush. But other factors contribute to your personal
reason for carding. Many carders in the scene come from poor countries, such as Argentina, Pakistan, and Lebanon where $50 could mean a weeks pay, on a good day. Real carders (the one that have been in the scene the longest) seem to card for something more, however. The thrill of cc manipulation? The rush that the federalles could bust down
your door at any minute? The defiance of knowing that everyday that you are walking among the public is another day that you have gotten away with a federal crime? Whatever your persona reason for carding is, this tutorial should answer a few noobie questions and take the guessing out of the entire carding game. The resources and techniques
mentioned in this tutorial are NOT, I repeat, NOT the only methods of carding. Experience in carding is key. You have to practice your own methods and try out new techniques in carding to really get a system that works for you. This tutorial is meant to get you on your way.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE BASICS: WHAT DO I NEED AND WHERE DO I GET IT?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Credit Cards: Yes, CCZ.
"do you have any ccz" "where can I hack CCZ""where can I get a list of valid CCZ?" You need money to make money. Plain and simple. Which means that the only way your gonna be able to get ccs if you have ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY is if you successfully rip a noobie with 100 cards (but what noobie has 100 cards?), if you have any background in
database hacking, if you trade for your ****, or if you know someone that's willing to give you ccz all day. I know thats a discouraging statement to all of you, but we have to keep **** realistic. The easiest way to get ccz is to purchase them. "but I cant get a job/I dont wanna work!" Having a regular 9 to 5 job is not a bad idea in the carding scene. Not
only will you have some sort of alliby to why you have all this expensive **** in your house, but you can also use the money (who cant nowadays) to pay bills. You cant card forever, and you cant sustain yourself by carding alone.
DISTRIBUTED BY AllAboutCarding For Credit Cards,Paypal Accounts,Bank Accounts and more tutorials check out my store Evolution market: Carding Tutorial.txt[9/3/2014 1:04:42 PM] If you are REALLY strapped for cash, you have to go through the alternative: trade for your resources. you have to be resourceful in carding, meaning you have to
use what you got. Got a psybnc admin account? Offer psybnc user for a cc or two. Got shells? roots? Can you make verification phone calls? just ask yourself "what do I have that might be valuable to someone else?" and work with that. It dosnt have to be big, it just has to get you a few cc's in your palms. Once you've run your first successful cc scam,
DONT SPEND ALL YOUR EARNINGS. Save $200 and re-invest back into the carding community. head to SC and get better cards. If you have level 2 cards, I suggest carding C2it/Paypal and using that $$ to buy ccs. (successful C2it/PP scamming techniques will not be discussed in this tut, sorry) To other minor pointers on rippers and legit sellers,
please scroll down to "SELLERS, TRADERS, AND RIPPERS, OH MY!" "where can I check my CCZ?" Knowing wether your cc is valid or not is really important for saving some time and energy. if you want the lame pr0n site check, you can check them under hxxp:// The idea way for checking ccz is through an
online merchant (, linkpintcentral.) These merchants can verify cc amounts without charging your ccs. Good luck finding one. People on IRC want a ridiculous trade for These merchants (cvv lists, cash). So if you run accrosss a legit merc, dont give it out! even to your best buds! online mercs are gold in the world of carding. Other
methods for verifying cc amounts include registering your cc on an online bank.
(You will need at least a level 2 card, level 3 for ATM cards). alot of online banks can give you limit, billing addy, ect ect but they require at least a level 2 cc (more info on ccz below) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CREDIT CARD FRAUD: INFORMATION IS
KEY.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I want to make something clear right now. The secret to carding is not the number of cards you own, its what you can do with the cards. What do I mean by that? Simple. Hypotherical situation: My name is Johnny and I have 3 ccs with SSN, DOB, CVV NUMBER,
NUMBER. Whos more likely to successfully card something? Simply put, I (Johnny) am. Why? Because I have more information that can prove that I am the person who owns this CC than Billy does with his 300 CCVZ. Does that mean Billy's not gonna card anything? No, that just means Billy's gonna have a hard time carding anything without
verification. So to sum up this lesson, you have to get information on your mark (the person that youre impersonating.) #1 rule in carding is: the more information you have on a person, the better chances you have for a successful transaction. Here is the information you're looking for(note: the levels of a card is not a tehcnical carding term, I' just
used L1 L2 L3 to simplify **** throughout the tutorial.) : NAME: ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP CODE:TEL. BILLING NUMBER:CARD NUMBER:CARD EXP DATE: Carding Tutorial.txt[9/3/2014 1:04:42 PM] CVV CODE:(LEVEL 1: REGULAR CVV. If you have this much info, youve got yourself a regular cc. Nowadays you need this much info for carding
ANYTHING worth mentioning. If you have any less than this information, youre **** outta luck. :\) Social Security Number (SSN): Date Of Birth (DOB):******s Maiden Name (MMN):(LEVEL 2: (PARTIAL FULL-INFO) If you have this much info, your ccz are on another level.
With this info, you should be able to card PayPal, C2IT, and other sites without too much of a h***le.) BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: ROUTING NUMBER:BANK NAME:BANK NUMBER:DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER:PIN NUMBER (For CC or ATM card)(LEVEL 3: (true full-info) If you have this info, youre cc is ready to card anything your heart desires)
Now if all you have is a regular cc, dont discourage. Just do some research and build your cards as much as possible: First, go to and try to lookup your marks street address and phone number. Make sure it matches the info you have on your cc.. Last, but not least, take a quick look in is a bit of a *****, but
you can lookup DOB and MMN (ie, if your marks name is anthony hawkins, his father is david hawkins and his ******s name is bella donna, Donna is the MMN) So size up your cards and move on to the next lesson: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ATTAINING HIGHER LEVELS OF
ANONYMITY:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Safety is key. No one wants to give the federalles the satisfaction of busting us and shutting down production, so we gotta stay as anonymous as possible. First let me start off by saying theres no 100% safe way to card. Dont let people fool you into thinking
that. You can be behind all the proxies, wingates, socks, and whatever else in the world, but you leave "digital fingerprints" wherever you go.
For my personal benefits, I use a carded ISP combined with an anonymizer account ( and a level 1 proxy. But I dont reccomend that for offers excellent services for those that want to remain anonymous. The setback is that its a service, and like any other service provided, you have to pay for
usage and they will restict your account due to fraudulent usage. Just card another one rite? If youre planning to use anonymizer, just concentrate on keeping your IP secret from their services instead of the site youre carding. The only set-back to the service is that they have some issues with sites using Java Applets, meaning you might have to skip
out on some major sites that require JAVA.proxies and such: I use a private hidden proxies, and dont really **** with any other proxies, so I cant comment too much on this topic (maybe someone will paste a seperate proxy faq?) As far as I'm told (thx red and hit), proxies differ from level 1 to level 3, 1 being the most anonymous, 3 being the least. You
can also get free proxies from this is a descent site which ranks their

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