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Mr. Chairman, Teachers, invited guests Fellow Students, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy
to be given this honour to address you on the topic “Importance of Artwork.” Art is
something that could be defined in many ways. It is something created by humans to affect
feelings, emotions and intellects. According to Aristotle, “art completes what nature cannot
bring to finish. the artist gives us knowledge of nature’s unrealized ends.”

There are many importance of artwork, but I will mention the main ones. The first is, art
bring a sense of enjoyment and pleasure. Art allows for the expression of truth and beliefs. It
portrays various ideas, feeling such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom. Each
and every message behind art shows ideas that are relevant to the society.

Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, in addition to providing commentary about the larger;
culture, art makes life more manageable, tolerable and enjoyable. One may not think about
more utilitarian items and places as art but they do contribute to one’s aesthetic experience.

Again, it enhances students’ creativity by allowing them to make a self-expression. in most

art programmes, students are asked to create a painting that represents memory or compose a
new rhythm for a piece of music. When students are taught to think creativity, it helps them
in their future career.

Fourthly, the arts improve academic performance, Students who are regularly participate in
the arts does better in their academic achievement.

fifthly, white mastering a subject, students build self-confidence.

sixthly, the arts help students to develop their visual – spatial skills. students need to know
more about tear surroundings through visual team just what they can learn through text and
numbers. Art education teaches students to appreciate, criticize or interpret by using the
visual information.

Art is a language, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Art speaks its own language
whether it is a painting, sculpture, dance routine or your favorite song. Art is able to say
things that words sometimes can’t. It’s an international language that anyone from anywhere
can understand and be inspired by.

Art is a way of documenting and preserving our history. Historic art tells a story about
society and how our culture were. Giving us insight and different perspectives. Today, art is
everywhere. From bill boards, street signs and massive murals, the tell stories too. Whether
its advertising or purely for appreciation, creativity is everywhere.

Therapeutically, art is a great way to calm yourself and decrease stress levels. If you make
regular time in your schedule for creativity, you will instantly start to see results in how you
feel. The therapeutic effects of art are so profound that its also used in more serious cases by
certified professionals to help people deal with mental illness and other emotional challenges.

Art increases creativity, Art and creativity go hand with one another. The more you work on
your art the more you creative you will get. Also, looking at art and exposing yourself to
other creative mediums will inspire more ideas, and have you thinking differently. it’s a
beautiful cycle.

Art makes people happy when they create, as a child, you couldn’t be more content when
your mother stationed you some where with all the arts and crafts supplies, you were all set
for the day! And, that feeling is still present among older artists. That’s why they continue to
do what they do. It makes them happy. Same goes for people who don’t create art regularly,
you just have to make the effort. Try attending a paint night, or pottery class. I promise you
will have the greatest time and want to go back.

All in all, art is universal and can be found everywhere. It is not only for people who
exercise work art but for those who consume it. If there were no art, we wouldn’t have been
able to see the beauty in things. In other words, art helps us feel relaxed and forget about our
problem. As you can see, art is important to our planet and essential to humans.

To end my speech, I will like to encourage everyone to get involved in arts as consumer of art
or practitioner of art. this will help us to appreciate arts the more.

No creativity, No Art. So, we need to be more creative.

Thank you.

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