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Week 7


Fingerprint Patterns

The fingerprint pattern refers to the general formation of the ridges found within the

pattern area. This formation or pattern is very essential in fingerprint classification.

Fingerprint pattern are divided into three large groups: These are:

1. Arches

2. Loops

3. Whorls

Pattern Frequency

5% Arch

65% Loop

Whorl 30%

Arches Defined

A pattern in which the ridges flow from one side to the other side without recurving. It

has no delta and core. Its frequency of appearance in all fingers is five percent (5%).

Characteristics of an Arch
1. The ridges flow without recurving

2. No delta and Core

3. No ridge count

Loops Defined

A pattern in which the ridges start at one side of the pattern goes toward the upper

corner of the opposite side, then recurve and start back toward the side from which they

came originally, forming a loop with core in the center and a delta at the edge of the

pattern area.

Characteristics of a Loop

1. There must be an sufficient recurve.

2. There must be a Delta and Core.

3. There must be a ridge count of at least

Whorls Defined

It is pattern in which the formations of the ridges are usually circular or spiral. Whorl

pattern will have two or more deltas. For a whorl pattern, all deltas and the areas

between them must be recorded. It occurs in about 30% of all fingerprints.

Characteristics of a whorl pattern

1. There must be a core

2. Two or more delta


The three main categories of fingerprint patterns—arches, loops, and whorls—

are crucial for fingerprint classification. With no recurrence, core, or delta, ridges flow

from one side to the other. Loop patterns have a core and Delta, a ridge count of at

least 11%, and a sufficient recurve. Whorl patterns are seen in 30% of all

fingerprints and have two or more deltas.

Q and A

1. The three large groups of fingerprint patterns?

A. Arches, whorls, and swirls

B. Arches, deltas, and cores

   C. Arches, loops, and whorls

2. The frequency of appearance of arches in all fingers?

A. 10%
B. 65%

C. 5%

3. Its refer a loop pattern?

A. A pattern in which the ridges flow in a spiral formation

B. A pattern in which the ridges start at one side of the pattern goes toward the upper corner

of the opposite side, then recurve and start back toward the side from which they came

originally, forming a loop with core in the center and a delta at the edge of the pattern area

C. A pattern in which the ridges have a delta and a core

4. The most common fingerprint pattern?

A. Arch

B. Spiral

C. Loop

5. The is a whorl pattern?

A. A pattern in which the ridges start at one side of the pattern goes toward the upper corner

of the opposite side, then recurve and start back toward the side from which they came


B. A pattern in which the ridges form a circular or spiral pattern with at least one delta and one

C. A pattern in which the ridges form a square pattern

6. What are the characteristics of an arch pattern?

A. The ridges flow without recurving, No delta and Core, No ridge count

B. It is pattern in which the formations of the ridges are usually circular or spiral. Whorl pattern

will have two or more deltas. For a whorl pattern, all deltas and the areas between them must

be recorded, No ridge count

C. The ridges start at one side of the pattern goes toward the upper corner of the opposite

side, then recurve and start back toward the side from which they came originally, forming a

loop with core in the center and a delta at the edge of the pattern area, There must be an

sufficient recurve, There must be a Delta and Core

7. What are the characteristics of a loop pattern?

A. It is pattern in which the formations of the ridges are usually circular or spiral. Whorl pattern

will have two or more deltas. For a whorl pattern, all deltas and the areas between them must

be recorded, No ridge count

B. There must be an sufficient recurve, There must be a Delta and Core, There must be a

ridge count of at least

C. The ridges flow without recurving, No delta and Core, No ridge count

D. There must be a core, Two or more delta, No ridge count

8. What is the frequency of appearance of the whorl pattern in all fingerprints?

   A. Fifteen percent (15%)

B. Ten percent (10%)

C. Five percent (5%)

9. What are the characteristics of a whorl pattern?

A. There must be an sufficient recurve, There must be a Delta and Core, There must be a

ridge count of at least

B. The ridges flow without recurving, No delta and Core, No ridge count

C. There must be a core, Two or more delta

10. What are the characteristics of a whorl pattern?

A. There must be an sufficient recurve, There must be a Delta and Core, There must be a

ridge count of at least

B. The ridges flow without recurving, No delta and Core, No ridge count

C. There must be a core, Two or more delta

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