Code Section

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; [Code] section dumped from CompiledCode.


Type [0]: Pointer
Type [1]: U32
Type [2]: Variant
Type [3]: PChar
Type [4]: Currency
Type [5]: Extended
Type [6]: Double
Type [7]: Single
Type [8]: S64
Type [9]: String
Type [10]: U32
Type [11]: S32
Type [12]: S16
Type [13]: U16
Type [14]: S8
Type [15]: String
Type [16]: UnicodeString
Type [17]: UnicodeString
Type [18]: String
Type [19]: UnicodeString
Type [20]: WideString
Type [21]: WideChar
Type [22]: WideChar
Type [23]: Char
Type [24]: U8
Type [25]: U16
Type [26]: U32
Type [27]: U8 Export: BOOLEAN
Type [28]: U8
Type [29]: U8 Export: TMSGBOXTYPE
Type [30]: U8 Export: TEXECWAIT
Type [32]: Class Export: TINPUTDIRWIZARDPAGE
Type [33]: Class Export: TWIZARDFORM
Type [34]: Class Export: TNEWBUTTON
Type [35]: U8 Export: TSETUPSTEP
Var [0]: 17 UnicodeString
Var [1]: 17 UnicodeString
Var [2]: 11 S32
Var [3]: 27 U8 BOOLEAN
Var [4]: 17 UnicodeString
Var [5]: 17 UnicodeString
Var [6]: 17 UnicodeString
Var [7]: 27 U8 BOOLEAN
Var [8]: 17 UnicodeString
Var [9]: 11 S32
Var [12]: 11 S32
Var [13]: 17 UnicodeString
Var [14]: 27 U8 BOOLEAN
Proc [0] Export: !MAIN -1
[0] RET
Proc [1] Export: SETUPDEFAULTDIR -1 @17
[0] ASSIGN GlobalVar[6], Base[-1]
[11] RET
Proc [2] Export: SETEXTRACTONLY -1
[0] ASSIGN GlobalVar[3], [1]
[12] RET
Proc [3] Export: ISSILENTINSTALL 11
[0] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 2
[10] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[15] PUSHVAR Base[3] // 4
[21] CALL 5
[26] POP // 3
[27] PUSHTYPE 18(String) // 4
[32] ASSIGN Base[4], ['/VERYSILENT']
[58] PUSHVAR Base[2] // 5
[64] CALL 4
[69] POP // 4
[70] POP // 3
[71] POP // 2
[72] COMPARE into Base[1]: Base[2] > [0]
[93] POP // 1
[94] COND_GOTO currpos + 107 Base[1] [211]
[104] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 2
[109] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 3
[114] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[119] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 5
[125] CALL 5
[130] POP // 4
[131] PUSHTYPE 18(String) // 5
[136] ASSIGN Base[5], ['/verysilent']
[162] PUSHVAR Base[3] // 6
[168] CALL 4
[173] POP // 5
[174] POP // 4
[175] POP // 3
[176] COMPARE into Base[2]: Base[3] > [0]
[197] POP // 2
[198] CALC Base[1] OR Base[2]
[210] POP // 1
[211] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[218] POP // 0
[219] FLAGGOTO currpos + 20 [244]
[224] ASSIGN Base[-1], [0]
[239] GOTO currpos + 15 [259]
[244] ASSIGN Base[-1], [5]
[259] RET
Proc [4]: External Decl: \01\00\00 POS
Proc [5]: External Decl: \01 GETCMDTAIL
[0] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[10] ASSIGN Base[2], ['{param:EXTRACT|no}']
[43] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 3
[49] CALL 7
[54] POP // 2
[55] POP // 1
[56] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[61] ASSIGN Base[2], Base[1]
[72] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[77] COMPARE into Base[3]: ['yes'] = Base[2]
[101] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 17 Base[3] [128]
[111] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[123] GOTO currpos + 114 [242]
[128] COMPARE into Base[3]: ['Yes'] = Base[2]
[152] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 17 Base[3] [179]
[162] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[174] GOTO currpos + 63 [242]
[179] COMPARE into Base[3]: ['YES'] = Base[2]
[203] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 17 Base[3] [230]
[213] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[225] GOTO currpos + 12 [242]
[230] ASSIGN Base[-1], [0]
[242] POP // 2
[243] POP // 1
[244] RET
Proc [7]: External Decl: \01\00 EXPANDCONSTANT
Proc [8] Export: SETEXTRACTPATH -1 @17
[0] ASSIGN GlobalVar[0], Base[-1]
[11] RET
Proc [9] Export: GETPARAM 17
[0] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[10] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[15] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 4
[20] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[25] ASSIGN Base[5], ['{param:PARAM}']
[53] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 6
[59] CALL 7
[64] POP // 5
[65] POP // 4
[66] ASSIGN Base[2], ['!!']
[83] ASSIGN Base[3], [#546]
[95] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 5
[100] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[105] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 7
[110] ASSIGN Base[7], Base[1]
[121] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 8
[126] ASSIGN Base[8], Base[2]
[137] PUSHVAR Base[6] // 9
[143] CALL 4
[148] POP // 8
[149] POP // 7
[150] POP // 6
[151] COMPARE into Base[5]: Base[6] <> [0]
[172] POP // 5
[173] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 167 Base[5] [350]
[183] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 6
[188] ASSIGN Base[6], Base[1]
[199] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 7
[204] ASSIGN Base[7], Base[2]
[215] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 8
[221] CALL 4
[226] POP // 7
[227] POP // 6
[228] POP // 5
[229] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[234] ASSIGN Base[6], [2]
[249] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 7
[254] ASSIGN Base[7], Base[4]
[265] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 8
[270] SETPOINTER Base[8]: Base[1]
[281] CALL 10
[286] POP // 7
[287] POP // 6
[288] POP // 5
[289] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[294] ASSIGN Base[6], Base[4]
[305] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 7
[310] SETPOINTER Base[7]: Base[1]
[321] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 8
[326] ASSIGN Base[8], Base[3]
[337] CALL 11
[342] POP // 7
[343] POP // 6
[344] POP // 5
[345] GOTO currpos + 4294967046 [100]
[350] POP // 4
[351] ASSIGN Base[-1], Base[1]
[362] RET
Proc [10]: External Decl: \00\01\00\00 DELETE
Proc [11]: External Decl: \00\00\01\00 INSERT
[0] ASSIGN Base[-1], [0]
[12] ASSIGN GlobalVar[0], Base[-2]
[23] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[28] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[33] ASSIGN Base[2], Base[-2]
[44] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 3
[50] CALL 13
[55] POP // 2
[56] POP // 1
[57] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[64] POP // 0
[65] FLAGGOTO currpos + 271 [341]
[70] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[75] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 2
[81] CALL 6
[86] POP // 1
[87] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[94] POP // 0
[95] FLAGGOTO currpos + 32 [132]
[100] ASSIGN GlobalVar[2], [1001]
[115] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[127] GOTO currpos + 209 [341]
[132] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[137] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 2
[142] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 3
[147] ASSIGN Base[3], [0]
[162] PUSHTYPE 29(U8) // 4
[167] ASSIGN Base[4], [2]
[179] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[184] ASSIGN Base[5], ['This folder already exists. Please specify a new folder to
extract the files to.']
[279] PUSHVAR Base[2] // 6
[285] CALL 14
[290] POP // 5
[291] POP // 4
[292] POP // 3
[293] POP // 2
[294] COMPARE into Base[1]: Base[2] = [1]
[315] POP // 1
[316] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[323] POP // 0
[324] FLAGGOTO currpos + 12 [341]
[329] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[341] RET
Proc [13]: External Decl: \01\00 DIREXISTS
Proc [14]: External Decl: \01\00\00\00 MSGBOX
Proc [15]: External Decl: dll:kernel32.dll\00ExitProcess\00\03\00\00\00\00
Proc [16] Export: GETRANDOMSTRING 17 @11
[0] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 2
[10] ASSIGN Base[2], Base[-2]
[21] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 3
[27] CALL 17
[32] POP // 2
[33] POP // 1
[34] PUSHTYPE 8(S64) // 2
[39] ASSIGN Base[2], Base[1]
[50] PUSHVAR Base[-1] // 3
[56] CALL 18
[61] POP // 2
[62] POP // 1
[63] RET
Proc [17]: External Decl: \01\00 RANDOM
Proc [18]: External Decl: \01\00 INTTOSTR
Proc [19] Export: GETRANDOMPATH 17
[0] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[10] PUSHTYPE 22(WideChar) // 3
[15] ASSIGN Base[3], [#512]
[27] PUSHTYPE 22(WideChar) // 4
[32] ASSIGN Base[4], [#512]
[44] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[49] ASSIGN Base[5], ['yyyyddmm.hhmmss']
[79] PUSHVAR Base[2] // 6
[85] CALL 20
[90] POP // 5
[91] POP // 4
[92] POP // 3
[93] POP // 2
[94] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 3
[99] ASSIGN Base[3], Base[2]
[110] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[115] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 5
[120] ASSIGN Base[5], [100]
[135] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 6
[141] CALL 16
[146] POP // 5
[147] POP // 4
[148] CALC Base[3] + Base[4]
[160] POP // 3
[161] ASSIGN Base[1], Base[3]
[172] POP // 2
[173] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 3
[178] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[6]
[189] CALC Base[3] + [#92]
[202] CALC Base[3] + Base[1]
[214] ASSIGN Base[-1], Base[3]
[225] POP // 2
[226] RET
Proc [20]: External Decl: \01\00\00\00 GETDATETIMESTRING
Proc [21] Export: GETROOTFOLDER 17 @17
[0] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 2
[10] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[15] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[20] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[25] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[30] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 7
[35] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 8
[40] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 9
[45] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 10
[50] ASSIGN Base[10], Base[-2]
[61] PUSHVAR Base[9] // 11
[67] CALL 22
[72] POP // 10
[73] POP // 9
[74] COMPARE into Base[8]: Base[9] = [0]
[95] POP // 8
[96] SETFLAG NOT Base[8]
[103] POP // 7
[104] FLAGGOTO currpos + 16 [125]
[109] ASSIGN Base[4], GlobalVar[6]
[120] GOTO currpos + 11 [136]
[125] ASSIGN Base[4], Base[-2]
[136] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 8
[141] ASSIGN Base[8], Base[4]
[152] PUSHVAR Base[7] // 9
[158] CALL 23
[163] POP // 8
[164] POP // 7
[165] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 8
[170] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 9
[175] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 10
[180] ASSIGN Base[10], Base[7]
[191] PUSHVAR Base[9] // 11
[197] CALL 22
[202] POP // 10
[203] POP // 9
[204] COMPARE into Base[8]: Base[9] > [0]
[225] POP // 8
[226] SETFLAG NOT Base[8]
[233] POP // 7
[234] FLAGGOTO currpos + 514 [753]
[239] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 8
[244] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 9
[249] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 10
[254] ASSIGN Base[10], Base[4]
[265] PUSHTYPE 18(String) // 11
[270] ASSIGN Base[11], [':\']
[287] PUSHVAR Base[9] // 12
[293] CALL 4
[298] POP // 11
[299] POP // 10
[300] POP // 9
[301] COMPARE into Base[8]: Base[9] > [0]
[322] POP // 8
[323] SETFLAG NOT Base[8]
[330] POP // 7
[331] FLAGGOTO currpos + 412 [748]
[336] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 8
[341] ASSIGN Base[8], Base[4]
[352] PUSHTYPE 23(Char) // 9
[357] ASSIGN Base[9], [#604]
[369] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 10
[375] CALL 4
[380] POP // 9
[381] POP // 8
[382] POP // 7
[383] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 8
[388] SETPOINTER Base[8]: Base[4]
[399] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 9
[404] ASSIGN Base[9], Base[1]
[415] PUSHTYPE 23(Char) // 10
[420] ASSIGN Base[10], [#549]
[432] CALL 24
[437] POP // 9
[438] POP // 8
[439] POP // 7
[440] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 8
[445] ASSIGN Base[8], Base[4]
[456] PUSHTYPE 23(Char) // 9
[461] ASSIGN Base[9], [#604]
[473] PUSHVAR Base[2] // 10
[479] CALL 4
[484] POP // 9
[485] POP // 8
[486] POP // 7
[487] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 8
[492] SETPOINTER Base[8]: Base[4]
[503] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 9
[508] ASSIGN Base[9], Base[1]
[519] PUSHTYPE 23(Char) // 10
[524] ASSIGN Base[10], [#604]
[536] CALL 24
[541] POP // 9
[542] POP // 8
[543] POP // 7
[544] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 8
[549] COMPARE into Base[8]: Base[2] > [0]
[570] SETFLAG NOT Base[8]
[577] POP // 7
[578] FLAGGOTO currpos + 143 [726]
[583] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 8
[588] ASSIGN Base[8], Base[7]
[599] PUSHTYPE 15(String) // 9
[604] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 10
[609] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 11
[614] ASSIGN Base[11], Base[2]
[625] CALC Base[11] - Base[1]
[637] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 12
[642] ASSIGN Base[12], Base[1]
[653] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 13
[658] ASSIGN Base[13], Base[4]
[669] PUSHVAR Base[10] // 14
[675] CALL 25
[680] POP // 13
[681] POP // 12
[682] POP // 11
[683] POP // 10
[684] ASSIGN Base[9], Base[10]
[695] POP // 9
[696] CALC Base[8] + Base[9]
[708] POP // 8
[709] ASSIGN Base[5], Base[8]
[720] POP // 7
[721] GOTO currpos + 11 [737]
[726] ASSIGN Base[5], GlobalVar[6]
[737] ASSIGN Base[-1], Base[5]
[748] GOTO currpos + 11 [764]
[753] ASSIGN Base[-1], GlobalVar[5]
[764] RET
Proc [22]: External Decl: \01 LENGTH
Proc [23]: External Decl: \01\00 EXTRACTFILEDRIVE
Proc [24]: External Decl: \00\00\00\01 WSTRSET
Proc [25]: External Decl: \01\00\00\00 COPY
Proc [26] Export: SETHARDENING -1
[0] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[10] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[15] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 4
[20] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[25] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 6
[30] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 7
[35] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 8
[40] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 9
[45] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 10
[50] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 11
[55] ASSIGN Base[11], ['']
[70] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 12
[76] CALL 21
[81] POP // 11
[82] POP // 10
[83] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 11
[88] ASSIGN Base[11], [' /f ']
[107] CALC Base[11] + Base[5]
[119] CALC Base[11] + [' /a /r /d y']
[146] ASSIGN Base[7], Base[11]
[157] POP // 10
[158] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 11
[163] ASSIGN Base[11], Base[5]
[174] CALC Base[11] + [' /reset /T /C /L /Q']
[209] ASSIGN Base[8], Base[11]
[220] POP // 10
[221] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 11
[226] ASSIGN Base[11], Base[5]
[237] CALC Base[11] + [' /inheritance:e /grant:r *S-1-5-32-544:(OI)(CI)F *S-1-5-
18:(OI)(CI)F *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)RX /T /C /L /Q']
[358] ASSIGN Base[9], Base[11]
[369] POP // 10
[370] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 11
[375] ASSIGN Base[11], Base[5]
[386] CALC Base[11] + [' /inheritance:r /C /L /Q']
[426] ASSIGN Base[10], Base[11]
[437] POP // 10
[438] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 11
[443] ASSIGN Base[11], ['{param:DIR|notprovided}']
[481] PUSHVAR Base[6] // 12
[487] CALL 7
[492] POP // 11
[493] POP // 10
[494] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 11
[499] COMPARE into Base[11]: Base[6] = ['notprovided']
[531] SETFLAG NOT Base[11]
[538] POP // 10
[539] FLAGGOTO currpos + 774 [1318]
[544] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 11
[549] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 12
[554] SETPOINTER Base[12]: Base[4]
[565] PUSHTYPE 30(U8) // 13
[570] ASSIGN Base[13], [1]
[582] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 14
[587] ASSIGN Base[14], [0]
[602] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 15
[607] ASSIGN Base[15], ['']
[622] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 16
[627] ASSIGN Base[16], Base[7]
[638] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 17
[643] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 18
[648] ASSIGN Base[18], ['{sys}\takeown.exe']
[680] PUSHVAR Base[17] // 19
[686] CALL 7
[691] POP // 18
[692] POP // 17
[693] PUSHVAR Base[11] // 18
[699] CALL 27
[704] POP // 17
[705] POP // 16
[706] POP // 15
[707] POP // 14
[708] POP // 13
[709] POP // 12
[710] POP // 11
[711] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 179 Base[11] [900]
[721] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 12
[726] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 13
[731] SETPOINTER Base[13]: Base[4]
[742] PUSHTYPE 30(U8) // 14
[747] ASSIGN Base[14], [1]
[759] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 15
[764] ASSIGN Base[15], [0]
[779] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 16
[784] ASSIGN Base[16], ['']
[799] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 17
[804] ASSIGN Base[17], Base[8]
[815] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 18
[820] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 19
[825] ASSIGN Base[19], ['{sys}\icacls.exe']
[856] PUSHVAR Base[18] // 20
[862] CALL 7
[867] POP // 19
[868] POP // 18
[869] PUSHVAR Base[12] // 19
[875] CALL 27
[880] POP // 18
[881] POP // 17
[882] POP // 16
[883] POP // 15
[884] POP // 14
[885] POP // 13
[886] POP // 12
[887] CALC Base[11] AND Base[12]
[899] POP // 11
[900] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 179 Base[11] [1089]
[910] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 12
[915] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 13
[920] SETPOINTER Base[13]: Base[4]
[931] PUSHTYPE 30(U8) // 14
[936] ASSIGN Base[14], [1]
[948] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 15
[953] ASSIGN Base[15], [0]
[968] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 16
[973] ASSIGN Base[16], ['']
[988] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 17
[993] ASSIGN Base[17], Base[9]
[1004] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 18
[1009] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 19
[1014] ASSIGN Base[19], ['{sys}\icacls.exe']
[1045] PUSHVAR Base[18] // 20
[1051] CALL 7
[1056] POP // 19
[1057] POP // 18
[1058] PUSHVAR Base[12] // 19
[1064] CALL 27
[1069] POP // 18
[1070] POP // 17
[1071] POP // 16
[1072] POP // 15
[1073] POP // 14
[1074] POP // 13
[1075] POP // 12
[1076] CALC Base[11] AND Base[12]
[1088] POP // 11
[1089] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 179 Base[11] [1278]
[1099] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 12
[1104] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 13
[1109] SETPOINTER Base[13]: Base[4]
[1120] PUSHTYPE 30(U8) // 14
[1125] ASSIGN Base[14], [1]
[1137] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 15
[1142] ASSIGN Base[15], [0]
[1157] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 16
[1162] ASSIGN Base[16], ['']
[1177] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 17
[1182] ASSIGN Base[17], Base[10]
[1193] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 18
[1198] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 19
[1203] ASSIGN Base[19], ['{sys}\icacls.exe']
[1234] PUSHVAR Base[18] // 20
[1240] CALL 7
[1245] POP // 19
[1246] POP // 18
[1247] PUSHVAR Base[12] // 19
[1253] CALL 27
[1258] POP // 18
[1259] POP // 17
[1260] POP // 16
[1261] POP // 15
[1262] POP // 14
[1263] POP // 13
[1264] POP // 12
[1265] CALC Base[11] AND Base[12]
[1277] POP // 11
[1278] SETFLAG NOT Base[11]
[1285] POP // 10
[1286] FLAGGOTO currpos + 16 [1307]
[1291] ASSIGN GlobalVar[2], Base[4]
[1302] GOTO currpos + 11 [1318]
[1307] ASSIGN GlobalVar[2], Base[4]
[1318] RET
Proc [27]: External Decl: \01\00\00\00\00\00\01 EXEC
Proc [28] Export: GETEXTRACTPATH 17 @17
[0] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[10] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[15] ASSIGN Base[2], GlobalVar[5]
[26] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[31] ASSIGN Base[4], ['{param:DIR|notprovided}']
[69] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 5
[75] CALL 7
[80] POP // 4
[81] POP // 3
[82] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[87] ASSIGN Base[4], Base[1]
[98] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 5
[103] COMPARE into Base[5]: ['notprovided'] = Base[4]
[135] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 60 Base[5] [205]
[145] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 6
[150] COMPARE into Base[6]: GlobalVar[0] = ['']
[171] SETFLAG NOT Base[6]
[178] POP // 5
[179] FLAGGOTO currpos + 5 [189]
[184] GOTO currpos + 11 [200]
[189] ASSIGN Base[2], GlobalVar[0]
[200] GOTO currpos + 11 [216]
[205] ASSIGN Base[2], Base[1]
[216] POP // 4
[217] POP // 3
[218] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 4
[223] COMPARE into Base[4]: GlobalVar[4] = ['']
[244] SETFLAG NOT Base[4]
[251] POP // 3
[252] FLAGGOTO currpos + 435 [692]
[257] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 4
[262] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 5
[268] CALL 6
[273] POP // 4
[274] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 47 Base[4] [331]
[284] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 5
[289] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 6
[294] ASSIGN Base[6], Base[2]
[305] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 7
[311] CALL 12
[316] POP // 6
[317] POP // 5
[318] CALC Base[4] AND Base[5]
[330] POP // 4
[331] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 230 Base[4] [571]
[341] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 5
[346] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[351] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 7
[356] PUSHVAR Base[7] // 8
[362] CALL 5
[367] POP // 7
[368] PUSHTYPE 18(String) // 8
[373] ASSIGN Base[8], ['/VERYSILENT']
[399] PUSHVAR Base[6] // 9
[405] CALL 4
[410] POP // 8
[411] POP // 7
[412] POP // 6
[413] COMPARE into Base[5]: Base[6] > [0]
[434] POP // 5
[435] COND_GOTO currpos + 107 Base[5] [552]
[445] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 6
[450] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 7
[455] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 8
[460] PUSHVAR Base[8] // 9
[466] CALL 5
[471] POP // 8
[472] PUSHTYPE 18(String) // 9
[477] ASSIGN Base[9], ['/verysilent']
[503] PUSHVAR Base[7] // 10
[509] CALL 4
[514] POP // 9
[515] POP // 8
[516] POP // 7
[517] COMPARE into Base[6]: Base[7] > [0]
[538] POP // 6
[539] CALC Base[5] OR Base[6]
[551] POP // 5
[552] BNOT Base[5]
[558] CALC Base[4] AND Base[5]
[570] POP // 4
[571] SETFLAG NOT Base[4]
[578] POP // 3
[579] FLAGGOTO currpos + 31 [615]
[584] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 4
[589] ASSIGN Base[4], [1001]
[604] CALL 15
[609] POP // 3
[610] GOTO currpos + 72 [687]
[615] ASSIGN GlobalVar[4], ['done']
[634] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 4
[639] ASSIGN Base[4], Base[2]
[650] CALC Base[4] + [#92]
[663] CALC Base[4] + Base[-2]
[675] ASSIGN Base[-1], Base[4]
[686] POP // 3
[687] GOTO currpos + 53 [745]
[692] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 4
[697] ASSIGN Base[4], Base[2]
[708] CALC Base[4] + [#92]
[721] CALC Base[4] + Base[-2]
[733] ASSIGN Base[-1], Base[4]
[744] POP // 3
[745] RET
Proc [29] Export: POSTINSTALL -1
[0] ASSIGN GlobalVar[7], [1]
[12] RET
Proc [30] Export: CREATERANDOMSUFFIX 17 @17
[0] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[5] COMPARE into Base[1]: GlobalVar[9] = [0]
[26] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[33] POP // 0
[34] FLAGGOTO currpos + 105 [144]
[39] PUSHTYPE 22(WideChar) // 1
[44] ASSIGN Base[1], [#512]
[56] PUSHTYPE 22(WideChar) // 2
[61] ASSIGN Base[2], [#512]
[73] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[78] ASSIGN Base[3], ['yyyyddmm.hhnnss']
[108] PUSHVAR GlobalVar[8] // 4
[114] CALL 20
[119] POP // 3
[120] POP // 2
[121] POP // 1
[122] POP // 0
[123] CALC GlobalVar[9] + [1]
[139] GOTO currpos + 70 [214]
[144] CALC GlobalVar[9] + [1]
[160] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[165] COMPARE into Base[1]: GlobalVar[9] = [6]
[186] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[193] POP // 0
[194] FLAGGOTO currpos + 15 [214]
[199] ASSIGN GlobalVar[9], [0]
[214] ASSIGN Base[-1], GlobalVar[8]
[225] RET
Proc [31] Export: SHOULDRUNCLEANUP 27
[0] ASSIGN Base[-1], GlobalVar[3]
[11] BNOT Base[-1]
[17] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 12 Base[-1] [39]
[27] CALC Base[-1] AND GlobalVar[7]
[39] RET
Proc [32] Export: INITIALIZESETUP 27
[0] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[5] ASSIGN Base[1], ['C:\DRIVERS\FLASH\jbuj73ww']
[45] CALL 1
[50] POP // 0
[51] CALL 29
[56] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[68] RET
Proc [33] Export: INSTALLSTEPS 11
[0] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 2
[10] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[15] ASSIGN Base[3], ['WINUPTP.exe']
[41] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 4
[47] CALL 28
[52] POP // 3
[53] POP // 2
[54] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[59] PUSHTYPE 0(Pointer) // 4
[64] SETPOINTER Base[4]: Base[2]
[75] PUSHTYPE 30(U8) // 5
[80] ASSIGN Base[5], [1]
[92] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[97] PUSHVAR Base[6] // 7
[103] CALL 3
[108] POP // 6
[109] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 7
[114] ASSIGN Base[7], ['']
[129] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 8
[134] PUSHVAR Base[8] // 9
[140] CALL 9
[145] POP // 8
[146] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 9
[151] ASSIGN Base[9], Base[1]
[162] PUSHVAR Base[3] // 10
[168] CALL 27
[173] POP // 9
[174] POP // 8
[175] POP // 7
[176] POP // 6
[177] POP // 5
[178] POP // 4
[179] POP // 3
[180] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[187] POP // 2
[188] FLAGGOTO currpos + 16 [209]
[193] ASSIGN GlobalVar[2], Base[2]
[204] GOTO currpos + 15 [224]
[209] ASSIGN GlobalVar[2], [-1]
[224] RET
Proc [34] Export: INITIALIZEWIZARD -1
[0] ASSIGN GlobalVar[12], [9]
[15] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[20] ASSIGN Base[1], GlobalVar[3]
[31] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[38] POP // 0
[39] FLAGGOTO currpos + 12 [56]
[44] ASSIGN GlobalVar[14], [1]
[56] PUSHVAR GlobalVar[5] // 1
[62] CALL 19
[67] POP // 0
[68] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[73] ASSIGN Base[1], GlobalVar[3]
[84] BNOT Base[1]
[90] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[97] POP // 0
[98] FLAGGOTO currpos + 765 [868]
[103] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 1
[108] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[113] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[118] ASSIGN Base[3], ['{cm:PatchString}']
[149] PUSHVAR Base[2] // 4
[155] CALL 7
[160] POP // 3
[161] POP // 2
[162] ASSIGN Base[1], Base[2]
[173] POP // 1
[174] CALC Base[1] + [' Script Version ']
[206] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[211] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[216] ASSIGN Base[3], [#561]
[228] PUSHVAR Base[2] // 4
[234] CALL 7
[239] POP // 3
[240] POP // 2
[241] CALC Base[1] + Base[2]
[253] POP // 1
[254] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[259] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[264] ASSIGN Base[3], ['.8']
[281] PUSHVAR Base[2] // 4
[287] CALL 7
[292] POP // 3
[293] POP // 2
[294] CALC Base[1] + Base[2]
[306] POP // 1
[307] ASSIGN GlobalVar[13], Base[1]
[318] POP // 0
[319] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[324] ASSIGN Base[1], [0]
[336] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 2
[341] ASSIGN Base[2], [1]
[353] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[358] ASSIGN Base[3], ['Click "Next" to "Install" now or choose "Extract only" if
you want to install later.']
[457] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[462] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 5
[467] ASSIGN Base[5], GlobalVar[13]
[478] CALC Base[5] + [#13#10]
[496] CALC Base[5] + ['Do you want to Extract or Install the application?']
[562] ASSIGN Base[4], Base[5]
[573] POP // 4
[574] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[579] ASSIGN Base[5], ['Extract or Install?']
[613] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[618] ASSIGN Base[6], GlobalVar[12]
[629] PUSHVAR GlobalVar[10] // 7
[635] CALL 35
[640] POP // 6
[641] POP // 5
[642] POP // 4
[643] POP // 3
[644] POP // 2
[645] POP // 1
[646] POP // 0
[647] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 1
[652] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[657] ASSIGN Base[2], ['Extract only']
[684] PUSHTYPE 31(Class) // 3
[689] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[10]
[700] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 4
[706] CALL 36
[711] POP // 3
[712] POP // 2
[713] POP // 1
[714] POP // 0
[715] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 1
[720] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[725] ASSIGN Base[2], ['Install']
[747] PUSHTYPE 31(Class) // 3
[752] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[10]
[763] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 4
[769] CALL 36
[774] POP // 3
[775] POP // 2
[776] POP // 1
[777] POP // 0
[778] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[783] ASSIGN Base[1], [1]
[795] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 2
[800] ASSIGN Base[2], [1]
[815] PUSHTYPE 31(Class) // 3
[820] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[10]
[831] CALL 37
[836] POP // 2
[837] POP // 1
[838] POP // 0
[839] PUSHTYPE 31(Class) // 1
[844] ASSIGN Base[1], GlobalVar[10]
[855] PUSHVAR GlobalVar[12] // 2
[861] CALL 38
[866] POP // 1
[867] POP // 0
[868] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[873] ASSIGN Base[1], ['New Folder']
[898] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 2
[903] ASSIGN Base[2], [0]
[915] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[920] PUSHTYPE 19(UnicodeString) // 4
[925] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[930] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 6
[935] ASSIGN Base[6], ['{cm:DestLocationCaption}']
[974] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 7
[980] CALL 7
[985] POP // 6
[986] POP // 5
[987] ASSIGN Base[4], Base[5]
[998] POP // 4
[999] CALC Base[4] + [#13#10#13#10]
[1019] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[1024] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 6
[1029] ASSIGN Base[6], ['{cm:DestLocationCaption2}']
[1069] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 7
[1075] CALL 7
[1080] POP // 6
[1081] POP // 5
[1082] CALC Base[4] + Base[5]
[1094] POP // 4
[1095] ASSIGN Base[3], Base[4]
[1106] POP // 3
[1107] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[1112] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[1117] ASSIGN Base[5], ['{cm:DestLocationSub}']
[1152] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 6
[1158] CALL 7
[1163] POP // 5
[1164] POP // 4
[1165] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[1170] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 6
[1175] ASSIGN Base[6], ['{cm:DestLocation}']
[1207] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 7
[1213] CALL 7
[1218] POP // 6
[1219] POP // 5
[1220] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[1225] ASSIGN Base[6], GlobalVar[12]
[1236] PUSHVAR GlobalVar[11] // 7
[1242] CALL 39
[1247] POP // 6
[1248] POP // 5
[1249] POP // 4
[1250] POP // 3
[1251] POP // 2
[1252] POP // 1
[1253] POP // 0
[1254] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 1
[1259] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[1264] ASSIGN Base[2], ['']
[1279] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 3
[1284] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[11]
[1295] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 4
[1301] CALL 40
[1306] POP // 3
[1307] POP // 2
[1308] POP // 1
[1309] POP // 0
[1310] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 1
[1315] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 2
[1320] ASSIGN Base[2], ['']
[1335] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 3
[1341] CALL 28
[1346] POP // 2
[1347] POP // 1
[1348] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 2
[1353] ASSIGN Base[2], [0]
[1368] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 3
[1373] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[11]
[1384] CALL 41
[1389] POP // 2
[1390] POP // 1
[1391] POP // 0
[1392] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 1
[1397] ASSIGN Base[1], GlobalVar[11]
[1408] PUSHVAR GlobalVar[12] // 2
[1414] CALL 38
[1419] POP // 1
[1420] POP // 0
[1421] RET
Proc [35]: External Decl: \01\00\00\00\00\00\00 CREATEINPUTOPTIONPAGE
Proc [36]: External Decl: class:TINPUTOPTIONWIZARDPAGE|ADD|\00\01\00
Proc [37]: External Decl: class:TINPUTOPTIONWIZARDPAGE|VALUES@|\02\00\00\00
Proc [38]: External Decl: class:TWIZARDPAGE|ID|\01\00\00\00
Proc [39]: External Decl: \01\00\00\00\00\00\00 CREATEINPUTDIRPAGE
Proc [40]: External Decl: class:TINPUTDIRWIZARDPAGE|ADD|\00\01\00
Proc [41]: External Decl: class:TINPUTDIRWIZARDPAGE|VALUES@|\02\00\00\00
Proc [42] Export: CURPAGECHANGED -1 @11
[0] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 1
[5] ASSIGN Base[1], Base[-1]
[16] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 2
[21] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 3
[26] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 4
[31] ASSIGN Base[4], GlobalVar[11]
[42] PUSHVAR Base[3] // 5
[48] CALL 38
[53] POP // 4
[54] POP // 3
[55] COMPARE into Base[2]: Base[3] = Base[1]
[72] POP // 2
[73] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 74 Base[2] [157]
[83] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[88] ASSIGN Base[3], ['Extract']
[110] PUSHTYPE 34(Class) // 4
[115] PUSHTYPE 33(Class) // 5
[120] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 6
[126] CALL 43
[131] POP // 5
[132] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 6
[138] CALL 44
[143] POP // 5
[144] POP // 4
[145] CALL 45
[150] POP // 3
[151] POP // 2
[152] GOTO currpos + 304 [461]
[157] COMPARE into Base[2]: [14] = Base[1]
[178] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 102 Base[2] [290]
[188] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[193] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[3]
[204] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[211] POP // 2
[212] FLAGGOTO currpos + 68 [285]
[217] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[222] ASSIGN Base[3], ['Finish']
[243] PUSHTYPE 34(Class) // 4
[248] PUSHTYPE 33(Class) // 5
[253] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 6
[259] CALL 43
[264] POP // 5
[265] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 6
[271] CALL 44
[276] POP // 5
[277] POP // 4
[278] CALL 45
[283] POP // 3
[284] POP // 2
[285] GOTO currpos + 171 [461]
[290] COMPARE into Base[2]: [10] = Base[1]
[311] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 74 Base[2] [395]
[321] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[326] ASSIGN Base[3], ['Install']
[348] PUSHTYPE 34(Class) // 4
[353] PUSHTYPE 33(Class) // 5
[358] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 6
[364] CALL 43
[369] POP // 5
[370] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 6
[376] CALL 44
[381] POP // 5
[382] POP // 4
[383] CALL 45
[388] POP // 3
[389] POP // 2
[390] GOTO currpos + 66 [461]
[395] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[400] ASSIGN Base[3], ['Next']
[419] PUSHTYPE 34(Class) // 4
[424] PUSHTYPE 33(Class) // 5
[429] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 6
[435] CALL 43
[440] POP // 5
[441] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 6
[447] CALL 44
[452] POP // 5
[453] POP // 4
[454] CALL 45
[459] POP // 3
[460] POP // 2
[461] POP // 1
[462] POP // 0
[463] RET
Proc [43]: External Decl: \01 WIZARDFORM
Proc [44]: External Decl: class:TWIZARDFORM|NEXTBUTTON|\01\00\00\00
Proc [45]: External Decl: class:TBUTTON|CAPTION@|\01\00\00\00
Proc [46] Export: NEXTBUTTONCLICK 27 @11
[0] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 1
[5] ASSIGN Base[1], Base[-2]
[16] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 2
[21] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 3
[26] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 4
[31] ASSIGN Base[4], GlobalVar[11]
[42] PUSHVAR Base[3] // 5
[48] CALL 38
[53] POP // 4
[54] POP // 3
[55] COMPARE into Base[2]: Base[3] = Base[1]
[72] POP // 2
[73] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 545 Base[2] [628]
[83] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[88] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[93] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 5
[98] ASSIGN Base[5], [0]
[113] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 6
[118] ASSIGN Base[6], GlobalVar[11]
[129] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 7
[135] CALL 47
[140] POP // 6
[141] POP // 5
[142] POP // 4
[143] PUSHVAR Base[3] // 5
[149] CALL 12
[154] POP // 4
[155] POP // 3
[156] BNOT Base[3]
[162] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[169] POP // 2
[170] FLAGGOTO currpos + 448 [623]
[175] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[180] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[185] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 5
[190] ASSIGN Base[5], [0]
[205] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 6
[210] ASSIGN Base[6], GlobalVar[11]
[221] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 7
[227] CALL 47
[232] POP // 6
[233] POP // 5
[234] POP // 4
[235] PUSHVAR Base[3] // 5
[241] CALL 48
[246] POP // 4
[247] POP // 3
[248] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[255] POP // 2
[256] FLAGGOTO currpos + 166 [427]
[261] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[266] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[271] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[276] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 6
[281] ASSIGN Base[6], [0]
[296] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 7
[301] ASSIGN Base[7], GlobalVar[11]
[312] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 8
[318] CALL 47
[323] POP // 7
[324] POP // 6
[325] POP // 5
[326] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 6
[332] CALL 21
[337] POP // 5
[338] POP // 4
[339] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 5
[344] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 6
[349] ASSIGN Base[6], GlobalVar[5]
[360] PUSHVAR Base[5] // 7
[366] CALL 21
[371] POP // 6
[372] POP // 5
[373] COMPARE into Base[3]: Base[4] = Base[5]
[390] POP // 4
[391] POP // 3
[392] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[399] POP // 2
[400] FLAGGOTO currpos + 5 [410]
[405] CALL 26
[410] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[422] GOTO currpos + 196 [623]
[427] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[432] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 4
[437] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 5
[442] ASSIGN Base[5], [0]
[457] PUSHTYPE 29(U8) // 6
[462] ASSIGN Base[6], [2]
[474] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 7
[479] ASSIGN Base[7], ['Failed to create Extraction Directories. Are you admin?']
[549] PUSHVAR Base[4] // 8
[555] CALL 14
[560] POP // 7
[561] POP // 6
[562] POP // 5
[563] POP // 4
[564] COMPARE into Base[3]: Base[4] = [1]
[585] POP // 3
[586] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[593] POP // 2
[594] FLAGGOTO currpos + 12 [611]
[599] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[611] ASSIGN Base[-1], [0]
[623] GOTO currpos + 252 [880]
[628] COMPARE into Base[2]: [10] = Base[1]
[649] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 209 Base[2] [868]
[659] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[664] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[3]
[675] BNOT Base[3]
[681] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[688] POP // 2
[689] FLAGGOTO currpos + 157 [851]
[694] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[699] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[7]
[710] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[717] POP // 2
[718] FLAGGOTO currpos + 68 [791]
[723] ASSIGN GlobalVar[1], GlobalVar[5]
[734] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[739] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 4
[744] ASSIGN Base[4], GlobalVar[1]
[755] PUSHVAR Base[3] // 5
[761] CALL 48
[766] POP // 4
[767] POP // 3
[768] SETFLAG NOT Base[3]
[775] POP // 2
[776] FLAGGOTO currpos + 5 [786]
[781] CALL 26
[786] GOTO currpos + 38 [829]
[791] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[796] ASSIGN Base[3], ['{tmp}']
[816] PUSHVAR GlobalVar[1] // 4
[822] CALL 7
[827] POP // 3
[828] POP // 2
[829] PUSHTYPE 17(UnicodeString) // 3
[834] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[1]
[845] CALL 8
[850] POP // 2
[851] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[863] GOTO currpos + 12 [880]
[868] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[880] POP // 1
[881] POP // 0
[882] RET
Proc [47]: External Decl: class:TINPUTDIRWIZARDPAGE|VALUES|\02\00\00\00
Proc [48]: External Decl: \01\00 FORCEDIRECTORIES
Proc [49] Export: SHOULDSKIPPAGE 27 @11
[0] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[5] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 2
[10] PUSHTYPE 32(Class) // 3
[15] ASSIGN Base[3], GlobalVar[11]
[26] PUSHVAR Base[2] // 4
[32] CALL 38
[37] POP // 3
[38] POP // 2
[39] COMPARE into Base[1]: Base[-2] = Base[2]
[56] POP // 1
[57] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[64] POP // 0
[65] FLAGGOTO currpos + 170 [240]
[70] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[75] ASSIGN Base[1], GlobalVar[14]
[86] BNOT Base[1]
[92] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[99] POP // 0
[100] FLAGGOTO currpos + 61 [166]
[105] PUSHTYPE 11(S32) // 1
[110] ASSIGN Base[1], [0]
[125] PUSHTYPE 31(Class) // 2
[130] ASSIGN Base[2], GlobalVar[10]
[141] PUSHVAR Base[-1] // 3
[147] CALL 50
[152] POP // 2
[153] POP // 1
[154] POP // 0
[155] BNOT Base[-1]
[161] GOTO currpos + 12 [178]
[166] ASSIGN Base[-1], [0]
[178] ASSIGN GlobalVar[3], Base[-1]
[189] BNOT GlobalVar[3]
[195] COND_GOTO currpos + 30 GlobalVar[3] [235]
[205] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[210] PUSHVAR Base[1] // 2
[216] CALL 6
[221] POP // 1
[222] CALC GlobalVar[3] OR Base[1]
[234] POP // 0
[235] GOTO currpos + 12 [252]
[240] ASSIGN Base[-1], [0]
[252] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[257] ASSIGN Base[1], GlobalVar[3]
[268] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 186 Base[1] [464]
[278] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 2
[283] COMPARE into Base[2]: Base[-2] = [10]
[304] COND_GOTO currpos + 39 Base[2] [353]
[314] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[319] COMPARE into Base[3]: Base[-2] = [11]
[340] CALC Base[2] OR Base[3]
[352] POP // 2
[353] COND_GOTO currpos + 39 Base[2] [402]
[363] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[368] COMPARE into Base[3]: Base[-2] = [12]
[389] CALC Base[2] OR Base[3]
[401] POP // 2
[402] COND_GOTO currpos + 39 Base[2] [451]
[412] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 3
[417] COMPARE into Base[3]: Base[-2] = [13]
[438] CALC Base[2] OR Base[3]
[450] POP // 2
[451] CALC Base[1] AND Base[2]
[463] POP // 1
[464] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[471] POP // 0
[472] FLAGGOTO currpos + 12 [489]
[477] ASSIGN Base[-1], [1]
[489] RET
Proc [50]: External Decl: class:TINPUTOPTIONWIZARDPAGE|VALUES|\02\00\00\00
[0] ASSIGN Base[-1], GlobalVar[2]
[11] RET
Proc [52] Export: INSTALL -1
[0] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[5] ASSIGN Base[1], GlobalVar[3]
[16] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[23] POP // 0
[24] FLAGGOTO currpos + 20 [49]
[29] ASSIGN GlobalVar[2], [0]
[44] GOTO currpos + 12 [61]
[49] PUSHVAR GlobalVar[2] // 1
[55] CALL 33
[60] POP // 0
[61] RET
Proc [53] Export: CURSTEPCHANGED -1 @35
[0] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 1
[5] COMPARE into Base[1]: Base[-1] = [3]
[23] COND_NOT_GOTO currpos + 36 Base[1] [69]
[33] PUSHTYPE 27(U8) // 2
[38] COMPARE into Base[2]: GlobalVar[7] = [1]
[56] CALC Base[1] AND Base[2]
[68] POP // 1
[69] SETFLAG NOT Base[1]
[76] POP // 0
[77] FLAGGOTO currpos + 5 [87]
[82] CALL 52
[87] RET

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