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Lycée Jean Hilaire AUBAME EYEGHE

Text 1: “COVID-19”


This text entitled “COVID-19” is an article adapted from N. MANIKANDAN, taken from, and released in 2019. This explanatory text deals with the
Coronavirus disease focusing on its origin, its symptoms, its spread, and its preventive measures.
The author sensitises us to the pandemic and how to avoid catching it.


 Structure
I can divide the text into three parts.
- The first part (from line 1 to line 8) focuses on the origin, and symptoms of COVID-19.
- The second part (from line 9 to line 12) deals with how COVID-19 spreads.
- The last part goes from line 12 to line 29. This part emphasises some preventive measures of the
 Summary proper
COVID-19 was first identified in China, in 2019. Among its symptoms there are fever, cough,
fatigue, headache, etc. COVID-19 is a contagious disease. To avoid catching it, some preventive
measures, such as social distancing, hand washing, wearing face masks, etc. should be followed.

Like any other disease, COVID-19 has its symptoms. The symptoms of COVID-19 seem to be a
mixture of those of other diseases such as influenza, malaria, etc. Those symptoms include “fever,
fatigue, sore throat”, etc., headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea”, etc.

Besides, we can understand that, despite its “rapid spreads”, COVID-19 is not a fatality, it can be
avoided. In fact, people are recommended to follow some preventive measures, such as “hand
washing”, “social distancing”, “wearing of face masks”, etc. I think that if people follow these
measures they can avoid catching COVID-19.

This text presents a social interest because it helps know more about COVID-19, which affects our
society. What I learnt is that COVID-19 is a real contagious disease, and can spread rapidly. The
author thinks that the pandemic can be controlled. I agree with him because measures have been
taken to prevent it.

Teacher : Hubert Xavier ONDO ESSONO

Lycée Jean Hilaire AUBAME EYEGHE

 Branching out: This text makes me think of the situation in Africa where the number of
cases is lower than that of Europe and America. This makes think that African people are
more resistant to coronavirus than white people.


Text 2: “How to succeed at school”

I- Introduction

This text is entitled “How to succeed at school”. It is an article taken from Awake!, published in
October 2012. This informative article deals with some tips that can help to succeed at school, with
the intention to sensitise learners to be aware of them.

II- Text Summary

1. Structure
I can divide the text into three parts.

- The first part (from line 1 to line 3) is an overall view of the text is about.

- The second part (from line 4 to line 27) presents the tips to succeed at school.

- The last part (from line 28 to line 30) sensitises learners to have a dream so that they can be what
they want to be.

2. Summary Proper

Many students fail at school. To succeed, they should get motivated and organized, get help from
family, teachers, stay healthy, and have a goal. Beyond all these, they should think of their future.

III- Commentary

The text enlightens some tips to help students to succeed at school. In fact, to succeed, students
should “get motivated”, “get organised”, “get help”, “stay healthy”, and “have a goal”. These tips
can be seen as a methodology. And students are recommended to follow those different steps to

Thinking of what you want to be in future helps you to follow the different tips that the text
recommends. As a matter of fact, each student should “think of” their “dream job” so that they can
do their best to have it.

IV- Evaluation

Teacher : Hubert Xavier ONDO ESSONO

Lycée Jean Hilaire AUBAME EYEGHE

This text is interesting because it helps students to succeed at school. And the text, through the tips
it deals with, teaches us that planning is the key to success. And I agree with the text that “it is better
to consider your abilities, your options and opportunities” to succeed.

This text makes me think of learners who cheat at school. It’s obvious that they don’t care about the
tips the text deals with.


Text 3: “Does the gabonese society truly value its children ?”

I- Introduction

The text entitled “Does the gabonese society truly value its children ?” is an article adapted from, published on January 26, 2021 . This is an explanatory text
dealing with Gabonese students’ misbehaviours with the intention to sensitize parents to their
responsibility for that.

II- Text Summary

1. Structure
This article can be divided into three (3) parts:
- The first part goes from line 1 to line 11. This part can be entitled “Who make Gabonese young
people misbehave?”
- The second part goes from line 12 to line 21. It sensitizes parents to the way they should raise their
- The third and last part goes from line 22 to the end (line 29). This part shows how parents are
responsible for their children misbehaviours.
2. Summary Proper
Gabonese young people misbehave today. But who make them behave this way? Parents should
raise their children well, in accordance with their values. Some parents have misbehaviors. This
influences the children’s way of being.

III- Commentary

The author develops two main ideas. In fact, he shows how Gabonese children or students
misbehave. Today’s Gabonese young people are incomprehensible bahaviours. They are being
shown on videos “dancing very suggestively and provocatively’’. These videos are seen by many
social media viewers all around the world. And this is disgracing Gabon on the international stage.

But this article is not ‘’blaming systematically these children’’. Our society, especially parents are
being blamed because their way of being has an impact on children’s behaviour. As a matter of fact,
Teacher : Hubert Xavier ONDO ESSONO
Lycée Jean Hilaire AUBAME EYEGHE

many adults forget that they are models for their children. Whatever they do or say before their
children can be reproduced by these latter. When a parent has ‘’an immature personality’’, or ‘’a
lack of morality’’, he or she cannot ‘’raise their children appropriately’’.

IV- Evaluation

This text has a social interest because it describes Gabonese students’ wrongdoing, which affects
our society. But it teaches that the students behave this way because they are influenced by their
parents’ misbehaviours. And this is the author’s opinion. I don’t agree with this because I think that
Internet and what they watch on television corrupt their way of being.

Branching out: This text reminds me of children or students who disrespect adult people because
they try to imitate what they watch on western television programme.


Text 4: “Gabon’s economy”

I- Introduction
The text entitled “Gabon’s economy” is an extract of article adapted from, last
Updated on October 15, 2021. This informative text deals with Gabon’s natural resourcesmis. It
sensitizes to how Gabon is a very country but

II- Text Summary

1. Structure
This article can be divided into three (3) parts:
- The first part goes from line 1 to line 7. This part shows Gabon’s economy is strongly linked with
former colonies.
- The second part goes from line 8 to line 14. It presents Gabon’s natural resources.
- The third and last part goes from line 15 to the end (line 27). This part shows how petroleum brings
revenues in Gabon.
2. Summary Proper
Gabon’s economy benefits former colonial rulers more than African countries. Gabon’s natural
resources consist of manganese, uranium, diamonds, gold, iron, and petroleum. Petroleum brings
more revenues and helps build the country.

III- Commentary

Gabon is a country that, for all intents and purposes, is oil rich and should have all the resources to
help its population. Yes, Gabon is a fortunate land, but that good fortune is far from satisfying
Gabonese people, for it is not equally shared. In fact, “Gabon’s economy has more links with European
and American markets that it benefits more.

IV- Evaluation

Teacher : Hubert Xavier ONDO ESSONO

Lycée Jean Hilaire AUBAME EYEGHE

This text has an economic interest because it describes Gabon’s economy. The text teaches that
Gabon’s economy benefits European and American countries more than African countries. I do
agree with the author’s opinion because Africa, and especially Gabon don’t take full advantage of
its natural resources.

Branching out: This text reminds me of the endless strikes of Gabonese workers who demand good
working and living conditions.

Teacher : Hubert Xavier ONDO ESSONO

Lycée Jean Hilaire AUBAME EYEGHE

Teacher : Hubert Xavier ONDO ESSONO

Lycée Jean Hilaire AUBAME EYEGHE

Teacher : Hubert Xavier ONDO ESSONO

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