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 The word France cones from the Latin Francia which means ‘realm of the Franks’ and
referred to a tribe who lived in what is now France during the Roman period.
 France is the most visited country in the World.
 Approximately 89 million people visit France every year.
 Over 19 million tourists visited the city of Paris, France.
 France is smaller than Texas.
 France is twice as big as the United Kingdom and eight times the size of Ireland.
 France has the largest Art Museum.
 Louvre Museum in Paris, France is the largest art museum in the World.
 French artist created 66% of all the artwork in the museum.
 French can eat 25,000 Tons of Snails each year.
 The French consider snails to be a delicacy and they are often enjoyed during holidays.
 Snails in France are often eaten as an appetizer.
 It is illegal to carry live snails on a train in France unless they have a ticket.
 France produces over 1,5000 Types of Cheese.
 France ranks in the top ten countries for their amount of cheese consumption.
 Supermarkets in France can’t throw away food.
 France had a King that lasted only 20 minutes.
 The French army invented camouflage.
 It’s unlucky to turn a baguette upside down.
 The tour de France is more than 100 years old.
 The French drink over 11 million glasses of wine each year.
 The French consume approximately 25 million hectoliters per year.
 French is a Romance language.
 French is the 6th most spoken language in the World.
 French is an official diplomatic language.
 French wasn’t popular in France.
 29% of English vocabulary comes from French.
 French has a lot of Homophones.
 French Doesn’t have any words with W.
 The French don’t care about affairs.
 The French work less and vacation more than most others.
 Drinking is a part of life in France.
 Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite is the national motto.
 The camera phone was invented in France.
 French was the official language of England for about 300 years.
 The French tin cans, the hairdryer, and the hot air balloon.
 The first public screening of a movie was by the French Lumiere in 1895.
 France legalized same sex marriage in 2013.
 Spain was the World’s first global empire.
 On Biblical names the meaning of the name Spain is Rare and precious.
 The term Spain is derived from the Roman name for the region Hispania.
 Spanish is the World’s second-most spoken native language.
 Rich in UNESCO World Heritage Site.
 Spain hosts the World’s biggest food fight.
 Spain is home to the World’s Oldest Restaurant.
 Spain has the highest number of bars in the European union.
 Spain is a democratic constitutional monarchy, a.k.a. parliamentary monarchy.
 People live 83 years on average in Spain.
 The tooth fairy in Spain is a mouse called Ratoncito Perez.
 Spain doesn’t have a law that prohibits public nudity.
 Spain was the 1st country where win energy was the 1st source of electricity for an entire year.
 The country produces a lot of olive oil.
 It has over 8,000 kilometers of Coastline.
 Spain is one of the biggest producers of saffron in the World.
 The majority of Spaniards are known to be Roman Catholic.
 Is you get invited to the home of a Spaniard, you can bring the chocolates, cakes, pastries.
 Tipping is entirely optional in Spanish.
 Spain has hosted the Olympic games only once.
 Spaniards are known to be a very tolerant society.
 Spain’s national anthem is one of the four anthems in the World that does not have any words.
 Spain has the largest number of blue flag beaches.
 The quill pen’s origin is thought to be Spain, some 1,400 years ago.
 The Eiffel Tower was almost bult in Spain.
 The national animal is the Bull.
 Bullfighting is still legal in some parts of Spain.
 The Spanish flan is a national dessert of Spain.
 The red carnation is known to be Spain’s national flower.
 Spain did not officially participate in the World Wars.
 One of the World’s most Diverse cultures.
 Football is Spain’s National Sport.
 The biggest lottery Draw worldwide.
 Over 300 Days of Sunshine.
 The rem Hispania from an eponymous here named Hispa.
 The root of the name was ‘Span’ meaning Rabbits.


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