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"Efficacy of the use of Modules for Education in the New Normal"

The transition from traditional learning methods to technologically advanced methods is becoming
increasingly necessary due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Modules, which are adaptable for digital
platforms, are becoming a popular method for students to continue their education in this new normal.
The effectiveness of modules for education in the new normal has been an area of debate, with many
believing that they can be beneficial. This paper outlines the effectiveness of the use of modules for
educational purposes in the new normal.

Though there are many advantages of using educational modules in the new normal, it is important to
consider some potential drawbacks. The use of modules may lead to a lack of personal interaction
between student and teacher, causing a disconnect in the learning process. Additionally, a lack of
adaptability may occur if students are provided with a set curriculum and limited resources from which to
draw upon. These drawbacks raise questions about the effectiveness of module-based learning.

Despite these potential drawbacks, the use of educational modules in the new normal has numerous
advantages that cannot be overlooked. Online modules promote flexibility and autonomy, allowing
students to work at their own pace with the ability to review content and practice skills. In addition,
modules provide a more widespread access to education, as they can be supplemented with online
lectures, videos, and other interactive components. Furthermore, modules have the potential to reduce the
effect of disparities in teaching qualifications, eliminating variation between teachers that can lead to
unequal instruction.

In conclusion, the use of modules in the new normal provides many advantages that outweigh the
potential drawbacks, creating an effective and equitable platform for online learning. Given the range of
benefits, the implementation of educational modules in the new normal should be prioritized and further
explored by educational institutions.

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