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COREN is empowered by decrees, No 55, 1970 and No 27, 1992 (amendment) to accredit
training institutions and regulate the practice of engineers, Technologists, Technicians and
Craftsmen in Nigeria.

By these decrees, it is illegal for the following to practice or be employed, except for the
purpose of training and apprenticeship, without being registered by COREN:

1. Engineers 
2. Engineering Technologists 
3. Engineering Technicians 
4. Engineering Craftsmen and 
5. Engineering Consulting firms

Anybody corporate or individual employer who engages the services of unregistered

engineering personnel or consulting firms commits an offence against the law of the land as
stipulated in clause 13(6), page 14 of the COREN decrees.

Engineering regulations monitoring (ERM) inspectors have been appointed all over Nigeria
to fish out offenders.

The Structure of COREN

The Council is the highest policy making body. Members of the Council must be registered
Engineering Personnel. The Council consist of 26 members in accordance with the Act, as

 The President - elected by the Council.

 Six (6) Representatives of the Nigerian Society of Engineers

 Four (4) Representatives of the Universities with Engineering Faculties

 One (1) Representative of the Polytechnics

 One (1) Representative of the Technical Colleges

 Six (6) Representatives from states of the Federation

 Four (4) Representatives of the Minister

 One (1) Representative of NATE

 One (1) Representative of NISET

 One (1) Representative of NAEC


(I) Functions of Regulation and Control Committee

COREN is mandated by Decree 55 of 1970 Section 1 (i)(e) to regulate and control the
practice of the engineering profession in all its aspects and ramifications. To do this Council
set up a department and a Committee of Council (the Regulation and Control Committee)
and endorsed certain programmes (as Engineering Regulation Monitoring (ERM) through
which it can fulfill its mandate.

To achieve its objectives of ensuring that the practice of engineering in Nigeria is in

accordance with relevant codes of practice, in the interest of public safety, and carried out by
qualified engineering personnel, the following are Terms of Reference of the Regulation and
Control Committee:

(a) to organize and supervise the ERM programme of COREN. 

(b) to determine the qualification for appointment as an ERM inspector. 
(c) to approve the list of ERM Inspectors recommended by the Registrar from among
Registered Engineers and Registered Engineering Technologists.
(d) to recommend appropriate action to impose appropriate penalty on persons,
group of persons, establishments and organizations who are in directed by ERM
Inspectors as violators of Council Regulation or provisions of Decrees 55 of 1970
and 27 of 1992.
(e) to recommend to Council on withdrawal of registration due to violation of ERM
codes and deletion of names from the Registers due to any other violations.
(f) to execute the Continuing Professional Development Programme. 
(g) to carry out preliminary investigations, as may be directed by the Registered
Engineering Personnel Investigation Panel, on allegation of professional
misconduct brought against any registered engineering personnel or consulting
firms as may be referred to it by Council or the President, and advise Council as

(ii) Functions of Regulation and Control (R & C) Department 

The R & C department provides secretarial services to the R & C Committee.

Other functions are:-

- Correspondences with stakeholders on Regulation and Control matters.

- Provides secretarial services to the investigating panel and Registered Engineers
Disciplinary Tribunal. 
- Collates ERM reports from zones for processing by R & C Committee to Council.
- Inaugurates ERM zones and conducts Training programmes for ERM Inspectors.
- Investigation of failed infrastructures i.e. building collapse. 
- The R & C department conveys Council decisions on reports to concerned organizations.


To ensure sanity in the practice of engineering in Nigeria, in 1997, COREN established, the
Engineering Regulation Monitoring (ERM). Through the machinery of ERM, Council monitors
and enforces compliance with the COREN Act. A team of COREN appointed inspectors who
are seasoned engineering personnel, move from one establishment to the other, to ensure
among other things, that engineering is practised in Nigeria in accordance with the relevant
codes and ethics of engineering practice, in the interest of public safety and for the
protection of national development and economic investment.

2.1 The Aims and Objectives of the ERM Programme

The ERM is designed with the under listed aims and objectives:

- Monitor the registration of engineering personnel and consulting firms.

- Ensure that engineering is practised in Nigeria in accordance with relevant codes of
engineering practice, in the protection of her development and economic investment.
- Enforce maintenance of discipline and strict standards of ethics in the practice of the
engineering profession in Nigeria.
- Foster the speedy acquisition of all relevant engineering and technological skills by
Nigerians required to accelerate development efforts and effect speedy modernization of
- Minimize and with time, eliminate engineering and technological dependence of Nigeria on
other countries.
- Minimize the enormous foreign exchange leakage from Nigeria, resulting from existing
domination of engineering activities, particularly in the Petroleum and Construction sectors of
the economy by foreigners.
- Facilitate and expedite the positioning of the Nigerian engineering family to join in the
global competition for incomes accruable to Nigeria from International Engineering
Consultancy and Construction practice.
- Monitor and enforce compliance with the Engineers’ (Registration etc.) Act of 2004 by all
practitioners of engineering.

2.2 ERM Management System

The ERM Management System consist of all processes, procedures, activities, instruments,
agents etc. that are efficiently and effectively related in such a manner, as to bring about a
successful ERM programme. The system has been designed to be efficient and robust
enough, to withstand the adversarial system of Nigeria. Details are as follows;

2.2.1 Inspection

Inspection activities are carried out by COREN Inspectors and coordinated by the Regulation
and Control Department at COREN Headquarters Abuja. COREN Inspectors are
experienced engineers, technologists, technicians and craftsmen, who have been duly
selected, trained and certified competent to serve as COREN Inspectors. They are usually
issued the COREN Inspectors identity cards.

2.2.2 Mandate of ERM Inspectors 

The mandate of the COREN Inspectors is spelt out in the COREN documents CP11 as

1. Locate, document establishments and personnel and reports to the Registrar.

2. Verify and monitor the professional competence of building approval officers.
3. Act as COREN watchdogs on maintenance and upholding engineering codes of practice
in public works, and prohibit default, and ensure that all such works are in accordance with
Engineering Design prepared by Registered Engineer.
4. Verify that all organizations working in the area of Engineering contracting have a least,
an active Registered Engineer on their Board of Directors.
5. Observe and report cases of non-adherence to approved engineering codes of practice in
respect of public and private works to the Registrar. 
6. Report all defaults and contravention to COREN Decrees to the Registrar.
2.2.3 Guideline for Operating the ERM Programme
Guidelines for operating the ERM programme (Inspection) are as follows;

1. ERM is to be inaugurated in Zones spread across Nigeria and operated by ERM

Inspectors appointed in those zones.
2. ONLY registered engineering personnel, in good financial standing with the branches
which nominated them and financial members of NSE, NATE, NISET and NAEC (National),
are to be appointed Inspectors of the ERM programme by COREN. 
3. Chief Inspectors of the programme are to be appointed by COREN from among Zonal
4. Each Chief Inspector in a zone will be responsible for determining the engineering
establishments in that zone to be visited and inspected. However such establishments must
receive the approval of COREN before a visitation takes place. 
5. An ERM visitation is not to be confrontational in nature. Rather it should be approached
with a view to correct wrong practices or point out omissions or commissions that violate
Engineering Regulations. 
6. Preceding all visitations should be an enlightenment programme conducted through
Workshops, Seminars or Television and Radio programmes by each zone for not only the
Chief Executives of Companies but Zonal Inspectors also. 
7. The procedure adopted for each visitation is as follows;

a) The Chief Inspector will forward the list of Companies/Establishments (not more than four
at a time) to be visited, together with the names of Inspectors (at least four in number
including where possible one Technologists and one Technician) to visit each
Company/Establishment to the Registrar of COREN at least, six weeks before the proposed
date of visitation.
b) The Registrar will approve/modify the list and inform the Chief Inspector accordingly. 
c) The Registrar will then write the Chief Executive of the Company to be visited, and copy
the Chief Inspector alerting him about the Impending visit, the exact date of which is to be
fixed by the Chief Inspector, and send him the questionnaire to be completed and returned
to the Chief Inspector, at least, one week before the visitation date.
d) The Chief Inspector, on receiving approval for the visitation will write to inform the Chief
Executive of the Company to be visited of the exact date of visitation and thereafter notify his
visitation team and get them in readiness for the visit. 
e) Completed questionnaires submitted by the Companies to the Chief Inspectors should be
given to the leaders of the visitation teams, at least a day before the visitation so that the
visitation team can study the questionnaire before the visitation exercise. 
f) The Visitation Team will visit the Company taking along with them the questionnaires and
cross-checking information supplied on the questionnaire with oral Interview of company
g) After visiting the company, the team scores the company using the COREN approved
score booklet.
h) The result of the visitation together with, appropriate assessment of the Company and
recommendation of the team are submitted to the Chief Inspector who forwards same to the
Registrar of COREN. 
i) The Registrar considers the reports and reports to Council through the R & C Committee
for approval as appropriate. 
j) The R & C Department conveys Council decisions to concerned establishments and
copies the chief Inspector.

2.2.4 Enforcement
This is the heart and soul of the ERM programme. The outcome of Inspection activities will
be received by the Registrar in the form of reports. The efforts of the INSPECTORS would
come to nothing, if there is no enforcement by the REGISTRAR. 
Simply put, enforcement as applied in this paper means to make people obey the provisions
of the Engineers (Registration, etc.) Act Cap E11, 2004 of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

2.2.3 Compliance Monitoring

Compliance monitoring entails watching and checking the “practice of engineering” over a
period of time, in order to see how it develops, so that COREN can make any necessary
changes. Compliance monitoring is incorporated in the mandate of COREN inspectors.

After a successful inspection of a company organization, accompanied by an effective

enforcement by the Registrar/Council, Inspectors would return to such companies every two
years for compliance monitoring using the stipulated Questionnaire and score sheets.

The data bank obtained from the questionnaires and score sheets over time, will enable
COREN to establish whether any company or organization in question, is improving or
degenerating over time, vis-à-vis, the “practice of engineering”.
3.0 Instruments for Regulation and Control
COREN currently has a number of instruments in place for regulation and control of the
“practice of engineering”. More instruments will be created or put in place as the need arises
and in accordance with the provision of the Engineers Act CAP E11 (2004). The instruments
currently in use are the Board Membership Form (BMF), the Project Control Form
(PCF)/Project Responsibility form, the Questionnaire (CP11) and score sheet (CP12).

3.1 Board Membership Form (BMF)

The aims and objectives of the BMF are:-

(i) The elimination of false declaration of engineers on Board of Directors of

Companies/Institutions involved in the “practice of engineering” in Nigeria.
(ii) To emphasize the appointment of qualified engineers to positions of appropriate
engineering responsibility. 
(iii) To assure the compliance with the provisions of the Engineers Act. CAP E11 (2004) by
Companies/Institutions involved in the “Practice of engineering”.

The “BMF” forms are administered as follows:

(i) To be completed only by active Registered engineers on Board of Companies/Institutions

involved in the “Practice of engineering”.
(ii) COREN-ERM Inspectors are to demand for verification, copies of completed “BMF” form,
of active registered engineers on the Board of Directors of Companies/Institutions, during
(iii) Any default, offences or irregularities observed with regards to the use of the BMF are to
be reported to the Registrar for necessary action/enforcement.

3.2 Project Control Forms (A&B) /Project Responsibility Form

These forms are designed to ensure that only engineering personnel, qualified and
registered, in accordance with the Engineers Act, CAP E11 (2004) are used for the
execution of engineering projects, in the interest of public safety. The existing forms are
currently undergoing some review by COREN. Meanwhile, the existing forms remain valid,
and will continue to be in use until they are replaced by COREN.

3.3 Questionnaire (CP11 and Score Sheet CP12)

These instruments are used by the inspectors in the ERM programme. They are to also
provide useful information/data bank, for assessment of the compliance status or progress of
3.4 The Investigative Panel 
In response to some of the abuses in the practice of the Profession, Council inaugurated the
COREN Investigating Panel in March, 2006. The Panel has had more than seven sittings
since its inauguration and has handled some cases ranging from the collapsed buildings
across the country and non- compliance with the Laws of the Land by oil multinationals,
forgeries of COREN professional stamps, stamp seals, and other misconduct.

The situation report at present is that a number of persons are being investigated and
interrogated while others will soon be charged to court. The cases involving registered
engineering personnel are referred to the Disciplinary Tribunal.

3.5 The COREN Disciplinary Tribunal

It is not the duty of inspectors appointed by COREN to impose any penalty on any
professional/company for the contravention of the provisions of the COREN Laws as this is
the prerogative of the Law Courts after due legal proceedings. The COREN Act made
provision for the establishment of a Registered Engineers tribunal which is constituted by the
Chief Justice of the Federation to try engineering personnel who are involved in professional

The COREN Tribunal was inaugurated on 20th October, 2007.

This is to ensure that the standard of engineering practice is desirable and quacks are
excluded from practicing the profession and to discipline in an appropriate manner, any
engineering personnel found guilty of professional misconduct. Some engineers had been
tried by the tribunal and sanctioned.

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