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Activity 1

1. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain.

- Yes, we should value scientific studies in order to learn and find new things.

People have faith, which leads us to rely on science.

Furthermore, we Filipinos have advanced from believing in superstitions to believing in science
to explain the majority of things. Science is a well-known, respectable, truth-seeking technique
of knowing things.
2. Were we successful so far in trying to tie down technology with what we conceive as human
- Yes. Many labor-saving inventions that are by product of science and technology have been
greatly added to human flourishing. Though human flourishing may be subjective to different
opinions, we can all say that even fire which is technology makes betterment in our lives. From
sterilizing things to cooking our food, fire has been the root of technology and has been very
important to humans for survival purposes

3. What do you think constitutes human flourishing?

- A human being’s flourishing requires the rational use of his individual abilities, and virtues in
the pursuit of his freely and rationally chosen values and goals. I personally think that, when we
experience different situations and we take action upon it, and if that action is proper we are
flourishing. Human flourishing encompassed the uniqueness, dignity, diversity, freedom,
happiness, and holistic well-being of the individual within the larger family, community and the
population. Most of us have this goal of making a better life for our children or the youth. The
eagerness to make things that will make life easier and convenient for next generation must be
the key to human flouring.

4. State a brief history or discovery that brought about the invention or discovery of the
things stated below. State their contributions in our scientific development.

a. Gravity
c. Processed Food- Processed food contributes to both food security (ensuring that sufficient food is
available) and nutrition security (ensuring that food quality meets human nutrient needs).

f.Benzene Ring
g. Large Hadron Collider
h. Guns
i. Internet
j. Cell phones

1. What would have happened to humankind if technology did not exist?
- - Probably human may have very small scale population and worst case scenario is extinction.
Human race is delicate due to our short lifespan. We may adapt to some changes in our nature
but that doesn’t guarantee survival. Animals have stronger survival instinct specifically in the

2. Do you agree with Martin Heidegger in his idea that technology should only be seen as one of
the approaches in perceiving truth? What are other possible approaches we should consider?
- I don’t agree with Martin Heidegger. I may respect the man for his perseverance in making that
idea and publishing it, but technology was never one of the approaches in perceiving the truth.
Technology is neutral in the sense that it merely provides options and it does not compel anyone
to take up options. We choose whether or not to use every new technology and how. We have
potential for the good and ill in how we choose to use it and how it will affects us.

3. Philosophical Debate. Discuss whether technology is a means to an end or an end in itself.

Technology is the application of science, for some goal or another. That by definition makes the
technology the end itself, but in a broader sense, you could argue that all science and thus all
technology is aimed at improving human life and enjoyment of that life while simultaneously advancing
what is testable and knowable In science. Which would make technology both the goal and the means
by which that goal is reached


1. What is the good life?

- the good life is a phrase that is used to describe the ideal life for one to live. According to
Aristotle, the good life should be free of any greed, full of virtue, pleasure and friendship. As
well us excellence in whatever you may do. I would agree with all the things believed in. the
good life should be more virtue based rather than being all about material object and what you
have for yourself. Good life is emphasizing simplicity.

2. What is the relationship between the good life and science?

- Everyone says that good life is the result of Science. Though good life and science are
interdependent, and they affect each other just like the concept of cause and effect.
Science and its researches and invention have a great impact on human life, precisely
the good life. And it is the pursuit of good life that fuels the passion for scientific
development in the world. Both of them can be used as cause and effect alternatively
according to a scientific situation. For instance

3. Does technology always lead us to the good life? How and why?
Technology leads to a good life as it is responsible for advancement in all sectors of the economy . It is
because it provides us a means to achieve something faster and in an easier manner. Modern
technology has led to the evolution of several devices such as the smartphone, computers, etc. There is
no doubt that technology makes people’s lives easier. But my take on this is the necessity of
technology varies from one lifestyle, environment, and place. If you are living in urbanized areas
of the world that trades through technological device to another, then yes, technology is a
necessity. In the modern world, everything seems so fast-paced but in order to survive, no matter
how gradual it is, one needs to go with the flow.

1. Do people really need technology in their lives? Is it really a necessity?

Technology is now a necessity in terms of every day life, from education to navigating
around a city. We heavily rely on technology for basic tasks.

Technology is important because it makes you feel more secure with every area in life
for both personal and business reasons. With technology advancing more people are able
to have access to supplies such as fresh water and food because technology can help
deliver those items to people that otherwise couldn't get it.

- yes, Technology is now a necessity in terms of every day life, from education to navigating
around a city. We heavily rely on technology for basic tasks, such as the Internet to connect
people from all areas of the world for business and social reasons.
- There is no doubt that technology makes people’s lives easier. But my take on this is the
necessity of technology varies from one lifestyle, environment, and place. If you are living in
urbanized areas of the world that trades through technological device to another, then yes,
technology is a necessity. In the modern world, everything seems so fast-paced but in order to
survive, no matter how gradual it is, one needs to go with the flow.

2. How do you reconcile the 'need for technology and the dilemma/s it faces?
- I believe one of the dilemmas technology faces revolves around the cyberspace such as
violation of intellectual property rights, data privacy, in short ethical issues. While it has to be
addressed to avoid further serious damage, it shouldn’t be compromised to the extreme need for
technology. Being literate on the internet is quite vital thus letting yourself be aware of the
limitations the internet provides.
3. Should there be an ethics of technology?
- yes. Technology has to have ethics as to prevent abuse, wicked manipulation, and for
accountability purposes. Also it is to know the limitations while studying thoroughly the
advancement to avoid future predicaments.
4. Do technological devices bring more good than bad to people?
- Yes, Technology has done more good than harm no one can deny that. The disadvantages of
technology solely depends on how we use it.

5. Should there be more budget for technological researches despite the dilemmas they are currently
- Whatever the dilemma we are facing, i hope the government will provide budget to research and
hoping that some are privately sponsored. By time we will be more reliant on our own technology and
discovery than buying millions/thousands of dollars using the ideas and gadgets from other countries.
Other than having a reliant technology of our own (if it comes) we can make use of our time efficiently
with the possible positive outcomes with all the research- be it in farming (fish, any kind of plantation),
technology, anything and everything and no need for us to be piled with debts of dollars. Its time for the
filipino inventors,researchers and scientist to move their passion and change the world here in
Philippines. 😍 it takes time,efforts and intellect to make things.

6. Should there be a limit to technological advancements?

- All of our technology certainly depends on our knowledge of science, but is not strictly limited by it. It’s
limited only by how we have applied that knowledge. Many of our recent advances are a result of simply
doing more with the basics which we’ve known for quite a while. Recent advances in many technologies
came about only because of advances in other technologies; they didn’t depend on fundamental
breakthroughs in things like theoretical physics.
a. Robots that are capable of having emotions
b. Google and stupidity
C. Filipinos' addiction to different technologies
d. Waze application

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