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Linguistics Class
Task 1. You have learned about the concept of language. Please select three key points from the
TED TALK video that got your attention and complete the boxes below.
1.- Some languages have different sounds.
2.- Some languages have different structures.
3.- Some languages have grammatical gender.

Choose a concept covered in the Briefly explain what it is (35 How does it connect with your
presentations (check power words per concept) role as an EFL teacher? (40
point) words)
phonology It studies as its name indicates Phonology is closely related to
the phonetic components of the my role as a teacher because
language, that is to say the English is a language in which it
sounds, taking as object the is important to know how
characteristics and behaviors of sounds are represented and how
the sounds for the elaboration of to interpret them through words
statements commonly known as to learn and teach the language
words. in the right way.
morphology It is the branch of grammar that Morphology as well as
studies the structure of words, phonology is one of the
the variants that arise from them fundamental knowledge for a
and the grammatical role they teacher of a foreign language, in
play in relation to the other this case English, it has many
elements of composition. variations that derive from basic
words, which facilitate the
mastery of the language.
grammar It studies the structure of words For a teacher of a foreign
and determines the rules to language such as English to
follow to avoid linguistic know about the grammar of the
accidents, determining how language is of vital importance
words combine to form because it dictates the correct
sentences for their way to use the words and
understanding. interpret the phonemes for their
correct teaching.

Task 2. In your own words, explain what a language represents for you (1) as a human being, and
(2) as a future teacher. Your composition should be between 100 and 150 words. Please follow the
rubric attached.
For me a language represents one of the most significant characteristics of a community since it is part
of its identity, in a certain way the language of a country or community is closely linked to its culture,
as is the case for example of Japan, it is inevitable to read something in Japanese and not associate it
with the culture of comics or manga and likewise with the cartoons of this country known as ANIME,
taking this example as a reference it is understood that the language not only represents a set of signs
through which a group of people communicate but also as an essential part of a culture.
On the other hand, as a future teacher I think that a language represents the essential tool for the
development of a person in society, therefore it is important to know about its characteristics,
regulations, ways to represent it and above all how to learn to use it effectively in different social and
professional scenarios.

Criteria Performance Indicators

up to 100% up to 80% up to 40% up to 20%

(excellent) (good) (regular) (needs

Development The content answers The content Meet the criteria Does not satisfy
the question or partially between 20% question at all.
request clearly, and answers the and 40%. No connection
in an articulated way. question. with question.

Content Your response fully The answer The answer is Less than 25%
answers the request. has at least too short. Less the number of
You elaborate your 80% the than 50 % the words requested.
argument in the number of number of words
number of words words requested
requested. requested. sentences.

Language All answers should be given in English.

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