Correction Keywording Terms Sanuel 1

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Criminology Keywording Terms

(Correction Administration)

Prepared by: Emmanuel V. Villacarlos RCRIM/LECTURER


Correction - Branch of CJS which concerned to the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of
criminal offender.

Correction - also considered as the " weakest Pillar "

3 major branches of the Government - Executive, Legislative, Judiciary.

Executive - refer to the President/mayor.

Legislative - Branch of the government to enact laws. Refer to the congress.

Judiciary - refer to the court.

Supreme court - The highest court of the land.

Police - Power of the Government to enact laws.

State - Has the power to defined and punish crimes.

Executive clemency - It is the privileges given by the President.

Pardon - It is an Executive clemency. also known as " Act of Grace "

Pardon - Grant after conviction

Absolute Pardon - This is a Pardon which is extinguish criminal liability and restore the civil and
Political rights.

Conditional Pardon - It is a Pardon which has condition attached by the designated officer.

Amnesty - It is an Executive clemency which is known as Blanket Pardon.

Amnesty - Grant before trial, after trial, before conviction and after conviction. Granted only for
those political offender but with concurrence with the congress.

Note: Pardon and Amnesty does not extinguish Civil liability

Reprieve - Is an Executive clemency to cancel or suspended the penalty.

Commutation of sentence - Is an Executive clemency to reduce the sentence or handed down.

Probation - Judicial disposition also known as " Testing Period " It is granted by the Court/Judge

Probation - Came from the latin word " Probare " means To Prove and " Probatio " means
Testing Period.

Act no.4221 - Adult probation law act of 1935.

PD.968 - Adult probation law act of 1976.

Act no. 4103 - Indeterminate sentence law act of 1933.

John Augustus - Coined the word Probare also known as Father of Probation. He is a first
Volunteer Probation Officer.

Teudolo Natividad - Father of Probation in the Philippines.

Edward Savage - First accepted/paid Probation officer in the world.

Common Drunkards - First Probationer written in the History of Probation it was in Boston

Mattew Davinport hill - Father of Probation in England.

Parole - It Is a conditional release which is granted by the ( BPP) Board of Pardon and Parole.

Pettitioner - Refer to a person applying the Probation and Parole.

Probationer - refer to a person placed in Probation.

Parolee - refer to a person placed in Parole.

Alexander Macanochie - Father of Parole in US. Also founded the Mark system.

Zebulon Broackway - Father of Parole in England. Also a founder of Elmira reformatory prison

Elmira prison - also known as " The hill " located in New york.

Alcatraz prison - also known as " The Rock " located in San Francisco Bay.

Fred Wilkinson - The last warden of alcatraz prison.

Probation Officer - An authorized person designated to supervise the Probationer.

Note: Probation and Parole are both Privileges not a matter of right

R.A 10592 - New GCTA Law

1/5 reduction - For those criminal offender return in prison after the president Announcing the
lapse of calamities or disaster. (48 hours)
2/5 reduction - For those criminal offender stay in prison during the calamities and disaster.

Iwahig penal colony - Considered as the Prison without wall. It is located in Palawan established on
Nov. 16, 1904 under the regime of Gov. Forbes consist of 28k-30k hectares.

Bilibid Prison - Consist of 552 hectares divided into two sub colonies the Camp bukang liway way
and Camp sampaguita. It is Established on 1846.

Camp Bukang Liway way - Minimum security Prisoner.

Camp Sampaguita - Mediun security prisoner.

Brown - The uniform color of the Minimum prisoner

Blue - The uniform color of the Medium prisoner.

Tangerine/Orange - The uniform color of the Maximum prisoner.

San Ramon prison - Located in Zamboanga city which is design for the Political offenders it was
established on 1869. Consist of 1.254.8 hectares under the regime of Ramon Blanco.

(CIW) - Correctional Institution For Women it is established on Nov. 27, 1929 consist of 18 hectares
located in Mandaluyong City.

Sablayan penal Colony - Youngest but most dominant consist of 16k Hectares.

Davao penal Colony - It is consist of 18 hectares.

Abuyog penal Colony - Located in Abuyog Leyte.

Bastille Prison - A prison in france which is many Political offender executed and died.

Gulag Prison of Alexander - A prison in Germany which is a lot of criminal offender died under the
regime of Hitler.

Domets of France - Focussing on Re-education rather than implementing Punitive punishment.

Reclassification - The continuing treatment of Criminal offender.

Pennsylvania prison system - A prison which is silence is required and recieve bible instructions.
Also known as " Solitary system "

Auburn prison system - A prison system which is the prisoner sleep in a single cell and congregate
for work in a day. Also known as " Congregate system "

Less than 6 months - Municipal prisoner.

6m 1d 3years - Provincial prisoner

1d to 3years - City prisoner

3years and 1 day or more - National or Insular prisoner.

Criminal - refer to a person who is found guilty of the crime of the final judgment of competent

Gaol - oldest facility.

Gaoler - refer to the Jailer of the Gaol.

Gallows - Oldest punishment .

Galleys - Oldest transportation use to transfer Criminal.

Hulks - Abandoned warship also known as The " Floating Hell "

City/Municipal Jail - Chief inspector/Police major.

Municipal Jail - Inspector/Lieutenant.

New GCTA given to a prisoner each month

2-3 years - 20 days each month.

3-5 years - 23 days each month.

6 - 10 years - 25 days each month.

3 hours - Is a privileges given to a prisoner to see the deceased family.

11 years up - 30 days each month.

Manuel Montesimos - Director of Valencia spain prison system

Walter Crofton - founder of Irish prison.

1870-1880 - Stone age.

18th century - age of enlightment.

Devil Island - Where the Political prisoner exile.

Code of Hammurabi - Tooth for Tooth , eye for an eye.

Borgunian Code - Social progress.

Code of draco - Harsh code .

1433 - Code of kalantiaw.

3 types of Jail - Lock up , Ordinary, Jail- house farm.

1st degree prisoner - Know the work inside the prison.

2nd degree prisoner - Doesnt know everything about prison system. Newly arrived prisoner.

3rd degree prisoner - Consist of Incorrigible or recidivist prisoner that needes to avoid.

Colonist - Are those prisoner having good conduct time allowance.

John Howard - Christian activist who introduced facilities in the jail also known as the father of
Reform model .

" Even how Better you are if you have no God in your life your just

a piece of shit , I'll tell you this even if you are only a good one if

You have God in your life he can make you a better one "

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