Using Social Media

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Using Social Media in the English Teaching and Learning Process

Sitti Zainab Mukhtar
English Language Education of Graduate Program
University of Muhammadiyah Pare-Pare


Today’s younger generation is hooked on social media and it’s becoming more
prevalent. Some educators and parents alike want to keep it out of the classroom for fear that
it would be too distracting and think that if they allow their sudents to use social media,
students will be posting status updates about how their day is going, which would only
detract from educational experiences. This has led to many schools blocking internet access
to social media sites. However, social media can improve the chance to learn by enabling to
link and communicate in new interesting ways. Social media has great features which may be
very useful for English teachers and learners. If they use social media in the process of
learning, it would be easier, more colourful, interesting and unlimted. The use of social media
could help them to stay fresh and professional, productive and effective, so teaching English
would be never boring. As the use of social media in the teaching and learning process is still
being debated and only very little research has been done, therefore, this study investigates
the effect of using social media in improving students’ interest in learning English.

The use of social media can be a powerful educational tool to make the students more
interested to learn English, provides unique and dynamic learning experiences to students and
teachers alike. As an academic device, the social media has become common tools that used
on academic institution by everyone to share academic works, research findings, book
reviews, and communicate with their peers and teachers. Social media improves the chance to
learn by enabling learners and instructors to link and communicate in new interesting ways.
Web websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide a place where users can
dialogue, exchange ideas, and find solutions to problems. Social media is considered to be a
great source of materials which teachers may adapt in their English classes. Social media can
help to increase communication skills and provide a ‘back door’ for shy learners. While many
students struggle with speaking in front of their classmates, they may feel more comfortable
‘speaking’ on social media. This provides an outlet for students who are too intimidated to
raise their hands in class. Furthermore, social media relies on the written word, making it an
excellent means of improving writing skills.
There are some opinions from the researchers related to the use of the social media;
firstly, potentials for better learning. If social media are used in teaching, the opportunities to
express oneself, participate, collaborate, find information, knowledge sharing and storage,
process writing, students production, teacher feedback, reflect and learn together are
expanded (Crook 2008; Moody 2010; Liburd 2011). Secondly, engage students in the
practice of English. Students who use social media in their courses increase their technology
and communication skills are more creative and more open to diverse ideas (Greenhow,
2010). Thirdly, provide more authentic input. Social media provides real life language and
models how native speakers actually interact with each other. Teacher can suggest the
students keep the unfamiliar vocabulary or structure they find on social media sites to discuss
in class. Fourthly, encourage students to interact with each other in class and online. Students
who use social media tend to support each other and even act as mentors (Halverson, 2010).
Fifthly, develop critical thinking skills. Online discussion forums can increase students’
critical thinking skills. Create a Google group or Facebook group and post questions for
discussion, monitor the discussion to clarify or encourage students to think more deeply about
a topic. Sixthly, personalize learning. The brains of young people are different today than
they were a generation ago. The amount of time spent engaging with digital technology has
actually changed the structure of our brains. About 30% of our brains are involved in
processing visual images as opposed to 3% for auditory input. Although students may still
have different learning styles or preferences, more and more are either visual or kinesthetic
learners. A teacher talks to a classroom of students is not the best way to teach today’s
students (Thomas, 2009).
Using social media also allows students to practice interaction in a way that works for
them. They can slow down turn taking if helpful and refer to a written record of a
conversation and encourage interacting on social media by posting comments. Finally, the
students can get better media and information technology skills when social media are used
actively in class and that students get better prepared for the contemporary society that is
permeated by digital media (Lowe and Laffey 2011; Shannon 2011; Levinsen 2011).
It is now an established fact that the use of technology facilitates teaching and learning
in language classrooms. Based on Nur and Syarifuddin (2008) the teacher also should
consider some aspects in choosing any material to improve the quality of the learning
process, the material should be able to engage the learners to both effectively and cognitively
in language experince to achieve communicative competence and purposes. With the
advancement of technology, social media has emerged too. Social media has been quite
popular among various age group users particularly the young users since their invention.
Also, they are conceived to be able to motivate (Greenhow, Robelia, & Hughes, 2009) and
expose learners to the authentic use of the target language (Baralt, 2011). Social media has
great features which may be very useful for the English teachers and learners. If they use
social media in the process of English teaching and learning, it would be easier, colorful,
interesting and unlimited. The use of social media and the benefits that this offers could help
them to stay fresh and professional, productive and effective, so the teaching English would
be never boring.

Problem Statement
As the use of social media in the teaching and learning process still being debated and
only very little research has been done, therefore, this study aims at investigating the effect of
using the social media in improving the students’ interest in learning English of senior high
school students at class XII of SMAN 1 Barru.

Research Purpose
The purposes of the study are:
1. To investigate the teachers’ perception toward the use of social media in improving the
students’ interest in learning English of senior high school students at class XII of SMAN
1 Barru.
2. To explore the effect of using social media in improving the students’ interest to learn
English of senior high school students at class XII of SMAN 1 Barru.

Research Question
1. What is the teacher’s perception about the influence of using social media in improving
the students’ interest in learning English of senior high school students at class XII
SMAN 1 Barru?
2. Do the social media affect the students’ interest in learning English of senior high school
students at class XII SMAN 1 Barru?

Significance of the Research

The significances of the study are:
a. Students
The researcher expected that all of the students were more interested to learn
English by using social media. Not only use the social media to share their feelings but
also can use it as a tool to learn English with enjoyable. If the teacher teaches them using
social media, they would be interested, easier to understand and the learning process more
b. The Teacher
By this study, the researcher really expects that it is able to help the teacher in
improving the students’ interest in learning English by using the social media in the
teaching and learning process. The use of social media and the benefits that this offers
could help the teachers to stay fresh and professional, productive and effective, so the
teaching English would be never boring.
c. School
The researcher hopes deeply that she is able to help the school to solve some
problems especially to minimize the use of social media in negative way from the
students. By using the social media as a learning tool, it would not make the students
detract from educational experiences.

Previous Related Research Findings

There are some previous findings that related to this research, they are;
1. Shih (2011) pointed out that the advantages of social media in learning and improving the
second language can be characterized as unique and entertaining atmosphere, Facebook
has been reported in some studies to lessen students’ stress levels and enhancing learners’
engagement and interactions. The study showed the influence of social media on learners
at the University of Taiwan and the learners were found to enjoy interacting among their
peers in English and felt comfortable expressing their opinions and sharing their thoughts.
2. Klimanova & Dembovskaya (2013) provided an analysis of comparable social media
communities in the context of Russian classrooms. Online activities, phenomenological
debates and discussions with native- speaking students focused on identity construction
by means of the interactions. This study showed that even at its beginning stages, research
on social media indicated a beneficial impact of using such media on the second language
learning practices.
3. Yunus (2012) studied the students’ perceptions on the effectiveness of social media on
teaching and improving second language learning skills in Malaysia. They integrated
social networking services in the second language classrooms to enhanced online
classroom interaction between students and teachers, which has promoted interaction in
English learning environment.
4. White (2009) reported that social media helped to improve the students’ motivation and
academic writing in Japan. Moreover, it is also believed that the online discussion
provided students with the opportunity to interact with their instructors and peers, which
in turn may lessen the students ‘stress.
5. Zaidieh (2012) studied the challenges and opportunities with regards to the use of social
media in education in Malaysia. He reported similar findings in which students felt
comfortable and had less pressure with the time they had to answer questions because
they did not have to respond to questions immediately as in the classroom setting. The
second advantage of Facebook in an ELL environment is that using Facebook helps
enhance students’ critical thinking. Students’ activities may create and cultivate their
brainstorming ability as well as thinking skills.
6. Finally, the literature review indicates that social media has been a place for the learning
of English language via different social media applications. It is remarkable that there is
an insufficiency of educational materials and equipment as well as language labs that may
expand the social media platform for the exchange of educational materials. The students
may use these materials to supplement their English language knowledge and therefore,
may be able to deal with their equivalents positively in the global world.

Some Pertinent Ideas

Definition of Social Media
It is noteworthy that the notion social media and social networking are being used
alternately. Social media refers to the social software in the form of websites and other online
groups such as social networking and micro blogging which are created by a sizable group of
folks (known as users) to share conversations, personal messages, ideas, information or to
grow social and professional contacts

Types of Social Media

There are various kinds of social media which may be used in several ways. It should be
noted that things around us can be used if we know how to use them. For instance, most
people have smartphones, but they barely use all the application available in it. Sometimes
they are not appropriately directed and at times they don’t have the chance or time to spend
on learning new things. However, this is not the case for English learners, because software
and applications available on smartphone may assist English learners to connect with others.
The types of social media can classified as:

Web blogs are also reportedly one of the forms of social media. Millions of people
have created their own blogs and use them to write things which range from news and their
perceptions on some specific issues. They invite the readers to reply by adding or posting
comments on their blogs. Blogs discourse a broad range of topics and they reportedly assist in
improving the reading speed, vocabularies and promote proper use of grammar and enhanced
reading comprehension of language learners. Blogs can be employed in various ways for
different purposes. For example beginners by means of referring to a particular language blog
learn new ideas on how people use blogs to interact with each other. It also helps to learn new
vocabularies in the different modern context of a particular time. The language of blogs is not
intended for the sophisticated readers, as some scholars claim that it is simple and easy and
blogs are a source of talking to an ordinary reader (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010).
Murthy, (2011) pointed out that microblogging and social networking facility that
users like the most is the small messages of 140. This little arrangement is the sole way of
communication that has inspired the minds of the users, which in turn, has become a
fascinating method for learners to keep in touch with each other as well as with the teacher.
Blattner & Fiori (2009) stated that Facebook is the primary social network that takes
pride in its more than billions followers and it is one of the fastest growing and well known
situates on the Internet. (McLoughlin & Lee, 2008) reported that Facebook has various tasks
of communications, material sharing, modification and collaborative construction. However,
the main reason for learners to use Facebook was to touch with friends.

How to Use Social Media in Class

The most popular and accepted form of social media in the classroom is
blogs. They’re a great place for students to practice what they’re learning and express
themselves in a low-pressure environment.
Facebook - Groups
Assuming all of your students have an existing Facebook account, create a grup
page with all of your students! By having one central location, students can post questions
about homework, opinions on a class reading, and share concerns about the class in a way
that they may not feel comfortable in other settings. Having a group page such as this will
increase student feelings of ownership in the class and will give students the opportunity to
help each other out. As a teacher, you can use the group page to remind students of upcoming
assignments, share links to helpful websites, upload documents, and help answer any
questions that your students can’t answer. Since most of our classroom is online, having one
place to integrate websites, documents, and feedback will help students develop these
integration skills and think about things from multiple perspectives.
Twitter, the website where people share ideas using only 160 characters, can have a
very positive effect in the classroom. Students can use this site to share their opinions about
topics in the classroom and start a discussion. They can share pictures to further emphasize
their ideas as well as read updates from celebrities. With each message restricted to 160
characters, students will be more inclined to read more as there is no intimidating block of
text; just a short line to be comprehended. The character limit also encourages succinct and
clear writing for our students.

Advantages of Using Social Media in the ESL Classroom

• Social media engages students. It encourages participation as students have the chance to
express themselves through media they feel comfortable using.
• Social media enhances student collaboration. Students can easily interact and share
information, work together on projects, and communicate freely and easily.
• Social media allows the teacher to share resources like images, worksheets and websites
effortlessly and effectively.
• Social media has tremendous potential for creative and engaging homework tasks
• Social media helps keep parents and family members “in the loop”. Teachers may reach
out to parents with comments, feedback and suggestions. Groups may share class
activities, post photos and publish their work online.

Research Method
The study was descriptive in nature which attempted to make an analysis of social
media role in improving the students’ interest in learning English language. The population
consisted of all students who were at seventh level at Senior High School 1 Soppeng Riaja,
Barru. This zone is located in South Sulawesi. The researchers chose this area because most
of the students are more interested in internet connections than settling down to read their
books and even find it very difficult to do their homework. The researcher used self-made
questionnaire as a research instrument for collection of data, and then the collected data was
statistically analyzed in order to find out reliable result of the study.
• Ask the students to create an email and then make their blog, Facebook and Twitter
• The teacher give one topic and ask the students to write in their blog and then dedicate it
entirely to publishing content in the English language.
• The teacher create a Facebook group and start posting a text using Indonesian language
and ask the students to translate the text using English then ask them to gauge its accuracy
and make a review about the text
• The teacher start tweeting in English language by keeping in mind that only have a 140
character limit, and ask the students strike up a conversation with the teacher. Impose
only reply in English and make retweet rule.

Result and Discussion

Graph 1
The Role of Social Media in English Language Development
The above table clearly highlights the role of social media in English language
vocabulary development because 69(66.3%) respondents either ‘Agreed’ or ‘Strongly
Agreed’ to the statement that social media use plays a dominant role in vocabulary
development. A sizable number of 32(30.8%) ‘Disagreed’ and only 3(2.9%) of the
respondents remained ‘Undecided’.

Graph 2

Social Media Use is Difficult For English Learner

The data presented in table 2 indicated that out of 104 respondents 41 (39.4%)
‘Disagreed’ to the statement that the use of social media is difficult of English language
learners at university level in order to improve their vocabulary, while a majority of 56
(53.9%) strongly disagreed to the statement. Another 2 (1.9%) respondents stayed
‘Undecided’. A small number of 4 (3.8%) respondents ‘Agreed’ to the statement, only 1
(1.0%) percent respondent ‘Strongly Agreed’ to the statement.

Graph 3

The Use of Social Media is More Interesting than Books Reading

The analysis of data in table 6 revealed that out of 104 respondents, while 2 (1.9%)
‘Strongly Agreed’, 3 (2.88%) ‘Disagreed’ to the statement that the use of social media is
more interesting than books reading at university level for vocabulary development. Another
15 (14.42%) respondents remained ‘Undecided’. However a majority of 69 (66.34%) agreed
while 11 (10.57) ‘Strongly Agreed’ to the given statement.

Graph 4

Learners do not Feel Boredom while Social Media for Language Learning Purposes

The data placed in table 9 showed that out of 104 respondents, a vast majority of 88
(84.6%) respondents either ‘Agreed’ or ‘Strongly Agreed’ to the statement that the students
do not feel any boredom while using different social media sources for English language
learning at university level. A negligible number of 3 (2.9%) respondents remained
‘Undecided’. While 13 (12.5%) respondents showed their disagreement to the given

Graph 5

The Students Have Lack of Interest in Use of Social Media

The data in table 5 revealed that out of total number of 104 respondents 15 (14.4%)
‘Strongly disagreed’; while another 49 (47.1%) respondents ‘Disagreed’ to the statement that
students have lack of interest in use of social media sources at university level. Another 6
(5.8%) respondents remained ‘Undecided’, 23 (22.1%) respondents ‘Agreed’ to the statement
and the remaining 11 (10.6%) respondents ‘Strongly Agreed’ to the statement.

Result and Findings

The results and findings of this study revealed that social media plays an important
role in improving the students’ interest in learning English: it facilitate the English learners to
learn new words and vocabulary suitable for them in the ability of English language learning,
it is easy for English learners as compare to books reading and other text materials, and
arouse the interest of English learners towards the English language learning, and the English
learners may use social media tools for a long enough period of time without any hesitation
or boredom. Similarly, the findings of the study also revealed that the use of social media is
easy for learners as compare to books, or other text materials while going to library and get
books related to vocabulary development. However, the learners may use social media
sources like Facebook, twitter, blog and other so many tools of social media to improve their
interest in learning English language not only in text form but they may see the pictures of
things through online media.


• After the successful of completion of this descriptive study it was concluded that Social
Media has a great effect in improving the students’ interest in learning English Language
• it is easy for English learners as compare to books reading and other text materials, and
arouse the interest of English learners towards the English language learning, and the
English learners may use social media tools for a long enough period of time without any
hesitation or boredom
• Most importantly, the students agreed that social media has by and large affected in their
English language learning skills.

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