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Choose your answer inside the parenthesis. Answers only.

1. Today, I will wear my yellow skirt.

(Noun, Adjective)
2. No! You are not allowed to climb onto the roof. (Interjection,
3. This warm bath will feel good on my legs.
(Verb, Adverb)
4. This is a good movie to watch. (Adverb, Adjective)
5. Throw the ball as hard as you can. (Verb, Noun)
Recount 6. This pertains to recorded or
Procedures transmitted sound.
Narrative 7. This text type provides information on
Audio how or why something happens.
Text 8. This text type teaches us how to do
Animation something through a series of steps.
9. This refers to moving images that
Procedures provide audio and visual experience to
the viewers.
Audio 10. It is a text type that presents the
characteristics or features of a thing or
Animation a phenomenon.
Options: 11. This text type refers to retelling a series
Recount of events which may either be factual or
Procedures personal.
Narrative 12. This type of text aims to entertain,
Descriptions amuse, or instruct through fictional and
Text non-fictional works.
Video 13. It is one of the oldest forms of media
which uses images to represent someone or
Manuscript, Memorized, Impromptu, Extemporaneous
14. An ambush interview of politicians.
15. A brief dedication for a child’s birthday.
16. The President giving a message for Congress.
17. Answering a teacher’s advance given question.
18. Explaining to your parents why you arrived home late.
19. A report read out by a Chief Engineer at an Annual
General Meeting.
20. Which of the following is NOT a direct speech?
A.The boy said, “I ate pancakes.”
B.Anna said that she was happy.
C.“Is everything clear?” asked John.
D.The mother ordered, “Clean the house.”
21. Which of the following is NOT a reported speech?
A. Joana said, “She looks sad.”
B. John asked if everything was clear.
C. The mother ordered to clean the house.
D. The boy said that he had eaten pancakes.
22. What type of pre-colonial literature is “The Good Prince
A. Myth B. Legend C. Epic D. Short Story
23. What is the major conflict in the story “The Good Prince
A. Man vs. Man
B. Man vs. Society
C. Man vs. Nature
D. Man vs. Himself
24. Why was the King of Bumbaran envious of
Prince Bantugan?
A. Because Bantugan was good-looking.
B. Because people praise Bantugan
C. Because Bantugan was brave.
D. All of the above
25. What proclamation did the King of Bumbaran
command while Bantugan was away?
A. He had Bantugan arrested.
B. He had Bantugan leave Bumbaran.
C. He had the people ignore Bantugan.
D. He had Bantugan in an arranged marriage.
26. Towards the ending of the story, what is the purpose of
Prince Madali’s trip to the region of the dead?
A. To bring the angel of death to Earth.
B. To bring back Bantugan’s soul to his body.
C. To have peace with the angel of death.
D. To offer their lives in exchange of Bantugan’s soul.
27. What is the theme of the story “The
Good Prince Bantugan”?
A. Power
B. Family Solidarity
C. Forgiveness
D. All of the above.
28. What kind of statement is exemplified below?
I think we must really follow basic health protocols like
wearing of face masks and face shields and maintaining
social distancing because they help prevent Covid 19 from
spreading and infecting more people.
A. Belief
B. Conclusion
C. Conviction
D. Reality
29. What is expressed in the following sentence?
I personally believe that things happen for a reason,
so I try to be positive even in difficult times.
A. Belief
B. Conclusion
C. Fact
D. Reality
30. Which of the following statements does not
belong to the group?
A. What you do to others will come back to you.
B. Combing your hair at night will bring bad luck.
C. Singing while cooking will make you single for
the rest of your life.
D. Avoid getting a wound or injury on Good Friday
because it will never heal.
31. Which of the following statements does not belong to
the group?
A. In my personal view, burping is acceptable.
B. I believe that we can be early when invited to eat.
C. In my opinion, Filipinos have the fork and spoon as
typical utensils.
D. From my point of view, “hostess” sounds vulgar to
Filipinos because of its other meaning.
32. Which of the statements incorrectly describes a belief and
a conviction?
A. Belief is something that an individual considers as the
B. Conviction is firm belief of an individual in a particular
C. Beliefs are formed based on our experiences and
D. Convictions change with new experiences and after long
periods of time.
33. Which of the following is the appropriate
reaction for the given assertion below?
Assertion: There should be a limit to the number of
passengers in the school bus.
A. Yes! It is mandatory.
B. No! It is not necessary.
C. Yes! So that friends are seated apart.
D. Absolutely! So that social distancing is
34. Which of the following is the appropriate reaction for the
given assertion below?
Assertion: School guard must check students’ temperature at the
A. Yes! We must comply new normal protocols.
B. Absolutely! We should have a record of students’
C. Exactly! We must ensure that students have normal body
D. Of course! We must send the student home with high
body temperature.
For items 35-38: Read the paragraph below about Jim Thorpe, then answer the
questions that follow.
Jim Thorpe was born in Oklahoma on May 28, 1888. He lived with his family in
an Indian reservation. Jim’s Native-American name was Wa-Tho-Hack. This means
“bright path”. Jim’s parents chose this name just for their son. They believed he had
a promising future.
Jim always liked to play sports. He ran in races and played football and
baseball. Jim was an excellent athlete. He showed great talent in every sport he
played. I think Jim was the most amazing athlete. He was so good at so many sports.
Jim didn’t really think about his future until he was in college. That’s when he
decided to play sports for a living. He went on to win gold medals in the 1912
Olympics in Sweden. Sweden’s king called Jim “the greatest athlete in the world.”
Jim had finally found his bright path. He became one of the best athletes ever.
35. Which of these is a fact from the report?
A. Jim ran in races and played football and
B. Jim was an excellent athlete.
C. Jim became one of the best athletes ever.
D. I think Jim was the most amazing athlete.
36. Which of these statements cannot be proven?
A. He was so good at so many sports.
B. Jim Thorpe was born in Oklahoma on May 28,
C. Jim’s Native-American name was Wa-Tho-Hack.
D. He went on to win gold medals in the 1912
Olympics in Sweden.
37. Which of these clue words signals an opinion of
Sweden’s king?
A. most B. best C. greatest D. believed
38. Which facts about Kim Thorpe that can be proved?
A. He lived with his family on an Indian reservation.
B. He was the greatest athlete in the world.
C. He was so good at so many sports.
D. He became one of the best athletes ever.
Write S if the question is simple and TP if it is thought-provoking.
39. What are your favorite foods?
40. Why do you need to stay at home?
41. What life lessons has COVID-19 pandemic taught you?
42. Where would you like to have a vacation this yearend?
43. How would you spend your Christmas vacation this year
44. Aside from personal happiness, what other reasons
should one have to get on with life?
In a paragraph, rearrange the following sentences in the proper order.
Write first the general statement followed by the supporting statements.
Observe proper indention, margin, punctuations, capitalization, and
correct spelling in your paragraph. Write your answer in your answer
▪ The fire trucks came out of the firehouse.
▪ There was a fire on our block.
▪ The trucks finally arrived, and the firemen put out the fire.
▪ A dog barked loudly as we approached.
▪ Someone turned in the alarm at once.
▪ As one truck was turning a corner on the way to the fire, it skidded
into an automobile.

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