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1. She is very smart. She can …… six languages.

a. Speak c. Speaking
b. Speaks d. Spoke

2. Dwiky and arya ….. English twice a week.

a. Learn c. Learning
b. Learns d. Learned

3. Riyo : do you enjoy singing in the café ?

Kardo : ….

a. No, I doesn’t c. No, I’m Not

b. No, I don’t d. No, I do

4. Ms. Sri : Do you know something about this book ?

Dian : ……

a. No, I doesn’t c. No, I’m Not

b. No, I don’t d. No, I do

5. Cia : Do you know this love song ?

Dio : …..

a. Yes, I don’t c. Yes, I do

b. No, I do d. No, I am

e. .

6. ….. she smart ?

a. Do c. Did
b. Does d. Will

7. ….. your mother beautiful ?

a. Do c. Did
b. Does d. Will


1. Leg = kaki 5. Library = perpustakaan

2. Sit = duduk 6. Except = kecuali
3. Table = meja 7. True = benar
4. Chair = kursi 8. People = orang
9. Scissor = gunting 17. New friend = teman baru
10. Cut = memotong 18. Underlined = digaris bawahi
11. Thin = tipis 19. Statement = pernyataan
12. Paper = kertas 20. Work = kerja
13. School = sekolah 21. Kind = baik
14. Never care = tidak pernah 22. Clever = pintar
peduli 23. Proud = bangga
15. Sibling = saudara 24. Lazy = malas
16. Neighbor = tetangga 25. Plow = membajak


1. She is very smart. She can …… six languages.

a. Speak c. Speaking
b. Speaks d. Spoke

2. Dwiky and arya ….. English twice a week.

a. Learn c. Learning
b. Learns d. Learned

3. Riyo : do you enjoy singing in the café ?

Kardo : ….

a. No, I doesn’t c. No, I’m Not

b. No, I don’t d. No, I do

4. Ms. Sri : Do you know something about this book ?

Dian : ……

a. No, I doesn’t c. No, I’m Not

b. No, I don’t d. No, I do

5. Cia : Do you know this love song ?

Dio : …..

a. Yes, I don’t c. Yes, I do

b. No, I do d. No, I am

6. ….. she smart ?

a. Do c. Did
b. Does d. Will

7. ….. your mother beautiful ?

a. Do c. Did
b. Does d. Will
8. Did you swim last week ?
a. No, I do
b. Yes, I do
c. No, I did
d. Yes, I did not

9. Did you work last night ?

a. No, I don’t
b. Yes, I did
c. No, I do
d. Yes, I did not

10. You may see the sign at the following place EXCEPT …
a. Mall
b. Supermarket
c. Store
d. Theatre OFF 70%


1. Different = berbeda
2. Once a week = sekali seminggu
3. Twice a week = dua kali seminggu
4. Correct = benar
5. Statement = pernyataan
6. Based on = berdasarkan
7. Uncle = paman
8. Elder brother = abang tertua
9. Physical appearance = penampilan fisik
10. Which = yang mana
11. Win (won) = menang
12. Prepare = menyiapkan
13. Opponent = lawan
14. Fat = gemuk
15. Slim = langsing
16. Allow = ijin
17. Enter = masuk
18. Probably = kemungkinan
19. See = melihat
20. Means = arti
21. Littering = membuang sampah
22. Near = dekat
23. Cook = masak
24. Road = jalan
25. Sign = tanda
26. Fit = bugar
27. Start = mulai
28. Pray = doa
29. Message = pesan
30. Announce = pengumuman

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