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Tittle: Young people need to be educated

Topic: Lack of Education

Lack of education is the inability of people to acquire specialized skills, such as cognitive skills,
socialization, memorization of facts which are necessary for personal development and the
development of society and the world economy. People who lack education have trouble getting
ahead in life, have worse health and are poorer than the well-educated. Major effects of lack of
education include: poor health, lack of a voice, shorter lifespan, unemployment, exploitation and
gender inequality.

Young People specially Childrens need to be educated because education provides direction to
their life. Without education, you cannot improve your lifestyle or gain worldly knowledge.
Education builds confidence and helps you evaluate your capabilities and aptitude. One of the
most important reasons why education is important is because it provides direction. Education
gives us a road map for approaching life and enables us to make plans to improve our lifestyle.
Without education, people cannot progress in society or make changes to their lifestyles. For
example, well-educated people can plan their future by understanding their strengths and
weaknesses.Education also helps you expand your thinking ability so that you can easily find
solutions to problems.

Stable Life. You need to be educated to get a good job to be financially stable in your life. That
might mean you are trained in one specific field or well educated in many different things.
Education is essential to learn, thrive, and excel in the real world and it will teach you values.
While you can teach values at home, education helps you learn about other values and morals
to have a well-balanced, open mind. Hence, it will builds your Confidence when a child learns to
read and write, they become more confident in their abilities, which also helps build personal
confidence. It is the same as you get older. Feeling good about yourself and what you know is a
big confidence booster.

A good education can help you get a better job and earn more money
Having a good education can open up fantastic opportunities for your career path, allowing you
to work towards better jobs and higher salaries. It’s much easier – and more enjoyable – to
progress in your chosen field if you have the relevant knowledge. Employers are far more likely
to hire candidates who have invested in their growth and learning; not only will you be able to
talk about the academic accomplishments that come with a good education, but also how
you’ve applied them practically to your job roles. Earning more money isn’t everything – it’s what
the money allows you to do which makes it so special. With a good education, there could be
many exciting doors opening for yourself and your family.

People who lack education have trouble getting ahead in life, have worse health and are poorer
than the well-educated. Major effects of lack of education include: poor health, lack of a voice,
shorter lifespan, unemployment, exploitation and gender inequality.

Education makes you a better person and teaches you various skills. It enhances your intellect
and the ability to make rational decisions. It enhances the individual growth of a person.
Education also improves the economic growth of a country.

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