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Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Wednesday / 1st January 2014
Time : 8.15am – 9.15 am (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Self, family and friends
Topic : Unit 1: Our community
Learning Standard : 1.1.4
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to talk about
the situation of a fishing village in 3 – 5 sentences.

Teaching Aids : Pictures

Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation
Activities :
Set induction
1. Teacher shows pictures that related to a fisherman.
e.g. sea, beaches, fisherman boat, fish, net, jetty
2. Teacher elicits response from pupils.

1. Refer to textbook page 1. Teacher elicits answers from pupils on what
they see in the pictures boat, net, people drying some fish,
hardware shop, jetty
2. Teacher reads a sample dialogue.
e.g. Two pupils ask/answer
Pupil 1 : What can you see in the picture?
Pupil 2 : I can see fishing boats.
3. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue.
e.g. What do you see?
4. Using flash cards of words related to the picture, teacher drills
pronunciation and spelling of the words.
5. Teacher pastes the sentence strips on the whiteboard. Pairwork : Pupils
practice questions / answer related to the picture.
Question : What do you see?
6. Answer : I can see - fishing village, fishing boat, net, jetty, making salted
fish, pupils walk to school.

Pupils write the questions/answers in their exercise book.

Flash card game – guess the picture.

Reflection :

Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Thursday / 2nd January 2014
Time : 8.45am – 9.45am (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Self, family and friends
Topic : Unit 1: Our community
Learning Standard : 2.2.2(a), 2.2.4 (a)(b)
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to locate
meanings of base words from the dictionary.
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching Aids : Pictures
Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation
Activities :
Set induction
1. Teacher shows pictures of salted fish and other processed salted food.
Pupils name the pictures.
e.g. salted squids, salted shrimps, salted egg.
Teacher elicits response from pupils.

Pre reading
1. Teacher shows word cards (words from the passage)
e.g. refrigerator, freeze, preserve, sprinkle, salt, arrange, made,
caught, dry.
Teacher elicits the meaning from pupils.

While Reading
1. Refer to textbook page 3. Read the text silently.
2. Does reading activities – guided reading, shared reading, chorus
3. Discusses the contents of the text. Teacher asks questions on the text
read. (to help the pupils understand more)
4. Pupils look up for based words in the dictionary. (dictionary skill)
(words in the passage)

Post Reading
1. Pupils get into pairs.
a. distribute task sheets (Appendix 1)
b. pupils transfer information from the text read into the task sheets.
(steps of making salted fish)
2. Discusses the answer.
1. Asks questions on how to make salted fish.

Appendix 1
Transfer Information

Fill in the steps of making salted fish.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Sunday / 5th January 2014
Time : 11.45am – 12.45 pm (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Self, family and friends
Topic : Unit 1: Our community
Learning Standard : 1.3.1(a)
Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils are able to :
1. Ask/answer questions stalls and things sell at a market
2. Talk about what can see and buy at stationery shop,
night market, coffee shop
Teaching aids : pictures, textbook
CCE/EE : creativity & innovation
Activities :

Set induction
1. Teacher asks how many had ever been to a market and what did they
see at a market.
e.g. stalls, hawkers, fish, food, vegetables, fruits
2. Teacher elicits response from pupils.

1. Refer to textbook page 2. Teacher elicits answers from pupils on what
they see in the pictures e.g. fishmonger, fish, fruits, vegetables, florist.
2. Teacher reads a sample dialogue.
Situation : selling / buying dialogue at the market
Pupil 1 : What do you see at a market?
Pupil 2 : I can see .........
Pupil 1 : What do you buy at a market?
Pupil 2 : I can buy .........
3. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue.
e.g. What do you see?
What can you buy?
4. Pairwork : Pupils practice questions / answer related to the picture.
e.g. fruits – watermelons, jackfruit, starfruit, oranges, vegetables –
cabbages, carrots, spinach, cucumber, flowers – carnation, roses, fish.
Pupils write the questions/answers in their exercise book.
Practice :
1. Teacher distributes worksheet. Appendix.
2. Pairwork- in pairs, pupils list out what can be seen and bought at
stationery shop, night market, coffee shop
3. Pupils present their discussions in 3-5 sentences.

Flash card game – guess the picture.
Reflection :
Appendix – worksheet.

Class : 4 Tekun

Name : 1. .............................................


Stationery Shop

Night market

Coffee Shop

Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Monday / 6th January 2014
Time : 12.15pm – 1.15 pm (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Self, family and friends
Topic : Unit 1: Our community
Theme : World of Knowledge
Learning Standard : 2.2.2 a,
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand the
phrases by completing true/false statement.
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching Aids : Pictures
Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation
Activities :

Set induction
1. Teacher asks the occupation of pupils’ parents.
Teacher elicits response from pupils.

Pre reading
1. Teacher shows word cards (words from the passage)
e.g. curious, burnt, neighbourhood, rebuild, architect, volunteered,
contractor, donations, hardware store, wonderful.
Teacher elicits the meaning from pupils.

While Reading
1. Textbook page 4. Read the text silently. Does reading activities.
2. Teacher asks questions on the text read. (to help the pupils understand
3. Pupils get into groups.
a. distribute task sheets
b. pupils complete true/false statement from the text read into the
task sheets.
4. Teacher discussed the answer.

Post Reading
1. Word maze – Find 5 words that are related to occupations

Reflection :
Task sheet :

Class : 4 Tekun

Name : .......................................................

Date : ........................................................

Marked ( ) for correct statement and ( x ) for false statement.

1. It was Monday. ( )

2. Nurul’s house was burnt down ( )

3. Nurul’s father is going to rebuild Mak Dillah’s house. ( )

4. The neighbourhood is working together To bulid a house For Mak Dillah ( )

5. Pravin’s father is an architect. ( )

6. Kim seng is a contractor. ( )

7. Nurul, Kim Seng, Pravin and Kinah are going to collect the donations at school.

( )

8. A hardware store owner will contribute the building materials. ( )

9. Mak Dillah lives at the same neighbourhood with Nurul, Kim Seng and Pravin.

10. Nurul’s mother is the friend of Mak Dillah. ( )


Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Tuesday / 7th January 2014
Time : 11.15am – 12.15 pm (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Self, family and friends
Topic : Unit 1: Our community
Learnning Standard: 3.1.2a, 3.2.1(a)
Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to :
1. write an invitation to a fundraising fair in cursive writing
Time : 2 periods (1 hr.)
Teaching aids : pictures
CCE/EE : creativity & innovation
Activities :

Set Induction:
1. Display a pictures of a fund raising fair. Asks about what they can sell
and buy at the fair. Elicits answers from pupils.

1. Refer to textbook page 6. Reads the text. Discussed the contents.
2. Teacher highlights the information in thr text bout the fair.
e.g. date, time, place, items on sale
3. Teacher models sentences based on the key words.

1. Pupils write an invitation card with the above information with legible
cursive writing and decorate the card.

1. Pupils work in group of 4 to choose and discuss what to sell at their stall
in a fund-raising fair.
2. The groups will form a poster on their sale items.
3. Each representative preset their poster..

Ask/answer questions on learning content of today.

Reflection :

Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Wednesday / 8th January 2014
Time : 12.15pm – 1.15 pm (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Self, family and friends
Topic : Unit 1: Our community
Learnning Standard: 3.2.1(a)
Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to :
1. transfer information with guidance from a linear text.
Teaching aids : pictures
CCE/EE : creativity & innovation
Activities :

Set Induction:
1. Display a pictures of a fund raising fair. Asks about what they can
sell and buy at the fair. Elicits answers from pupils.

1. Refer to textbook page 7. Reads the dialoges. Discusses the
2. Teacher highlights the things sell at the fair. E.g. food, vegetables,
3. Teacher reads the paragraph in the textbook page 7. Teacher
models an answer based on previous lesson.

1. Pupils complete the paragraph by fill in the blanks correctly.
2. Dicusses the answers.

1. Pupils work in pairs to discuss information in the paragraph and write an
invitation card. Pupils must include necessary information ; date, day,
time, place and items on sale.
2. Each representative reads out the sentences.

Pupils rolled play fund-raising fair by selling foods etc.

Reflection :

Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Thursday / 9th January 2014
Time : 9.45am – 10.45 am (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Self, family and friends
Topic : Unit 1: Our community
Learning Standard : 5.1.1b, 5.1.1c,
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to change
the singular nouns to plural forms
Teaching Aids : Pictures
Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation
Activities :

Set Induction:
1. Pupils are each given a word card. Those with similar words will get
Example: FAMILY, CAMERA, BUS. Pupils are required to give the
plural forms of the words.

1. Teacher introduces the plural forms of the selected words. ( + s : + es:
+ ies )
2. Each group identifies the given words and place them in correct
3. Teacher highlights the singular-plural rules for each category.

1. Pupils are given a text.
2. Pupils are asked to identify and underline the singular and plural nouns
found in the text.
3. They are required to change form of the nouns singular to plural; plural
to singular]
4. Teacher shows the correct answer and pupils check the answers.

1. Pupils are divided into two groups.
2. Pupils are asked to sing the following song to the tune of ‘Oh My

Group 1:
If you are clever [ 3 X ]
Answer me
What’s the plural [ 3 X ]
form of ‘family’
Group 2:
I am clever [ 3 X ]
Dear friends
Easy answer [ 3 X ]


Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Sunday /12th January 2014
Time : 11.45am – 12.45 pm (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Unit 2 : Spending Wisely
Learning Standard : 1.1.3, 1.2.4,
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils are be able to
1. Recite tongue twisters with correct pronunciation
2. Participate in guided conversations with peers.
Teaching Aids : Pictures
Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation
Activities :

Set induction
1. Refer to textbook page 11. Recites the tongue twisters.
2. Does the activity in guided choral and individually recitation.

1. Teacher elicits pupils : guessing the occupation of characters in the
e.g. Sharon – school girl, Tom – plumber, Prema – party planner,
Gary – an archaeologist.
2. Teacher reads a sample dialogue in textbook page 12.
e.g. A teacher is asking the pupils what are their ambition and what
they should do to achieve it?
3. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue.
e.g. What is the conversation about?
4. Teacher provides 4 sets of different ambition and sample of
dialogues. Teacher drills the sentence pattern.
5.Pupils get into pairs. Pairwork activity – choose an ambition and
practice the dialogue.
e.g i want to be a pilot. I have to study in a flying school. After i pass all
my examination, I will be allowed to fly an aeroplane. In groups, pupils
talk about the advantages of one of the modern means of

Recite the tongue twisters in different speed.
Reflection :

Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Monday/13th January 2014
Time : 11.15am – 12.15 pm (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Unit 2 : Spending Wisely
Learning Standard : 2.2.2 a, 2.2.4 a
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to locate
meanings of base words from the dictionary.
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching Aids : Pictures
Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation
Activities :
Set induction
1. Teacher asks anybody is going to celebrate their birthday in January? Sing
Happy Birthday. Asks what present that they wish for this birthday. Teacher
elicits response from pupils.

Pre reading
1. Teacher shows word cards (words from the passage)
e.g. saving, discount, budget, cost, department store, earn. Teacher
elicits the meaning from pupils.

While Reading
2. Refer to textbook page 14. Read the text silently. Does reading
3. Teacher asks questions on the text read. (to help the pupils understand
4. Pupils get into groups.
a. distribute task sheets
b. pupils transfer information from the text read into the task sheets.
(benefits of communication)
c. Teacher displays a bubble map on the board.
Group participation: complete the bubble map
5. Pupils look up for based words in the dictionary. (dictionary skill)
(words in the passage)

Post Reading
Word maze – Find 5 words that are related to the text.

Reflection :

Class : 4 Tekun
Day/Date : Wednesday /15th January 2014
Time : 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm(60 minutes)
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Unit 2 : Spending Wisely
Learning Standard : 3.2.2.a
Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils are able to write with guidance
(a) labels.
Teaching aids : pictures, realia
CCE/EE : creativity & innovation
Activities :
Set Induction:
1. Display a bubble map (from the previous lesson)and talk about the
benefits of spending wisely.

1. Refer to textbook page 16. Reads the text. Discusses the content.
2. Pupils labels the pie chart. Discusses the answers.
3. Explains the different between things need and want.
4. Asks questions what usually pupils want and needed. Elicits answer from

1. Pupils get into pairs and practice the dialogue. Choose a thing want and
a thing need. Discuss the reason..

4. Pupils work in pairs to write2-3 sentences based on the selected things
needed and wanted.
5. Each representative reads out the sentences.

Tongue twisters competition.

Reflection :

Class : 4 Juara
Day/Date : Thursday /16th January 2014
Time : 11.15am – 12.15 pm (60 minutes)
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Unit 2 : Spending Wisely
Learning Standard : 5.1.1d, 5.1.1e,
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to locate and list
out countable and uncountable nouns correctly
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching Aids : Pictures
Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation
Activities :
Set Induction:
1. Pupils are shown picture of various food for a birthday party.
2. Pupils identify the food and their quantities.
Example: birthday cake, noodles, satay, drinks, sweets etc elicits
answer from pupils.

1. Teacher introduces countable / uncountable nouns and the words to
with. E.g. a,an, a few, several, many, some, plenty of, a lot of, a little,
much, some.
2. Pupils identify the countable / uncountable nouns in the table in
textbook page 18.
3. Drills pupils with the spelling rules.

1. Textbook page 18. Pupils complete the exercise given.
2. Discusses the answer.

1. Pupils are divided into two groups.
3. Pupils are askedto choose the correct answers in the exercise in
textbook page 19.
4. Groups’ presente the answer in 10 seconds. The group that can
Group 2:
Reflection :

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