07 Impulse and Momentum

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines



Subject Instructor: Engr. Frances Angelique T. Ubana
Module No. & Title: 7. Impulse and Momentum
7. Impulse and Momentum
Outline of Topics
1. Definition
2. Impulse-Momentum Theorem
3. Collision

Specific Intended Learning Outcome/s (SILOs)

At the end of this topic, the student should be able to:
• Define impulse and momentum
• Comprehend the Impulse-Momentum Theorem
• Solve problems regarding impulse and momentum
• Discuss the different types of collision
• Solve problems regarding collision

There are many situations in which the force acting on an object is

not constant, but varies with time. For instance, a baseball is hit. The
figure on the right shows how the magnitude of the force applied to
the baseball by the bat changes. The magnitude of the force is zero
at t0 just before the bat touches the ball. During contact, the force
rises to a maximum and then returns to zero. The time interval 𝜟𝒕
during which the bat and the ball are in contact is quite short, being
only a few thousandths of seconds, although the maximum force can
be very large.

To describe how a time-varying force affects the motion of an object, we will introduce two new ideas: the
impulse of a force and the linear momentum of an object. These ideas will be used with Newton’s second
law of motion to produce an important result known as the impulse-momentum theorem.

Lesson 1: Definition

The impulse J of a force is the product of the average force F and the time interval t during which the force
𝑱 = 𝑭𝜟𝒕
Impulse is a vector quantity and has the same direction as the average force. The SI unit of impulse is
Newton-Second (N-s).


The linear momentum p of an object is the product of the object’s mass m and the velocity v.
𝒑 = 𝒎𝝂

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Linear momentum is a vector quantity and it points to the same direction as that of the velocity. The SI unit
for momentum is the kilogram-meter/second (kg-m/s).

Lesson 2: The Impulse-Momentum Theorem

As mentioned earlier, Newton’s second law of motion van be used to reveal a relationship between impulse
and momentum. Suppose a ball with initial velocity v 0 approaching a bat. The bat then hits the ball and then
the ball departs with final velocity v f. In the kinematics, we have learned that the average acceleration a of
an object is given by:

And from Newton’s second law of motion, the average acceleration is produced by the new average force.

Multiplying both sides of the equation by the t, we get:

Which is known as the Impulse-Momentum Theorem. It states that when a net average force ∑𝐹⃗ acts on an
object during a time interval t, the impulse of this Force is equal to the change in momentum of the object.

Example Problem 2.1

A baseball whose mass is equal to 0.14kg has an initial velocity of -38m/s as it approaches a bat. The bat
applies an average force that is much larger than the weight of the ball and the ball departs from the bat
with a final velocity of +58m/s.
a. Determine the impulse applies to the ball by the bat.
b. If the time of contact is equal to 1.6x10-3 s, find the average force exerted on the ball by
the bat.

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Example Problem 2.2

During a storm, rain comes straight down with a velocity of -15 m/s
and hits the roof of a car perpendicularly. The mass of rain per second
that strikes the car roof is 0.060 kg/s. Assuming that the rain comes to
rest upon striking the car, find the average force exerted by the rain
on the roof.

Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum

We begin by applying the impulse–momentum theorem to a midair

collision between two objects. The two objects (masses m1 and m2)
are approaching each other with initial velocities V01 and V02, as the
figure shows. The collection of objects being studied is referred to as
the “system.” In this case, the system contains only the two objects.
They interact during the collision and then depart with the final
velocities vf1 and vf2. Because of the collision, the initial and final
velocities are not the same.
Two types of forces act on the system:
Internal forces: Forces that the objects within the system
exert on each other.
External forces: Forces exerted on the objects by agents
external to the system.

During the collision, F12 is the force exerted by on object 1 by object 2

while F21 is the force exerted on object 2 by object 1. These forces
are action–reaction forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in
direction, so F12 = - F21. They are internal forces, since they are
forces that the two objects within the system exert on each other. The
force of gravity also acts on the objects, their weights being W1 and
W2. These weights, however, are external forces, because they are
applied by the earth, which is outside the system. Friction and air
resistance would also be considered external forces, although these
forces are ignored here for the sake of simplicity. The impulse–

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momentum theorem, as applied to each object, gives the following results:

Adding these equations produces a single result for the system as a whole:

We developed this result with gravity as the only external force. But, in general, the sum of the external
forces on the left includes all external forces. Suppose that the sum of the external forces is zero. A system
for which this is true is called an isolated system.

Now we have an example of a general principle known as the principle of conservation of linear
momentum. It can be stated that “The total linear momentum of an isolated system remains constant (is
conserved). An isolated system is one for which the vector sum of the average external forces acting on the
system is zero.”

Example Problem 2.3

A freight train is being assembled in a switching yard. Car 1 has a mass of 65,000kg and moves at a
velocity of +0.80 m/s. Car 2, with a mass of 92,000kg and a velocity of 1.3m/s, overtakes car 1 and couples
to it. Neglecting friction, find the common velocity vf of the cars after they become coupled.

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Example Problem 2.4

Starting from rest, two skaters push off against each other on smooth level ice, where friction is negligible.
As the figure shows, one is a woman (m=54 kg), and one is a man (m=88 kg). Part b of the drawing shows
that the woman moves away with a velocity of v f1=+2.5 m/s. Find the “recoil” velocity vf2 of the man.

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Lesson 3: Collision
Collision in One Dimension

As discussed in the previous section, the total linear momentum is conserved when two objects collide,
provided they constitute an isolated system. When the objects are atoms or subatomic particles, the total
kinetic energy of the system is often conserved also. In other words, the total kinetic energy of the particles
before the collision equals the total kinetic energy of the particles after the collision, so that kinetic energy
gained by one particle is lost by another.

In contrast, when two macroscopic objects collide, such as two cars, the total kinetic energy after the
collision is generally less than that before the collision. Kinetic energy is lost mainly in two ways: 1) It can
be converted into heat because of friction, and 2) it is spent in creating permanent distortion or damage, as
in an automobile collision. With very hard objects, such as a solid steel ball and a marble floor, the
permanent distortion suffered upon collision is much smaller than with softer objects and, consequently,
less kinetic energy is lost.

Collisions are often classified according to whether the total kinetic energy changes during the collision:
1) Elastic collision: One in which the total kinetic energy of the system after the collision is
equal to the total kinetic energy before the collision.
2) Inelastic collision: One in which the total kinetic energy of the system is not the same
before and after the collision; if the objects stick together after colliding, the collision is said
to be completely inelastic.

Example Problem 3.1

The figure illustrates an elastic head-on collision between two balls.

One ball has a mass of m1=0.250kg and an initial velocity of 5.00
m/s. The other has a mass of m2=0.800kg and is initially at rest. No
external forces act on the balls. What are the velocities of the balls
after the collision?

Three facts will guide our solution. The first is that the collision is elastic, so that the kinetic energy of the
two-ball system is the same before and after the balls collide. The second fact is that the collision occurs
head-on. This means that the velocities before and after the balls collide all point along the same line. In
other words, the collision occurs in one dimension. Last, no external forces act on the balls, with the result
that the two-ball system is isolated and its total linear momentum is conserved. We expect that ball 1,
having the smaller mass, will rebound to the left after striking ball 2, which is more massive. Ball 2 will be
driven to the right in the process.

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Example Problem 3.2

A ballistic pendulum can be used to measure the speed of a

projectile, such as a bullet. The ballistic pendulum shown in the figure
consists of a stationary 2.50-kg block of wood suspended by a wire of
negligible mass. A 0.0100-kg bullet is fired into the block, and the
block (with the bullet in it) swings to a maximum height of 0.650 m
above the initial position (see part b of the drawing). Find the speed
with which the bullet is fired, assuming that air resistance is negligible.


The physics of the ballistic pendulum can be divided into two parts.
The first is the completely inelastic collision between the bullet and
the block. The total linear momentum of the system (block plus bullet)
is conserved during the collision, because the suspension wire
supports the system’s weight, which means that the sum of the
external forces acting on the system is nearly zero. The second part
of the physics is the resulting motion of the block and bullet as they
swing upward after the collision. As the system swings upward, the
principle of conservation of mechanical energy applies, since
nonconservative forces do no work. The tension force in the wire does
no work because it acts perpendicular to the motion. Since air
resistance is negligible, we can ignore the work it does. The conservation principles for linear momentum and
mechanical energy provide the basis for our solution.

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Collision in Two Dimensions

The collisions discussed so far have been head-on, or one-dimensional, because the velocities of the objects all point
along a single line before and after contact. Collisions often occur, however, in two or three dimensions. The figure
shows a two-dimensional case in which two balls collide on a horizontal frictionless table.

For the system consisting of the two balls, the external forces include the
weights of the balls and the corresponding normal forces produced by the
table. Since each weight is balanced by a normal force, the sum of the
external forces is zero, and the total momentum of the system is conserved.
Momentum is a vector quantity, however, and in two dimensions the x and y
components of the total momentum are conserved separately.

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These equations are written for a system that contains two objects. If a system contains more than two objects, a
mass-times-velocity term must be included for each additional object on either side of equation for the x and y

Example Problem 3.3

For the situation in the figure, use momentum conservation to determine the magnitude and direction of the final
velocity of ball 1 after the collision.

We can obtain the magnitude and direction of the final velocity of ball 1 from the x and y components of this velocity.
These components can be determined by using the momentum-conservation principle in its component form, as
expressed in their respective equations.

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Physics 9th Edition by Cutnell, et. al.

Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update 13th Edition by Young, et. Al

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EN PHYS 1 – PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS Period: ___________________

Name of Student: ____________________________________________Course and Year: __________
Schedule (Time and Day): _____________________________________Final Rating: ______________
7. Impulse and Momentum
Assessment Task:
Direction: Accomplished and submit only the assessment task on the next delivery of learning
1. A 46-kg skater is standing still in front of a wall. By pushing against the wall, she propels herself
backward with a velocity of -1.2 m/s. Her hands are in contact with the wall for 0.80 s. Ignore friction
and wind resistance. Find the magnitude and direction of the average force she exerts on the wall
(which has the same magnitude as, but opposite direction to, the force that the wall applies to her).

2. A student (m=63 kg) falls freely from rest and strikes the ground. During the collision with the ground,
he comes to rest in a time of 0.040 s. The average force exerted on him by the ground is +18 000 N,
where the upward direction is taken to be the positive direction. From what height did the student fall?
Assume that the only force acting on him during the collision is that due to the ground.

3. A dump truck is being filled with sand. The sand falls straight downward from rest from a height of
2.00 m above the truck bed, and the mass of sand that hits the truck per second is 55.0 kg/s. The
truck is parked on the platform of a weight scale. By how much does the scale reading exceed the
weight of the truck and sand?

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1. Squids and octopuses propel themselves by expelling water. They do this by keeping water in a cavity
and then suddenly contracting the cavity to force out the water through an opening. A 6.50-kg squid
(including the water in the cavity) at rest suddenly sees a dangerous predator. (a) If the squid has
1.75 kg of water in its cavity, at what speed must it expel this water to suddenly achieve a speed of to
escape the predator? Neglect any drag effects of the surrounding water. (b) How much kinetic energy
does the squid create by this maneuver?

2. On a frictionless, horizontal air table, puck A (with mass 0.250 kg) is moving toward puck B (with
mass 0.350 kg), which is initially at rest. After the collision, puck A has a velocity of 0.120m/s to the
left, and puck B has a velocity of to the right. (a) What was the speed of puck A before the collision?
(b) Calculate the change in the total kinetic energy of the system that occurs during the collision.

3. A 5.00-kg ornament is hanging by a 1.50-m wire when it is suddenly hit by a 3.00-kg missile traveling
horizontally at 12.0m/s. The missile embeds itself in the ornament during the collision. What is the
tension in the wire immediately after the collision?

1. Batman (mass=91 kg) jumps straight down from a bridge into a boat (mass=510 kg) in which a
criminal is fleeing. The velocity of the boat is initially +11 m/s. What is the velocity of the boat after
Batman lands in it?

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2. A girl is skipping stones across a lake. One of the stones accidentally ricochets off a toy boat that is
initially at rest in the water (see the drawing). The 0.072-kg stone strikes the boat at a velocity of 13
m/s, 15deg below due east, and ricochets off at a
velocity of 11 m/s, 12$ above due east. After being
struck by the stone, the boat’s velocity is 2.1 m/s,
due east. What is the mass of the boat? Assume
the water offers no resistance to the boat’s motion.

3. A ball is dropped from rest from the top of a 6.10-m-tall building, falls straight downward, collides
inelastically with the ground, and bounces back. The ball loses 10.0% of its kinetic energy every time
it collides with the ground. How many bounces can the ball make and still reach a windowsill that is
2.44 m above the ground?

Student’s Corner
Write your feedback and learning in this lesson.

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