The Permit To Work System

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The 'Permit -to-Work' Systems

The Permit-to-Work is essentially a document which sets out the work to be done, the hazards involved and the precautions to be taken. It predetermines a safety Drill and is a clear record that all foreseeable hazards have been considered and appropriate precautions are defined and put out in a correct sequence. Classification of Permit-to-Work systems: HAZARDOUS OPERATION PERMIT: 1.Work in confines space; 2.Breaking or opening equipment or pipe-line containing hazardous chemicals; 3.Hot-work in areas or on equipment where flammables are stored or processed; 4.Workon high voltage electrical equipment; 5.Loading and unloading of hazardous substances; 6.Excavation: underground cables, pipeline-work, vessels, etc.; 7.Operations involving disposal of hazardous substances; and 8.Operations for testing of systems, equipment, pipe-line, pressure plants, etc.;

HAZARDOUS LOCATION PERMIT: 1.Work on fragile roof or ceiling; 2.Work at dangerous heights, on scaffolding/walls/tall chimneys; 3.Work on or below or in the vicinity of guarded or unguarded electrically operated and/or mechanically moving machinery or equipment; 4.Work on equipment that requires complete isolation; and 5. Work involving propping and centering of RCC Slabs.

HAZARDOUS WORK AREA PERMIT: *1.Explosive Building Work; *2.Acid Area Work; *3.Flammable Area Work; and *4.Noxious Fumes Area Work. SPECIAL HAZARD PERMIT: *1.Use of toxic materials, matches or lighter, flammables; and *2.Use of repaired/modified electrical and other tools/equipment/application. EQUIPMENT OPERATING PERMIT: *1.Operating vehicle, fork-lift, etc.; and *2.Sprinkler valve closing.

Figure 1 Confined Space and Warning Placard

BASIC ELEMENTS OF PERMIT-TO-WORK SYSTEMS: 1. PREPARATION 2. TRANSFER AND ACCEPTANCE OF RESPONSIBILITY 3. COMPLETION OF THE JOB Preparation: Appropriate check-lists are used to identify the job done, the possible dangers involved, necessary isolations, disconnections and tests, the safety precautions that must be taken and the time limits between which the permit is valid. When the above steps are complete, ensuring that the particulars are correct, the permit is signed by the authorized initiator and handed over to the job undertaker. Transfer and Acceptance of Responsibility: The job undertaker assures the initiator that the permit has been properly completed and that he understands the work to be done and precautions to be taken. Then the job undertaker signs the permit. He checks that the necessary equipment is available and ensures that the specified precautions are carried

out. He consults and obtains renewal or continuation of the permit if the job is delayed beyond the specified limit. Figure 2 Visually Confusing Piping SystemIdentification is very essential

Completion of the job: The job undertaker signs to the effect that the job is complete, that all his men have withdrawn and normal safe-guards effectively restored. When more than one department is involved in the work, the supervisor of each group signs. The machinery or the plant is handed back to the production initiator who signs accepting responsibility. The permit is withdrawn from the display and normal working is resumed. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PERMIT-TO-WORK SYATEM: 1. The permit must be recognized as the master instruction overriding all other instructions; 2. Where the work continues beyond the specified time limit or end of the shift, the responsibility for the operation must be passed onto the responsible person of the succeeding shift by signing the permit; 3. Wherever necessary, more than one permit can be issued where more than one department is involved or where there is a high level of risk;

4. Wherever there is high risk of fire or explosion, the issue of all permit should be notified to a central control point so that any possible danger can be averted; 5. Where the work is to be carried out by outside contractors, it is important that those involved should be made fully aware of the circumstances under which the permit is operated.

When a job undertaken, say a maintenance man or contractor, signs a permit to indicate that the job is complete, he means that he has completed the job he thought he had done so. This may not be the same as the job he was expected to do. The process team needs to make sure that the job completed is one wanted and therefore always inspect the job. When handing over or handing back the permit, the initiator and the job-undertaker (generally, the process and maintenance people) should speak to each other. It is not good practice to leave a permit on the table for someone to sign when he comes in. Atmosphere Gas Tests and Air supplies: Prior to entry into equipment, internal atmospheres shall be tested for oxygen content, flammable gases and vapors and for potential toxic air contaminants. The gas tests which are commonly done are for hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide and oxygen, together with tests for any toxic substance which has been contained in the equipment. There are certain precautions which may be taken to ensure that an air line is not connected in error to a nitrogen supply line. One is to put an identification sign at each Nitrogen take-off point. A more positive measure is to ensure that the connections for nitrogen and air lines are

different and that their designs are such as to prevent an air line from being connected to a nitrogen line.

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Electric Arc Cutting and Welding.

Fire. Hot spot re-ignition. Explosion. Skin and eye damage Electric shock Tripping Controls and precautions to be observed during this work Hot work Permit and Gas Test documentation to be at worksite if area requires. Equipment to be operated by competent person only Electrical supplies to inspected and to be fit for purpose Welding sets and transformers to be correctly earthed. Equipment to be inspected, labeled and in date for use Competent Fire watcher to be appointed (two if work on bulkhead/floor/deck head Clear Area Of combustible materials Equipment liable to spark or weld spatter damage to be covered. Barriers and warning signs to be posted Fire extinguisher to be at work site Electrical supply leads to be run so as not to provide a trip or fouling hazard Correct eye and Body protection to be worn during work. Eye line Glare shields for adjacent walkways to be erected. Worksite to be inspected by firewatcher 30 minutes after hot work ceases.

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