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Future Researchers.

Beyond the benefit that the proponent of this research has, thisstudy is intended
to benefit the future researchers to be their basis to explore the same topic
andcreate new studies that will further the study that the researchers have made.

Passengers. Implementation and the success of this project will benefit them by
providing them a system wherein they can book taxis conveniently for their everyday

Taxi Drivers. Output of the capstone project could improve the services they could
offer to their passengers.

Researchers. The success of this capstone project will give them the opportunity to
help in the issues were facing in terms of transportation. The success also of this
project will made them realize their potential in providing tech able solutions for
different problems.

Future Researchers. Outputs in terms of documents and system is very important to

the next batch of researchers. They can use this research paper as basis if they
wish to pursue similar study.

You may visit our facebook page for more information, inquiries and comments.

The input data will come from the end-users, these are the employee information and
request/inquiry. These data contains the information logs of service request,
complaints and queries, the date of request, problem or request description,
product name, and office assignment.
Another group of users are Drivers which refers to the I, then the Supervisor who
functions as the Unit Head or the Head of section where the request came from and
the Administrator acts as the IT Support Officer which provides technical support
to end- users and has the full control in using the system. The input data contains
the ticket urgency (low, medium and high), ticket approval and activity details
which refer to the action taken performed in addressing the problem or queries by
the end users.
The processing involves the generation of ticket automation and requests queue
coming from the different requests. A priority-based scheduling scheme is employed
to manage the assignment of ticket status and schedule and of request. A knowledge-
based system was designed to store all the processing methods and procedures for
resolving the issues. Lastly, it was also designed to generate and manage reports
for documentation purposes.
The output of the system is a help desk management which is to be evaluated using
the ISO 25010 criteria for feedbacking mechanism.

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