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The following conceptual-operational definitions are to clear

up and hub on the terms as they be relevant to this research.

General Academic (GAS) Strand

Cognitive Function

Cognition basically means using your brain. It is a very broad term that includes many varied
and complex brain activities (or cognitive functions), such as attention, memory, processing
speed, and executive functions (i.e., reasoning, planning, problem solving, and multitasking).


Irritability is a feeling of agitation. Although, some describe “agitation” as a more severe form
of irritability. Regardless of the term you use, when you're irritable, you're likely to become
frustrated or upset easily. You might experience it in response to stressful situations.

Interpersonal Conflicts

This inability to read others' emotions is exactly why interpersonal conflict may increase when
you are sleep deprived,then the effects just double as neither of you are able to process your
own emotions, or those of the other individual.

Chronic sleep

Chronic sleep deficiency or insufficient sleep can describe ongoing sleep deprivation as well as
poor sleep that occurs because of sleep fragmentation or other disruptions.

Depression is different from regular mood changes and feelings about everyday life. It can
affect all aspects of life, including relationships with family, friends and community. It can result
from or lead to problems at school and at work.


Anxiety refers to anticipation of a future concern and is more associated with muscle tension
and avoidance behavior. Fear is an emotional response to an immediate threat and is more
associated with a fight or flight reaction – either staying to fight or leaving to escape danger.

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