Resume Toefl Syifa

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Nama: Syifa Aulia Dewi

Nim: 23070200055

Kelas: 5B

T. Matematika

1. Types of TOEFL test

a.) TOEFL paper-based test (PBT)

This is one of the most famous types of TOEFL tests and is widely held at various educational
institutions, course institutions, to language-specific institutions in Indonesia

b.) TOEFL internet-based test (IBT)

This type of TOEFL test is one of the newest types organized by the Educational Testing System (ETS), an
institution that holds a TOEFL license based in the United States. This test is considered to have an
assessment aspect that is not much different from IELTS, because it consists of assessments of listening,
reading, writing, and speaking. However, as the name implies, TOEFL iBT is administered via the
internet, so people who take this test will do it through a computer connected to the internet.

c.) TOEFL computer-based test (CBT)

This test has the same assessment structure as PBT, which includes listening, structure and written
expression, reading comprehension, and writing.

d.) TOEFL Institutional Testing Program (ITP)

This type of TOEFL test is the one that is quite widely used in Asian countries, including Indonesia.
Usually, this one test is used as a condition for graduating from college, or passing the domestic
scholarship stage, as well as a requirement to apply for jobs to certain companies.

2. How to calculate TOEFL score

 Calculate in advance the correct answers in each session (listening, structure, and reading)
 Pay close attention to the conversion value of the number of correct answers as shown in the
table above.

 Multiply by ten.
 After that, the value is divided by the number three.

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