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CHILDREN's Obesity nguyên nhân-gp

It is widely is believed that children’s obesity has become a common concern in our society in recent
years. In this essay, one of the main reasons for children's obesity will be discussed before the most
important solutions are drawn.

There are some reasons why children's obesity is increasing. Fast food is the most significant factor.
Nowadays, many children are obsessed with readily available and convenient foods like pizza, KFC,
burger and coke. These foods contain a lot of energy which makes children overweight easily. For
example, the US has the most fast food restaurants in the world and it has the largest number of
overweight children. Another contributing factor to children's obesity is the lack of exercise. It is true
that children are too dependent on technology such as smartphones, TVs, laptops... and they can
spend many hours with these devices, instead of playing physical games like soccer or swimming.
This bad habit will make children unable to burn excess energy and very easily become overweight.

Children's obesity is serious, but there are several solutions to this problem. First, the government
should take measures to ban the sale of fast food to children. If this happens, children will have the
opportunity to eat healthier foods, and thus children's obesity will decrease. Second, the
government should focus on investing in children's entertainment infrastructure such as parks and
play areas. When there is more space to play outside, children will be less dependent on technology
devices and will be more active.

In conclusion, children's obesity is mainly caused by fast food and lack of exercise and it can be
solved by banning fast food for children and government investment in rentertainment
infrastructure for children.

2.BRAIN DRAIN – chảy máu chất zám: Nguyên nhân + giải pháp

It is widely believed that brain drain has become a common concern in our society in recent years. In
this essay, some of the main causes of this problem will be discussed before the most important
solutions are drawn.

There are several reasons why brain drain is becoming more and more serious in countries,
especially poor countries. Salary is the most important factor. Nowadays, many people want to
settle in developed countries where the salary conditions are much higher than in their home
country. For example, America is the richest country in the world and a lot of knowledgeable people
like doctors, engineers, professors... want to work there. Another contributing factor to this problem
is the lack of infrastructure in developing countries. Because highly educated people do not have the
environment to develop their field of study and research in their own country, they must continue to
live and work in developed countries where there are machines, technology relevant to their field.

Brain drain is serious, but there are several solutions to this problem. First, poor countries should
raise the love of their people so that high-quality workers can return to serve their homeland. In
addition, these countries should have policies that prioritize wages for key occupations such as
doctors, engineers, etc. Second, governments in developing countries should focus on investing in
infrastructure related to the fields of study by their international students. Therefore, these students
after completing studies abroad can return to continue their homeland to work in their fields.

In conclusion, the brain drain is mainly caused by low salaries and lack of infrastructure in poor
countries and it can be solved by government investment in the two factors.


It is believed that traffic accidents have become a common concern in our society in recent years. In
this essay, some of the main causes of this problem will be discussed before the most important
solutions are drawn.

There are a few reasons why the number of traffic accidents is increasing. People's awareness is the
most important factor. Nowadays, many people are careless and do not pay attention to traffic rules.
For example, many people even drink alcohol while driving. This leads to a quick rise in the number
of traffic accidents, especially during the holidays. Another contributing factor to this problem is the
lack of infrastructure. Many cities have substandard roads, which directly affects the increase in
traffic accidents.

Traffic accidents are serious, but there are a few solutions to this problem. First, the government
should take measures to raise people's awareness of traffic laws. In addition, traffic violations should
be strictly punished. Second, the government should focus on investing in transport-related
infrastructure such as roads, signs, etc. Obviously, better and wider roads will reduce the number of
traffic accidents.

In conclusion, traffic accidents are mainly caused by people's poor awareness and lack of
infrastructure and it can be solved by raising public awareness and government investment in these
two factors.

4.SKY TRAINS advantages and disadvantages

It is widely believed that sky trains have become a common part in our society in recent years. While
some people think that sky trains have many advantages, others argue that it can cause more pain
than gain. Personally, I can understand the two opposing points of view; I am both fasinated by the
development of sky trains in big cities and apprehensive about its possible negative effects.

On the one hand, sky trains should bring some obvious benefits. First, sky trains are clearly save
people's travel time. Because it is designed on high, not sharing the road with other means of
transport, people traveling by sky trains can easily avoid traffic jams, which other people often
encounter. Second, sky trains can improve the health of people traveling in big cities. It is true that
the air above is fresher than it is on the ground. Therefore, people traveling by this type of vehicle
are less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases such as pneumonia or lung cancer.

On the other hand, I share the concerns of people who believe that sky trains have some
disadvantages. From an economic point of view, building private overhead lines for sky trains is
extremely expensive. It cannot be denied that the cost of building a road for sky trains along with
the cost of site clearance will be many times higher than that of building conventional roads. From a
social point of view, the safety of sky trains is a big concern. Because sky trains have never been
operated in Vietnam before, many people are worried about the potential accidents that sky trains
can cause.

In conclusion, while sky trains are no doubt good for our society, their potential risks should not be
5.CABLE CARS dicussion

Should the government build cable cars in tourist attractions?

It is widely believed that the cable cars have become a popular part of tourist attractions in recent
years. While some people say cable cars will boost tourism, others argue that they may cause more
pain than gain. Personally, I can understand the two opposing points of view; I am both fascinated by
the appearance of cable cars in tourist areas and worried about their potential negative effects.

On the one hand, cable cars should bring some obvious benefits. First, the cable cars are clearly able
to improve the local tourist image. It is true that they are a symbol of the modernity and
professionalism of the service industry. Therefore, they can help attract high-income tourists, even
foreign tourists, to the local area to experience. Second, the cable cars make traveling faster and
easier. Because they are designed with a separate route, the cable cars can avoid the traffic jams
that other vehicles on traditional roads often encounter.

On the other hand, I share the concerns of people who believe that cable cars have certain
disadvantages. From an economic point of view, the construction of elevated routes for cable cars is
extremely expensive. It is undeniable that the construction cost for a cable car route will be many
times higher than the cost of building traditional roads. From a social point of view, the safety of the
cable cars is a major concern. Because the cable cars have rarely been operated in Vietnam before,
many people worry about the potential accidents that the cable cars can cause.

In conclusion, while the cable cars are no doubt good for tourism, their potential risks should not be

6.TOPIC: Many people think that fast food should be imposed high taxes because it causes health
problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is widely believed that fast food has become a common concern in our society in recent years.
Some people think that the government should have policies to impose high taxes on fast food. In
my opinion, I partially agree with this statement for the following reasons.

On the one hand, fast food should bring some obvious benefits. First, this type of food is clearly able
to bring convenience to everyone. Because fast food is ready-to-eat and easy to take, it is the best
choice for busy people like office workers and students. For example, instead of spending hours
preparing meals at home, office workers can stop by a fast food restaurant and pick up any dish they
like in minutes. Second, fast food can help people save money. It is true that the cost to cook a meal
at home or at a restaurant is usually more expensive than a fast food meal.

On the other hand, I share the concerns of those who believe that fast food has certain
disadvantages and I think the government should take measures to limit fast food. From a medical
point of view, fast food can cause dangerous diseases like obesity or heart disease. Due to a lot of
calories, fast food easily makes people overweight and this is even more serious if people are too
dependent on it. From a social point of view, fast food can even cause more pain than gain. It is
undeniable that fast food and the diseases associated with it can be a huge burden on the health
care system.

In conclusion, while fast food is no doubt good for many people, its potential risks should not be
7.TOPIC: some people agree that children should read books with pictures, while many people
disagree because this can affect children's imagination. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8.Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will
improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discuss
both these views and give your own opinion.

It is widely believed that genetic engineering has become a heated debate in our society in recent
years. While some people say that it is genetic engineering, others argue that it may be a threat to
life on earth. Personally I can understand the two opposing points of view; I am both fascinated by
genetic engineering and apprehensive about possible negative effects.

On the one hand, genetic engineering should bring some obvious benefits. First, from the food
production perspective, genetic engineering could be the solution to famine in developing countries.
Second, from a medical perspective, scientists may use genetic engineering to produce vaccines, to
cure diseases, or to correct a genetic defect before a child is born. If properly regulated, even
cloning can be done in a way that improves lives. For example, the cloning of individual organs, such
as a heart or kidney, could be permitted for transplant purposes.

On the other hand, I share the concerns of people who believe that genetic engineering has some
certain disadvantages. From the food production perspective, genetically modified crops are already
being grown, and people are concerned that they may damage whole ecosystems as foods become
resistant to diseases and natural predators. But perhaps even more worrying is the possibility that
humans could be modified or cloned. Some people imagine a world in which cloned humans are
used to fight wars or to provide body part replacements. Although perhaps not a threat to life on
earth, the implications of such practices would be unprecedented.

In conclusion, I am convinced that genetic engineering will have a positive impact on our lives, and
that people’s fears will be unwarranted.

9.Some people say that The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of
money and Governments should invest these funds in public services instead, while others argue
that these entertainment areas should be increasingly invested.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

It is widely believed that The government's investment has become a common problem in
our society in recent years. Some people say that the government should finance public
services instead of spending its budget on arts, music and theatre.In my opinion, I partly
agree with this statement for the following reasons.
On the one hand, the government should definitely allocate a large part of its budget to
public services. This economic sector determines the overall quality of life, ensuring that
some basic services, like schools, hospitals and roads, are available to all citizens
irrespective of their income or social status. Public services satisfy the primary needs of the
society and thus need proper funding, while artists and musicians are not curing diseases or
building houses, so their role is secondary. For example, any country can live without music
concerts, but the absence of medicine will create significant problems. That is why the
government should adequately finance public services in the first place.
On the other hand, arts, music and theater are not a waste of money, since they are an
integral part of society’s cultural and intellectual development and amusement. Firstly, art
and music draw people’s attention to diverse phenomena and represent the inward
significance of things. Quite often a single drawing, piece or song can exhort myriads of
people to reconsider their attitude towards some situations. This way, art serves as a major
source of a nation’s personal and intellectual development. Moreover, visiting museums,
watching movies and listening to music are common ways of relaxation and entertainment. 
In conclusion, I think that arts, music and theater should also be financed since they play an
important role in people’s development and entertainment.
10.Robots and AI

In recent years, Robots and AI have become a heated debate in our society. A
significant portion of the population has a strong belief that Robots and AI have
many advantages. However, others think that they could have certain
disadvantages. In my humble opinion, I think that their cons could never
overshadow its pros and this essay will discuss some drawbacks as well as
several benefits of this matter.

First and foremost, people should recognize that Robots and AI have many
advantages. A very important point to consider is to help people get things done
faster and more efficiently. This means that they are clearly able to do many
jobs better than humans, especially in areas that require high levels of accuracy.
To illustrate this point, I would like to mention the fact that in the US, they use
robots in car production to reduce costs and produce in bulk. Or like in China,
they used driverless trains to go faster. Another point I want to make is that they
don’t need to pay a salary. This is due to the fact that Robots or AI only buy
once, so we don’t need to pay for them hourly, monthly or yearly. 
On the other hand, I share the concerns of people who believe that Robots and
AI also have certain disadvantages. In fact, people have this opinion because the
cost is extremely expensive. This means that to invent and produce a robot or
AI requires modern equipment, high level programming, but the price of such
things is not cheap. As a matter of fact, the cost for Robot Sophia has not been
announced but the cost can be estimated in the millions dollars. Another point to
consider is that they increase the unemployment rate. This is because robots and
working AI means humans have no work to do.

In conclusion, the aforementioned facts have highlighted the reasons and the
measures of this issue. Its positive impacts should be taken into account. People
should take advantage of the pros and minimize the cons on this issue.
11. Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large
number of children play computer games.

What are the positive and negative impacts of playing computer games and what
can be done to minimize the bad effects?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge

With the advancement of information technology, computers have become accessible

to everyone, making computer games more convenient and readily available, even for
children. However, there are several adverse effects of its overuse, which will be
discussed in this essay in detail with some solutions to mitigate their  impact.

Overplaying of computer games can be quite detrimental for the physical growth of
children.  Long-term entertainment with such games makes them prone to weak
eyesight and   obesity , leading to some  serious complications. Moreover, it also affects
their psychological development making them antisocial, violent or depressive. For
instance, a study by U.K Paediatric Association revealed that children who are
introduced to computer games such as Candy Crush at an early age have a tendency to
turn perilous and are generally late in achieving their developmental milestones. Thus,
spending all the time on playing computer games may hinder the overall development
of children.

However, with adequate measures these negative effects can be reversed.  Firstly ,the
family or child’s guardian should pique their interest in outdoor activities by planning
picnics or playing games with them.  Secondly, school authorities should encourage
them to play  interactive sports or engage in other creative activities like painting and
music. They may also organize trekking or hiking trips,  so that children can learn to
appreciate nature. Also parents may set strict schedules for children  to play computer
games or may reward them with computer play time when they do something worthy

In conclusion, computer games may be harmful, but with proper control and care their
bad influence can be minimized.  However, this can be done only with the help of both
the parents and school staff.

12. There is a big number of people who wish to live in big cities Write an essay
to discuss the advantages and disavantages of living in big cities. Include reasons
and any relevant examples to support your answer.

Nowadays, large cities are becoming more and more inhabited. The
majority of the population prefer living in a big town mainly because of the
great advantages it has compared to living in the countryside. However, what
are the benefits of this situation, and what are the drawbacks? In this essay, I
will explore the advantages and disadvantagesof living in a big city and draw
some conclusions.
Let’s start looking at the advantages. One of the main positives of a big
town is the large amount of shops available in every corner of the city. What I
mean by this is that wherever you live, there are some useful stores:
supermarkets, banks, tobacconists and clothing stores where you can easily buy
everything you need without going to the city center. Secondly, living in a big
town is a big challenge for evening parties. In London, for example, there are so
many things to do in the evenings going to the cinema, to the pub or to the park
during the summer period.
On the other hand, traffic could be one of the major disadvantages of
living in a big city. Many people take the car everyday and it has also been
proved that the majority of the families have at least two cars. This means that
you have to deal with rush-hour traffic on your way to work and on your way
back. In addition, in a big town there is consequently a lot of smog and this can
really affect people’s health.
To sum up, living in a big city has great advantages but also some
significant negatives. To sum up, living in a big city has great advantages but
also some significant negatives. Although life in the city is difficult, it also
gives me many benefits. Personally, I believe that the benefits of enjoying the
city-life and the comfort of having shops at every corner, eventually overweigh
13. In order to solve traffic problems, government should tax car owners heavily
and use the money to improve public transprtation, while others argue that this
policy may cause more pains than gains. To what extent do you agree or

The development in the world has given many gifts but not without their
bane. Due to the boom in the automobile industry, there is a significant rise in
traffic congestion on the road, which is one of the pressing problems. The
government can solve this issue by levying a heavier tax on private vehicle
owners. This essay will elucidate the advantages and disadvantages of it.
The imposition of a hefty tax on respective car owners will prove to be
favorable in various ways. To begin with, taxation will dissuade many
individuals from buying their cars, resulting in a decrease in the number of
private cars on the road and a reduction in traffic congestion. If private
automobiles are heavily taxed, public transportation, such as buses and trains,
will become more popular, resulting in fewer vehicles on the road and greater
air quality. Simultaneously, people will be encouraged to use the carpooling
system, which will help to reduce pollution and the overuse of fuel.
However, the drawbacks of this solution appear to overshadow the
positives because automotive purchases account for a significant share of any
economy. Thus, the implementation of taxes will have a negative impact on
human employment and livelihood, as the financial burden on car owners would
be increased. Furthermore, higher taxes will deter individuals from purchasing
private vehicles, which could be an issue in the event of an emergency when
public transportation is unavailable. Besides, people who are not int good
financial position but require a car to commute to work will also be affected
since they will be obliged to offer their automobiles and lose their employment
if they cannot afford the levy.
To sum up, traffic congestion has reached alarming levels, and levying a
tax on private automobile owners as a means of encouraging people to use
public transportation has become a plausible option. However, it has a negative
impact on car sales and may lead to prejudice. Therefore, the idea of levying a
high automobile tax rate on private car owners to alleviate traffic congestion has
both pros and cons which can’t be overlooked.

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