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1: What went well during teaching?

Revision of letters (r, s, t) Theme Water Transport, ‫حرف غ‬, concept add one more) have been
taught successfully.
Students showed good understanding through an activities, and they were able to find different
Vocabulary words from environment. Most of the students responded well. Overall the learning
Objectives have been met successfully.
2: What did not go well in the lesson?
Although everything was fine but some students didn’t recognize the letters very well. The students
who were not focusing on the lesson, given them extra practice for understanding and
3. How to improve the lesson?
Differentiate between students and provide a range of activities.
Complete activities, which would often be set as homework, in the classroom.
Work together in groups in order to complete an assigned task.
4. Identity students requiring extra assistance and what measures were taken for them?
Names of Students Remedial Measures
Urwa noor Changes her sitting arrangement and written
practice were given
Sarim Practice of colouring
5. State completion plan, if Incomplete.
Lessons were completed effectively

Sign: Class teacher:_____________________ Sign: Section Head:___________________

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