Test Construction Basics May 2020

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Test Construction Basics

The following information provides some general guidelines to assist with test development
and is meant to be applicable across disciplines. Note that Bloom’s Taxonomy is referenced
throughout the document.
For detailed instructions on select types of tests, you may choose from the following.

• Multiple Choice Tests

• True/False
• Matching
• Completion
• Short Answer
Including a variety of question types in an exam enables the test designer to better leverage the
strengths and overcome the weaknesses of any individual question type. Multiple choice
questions are popular for their versatility and efficiency, but many other question types can add
value to a test. Some points to consider when deciding which, when, and how often to use a
particular question type include:

• Workload. Some questions require more front-end workload (i.e., time-consuming to

write), while others require more back-end workload (i.e., time-consuming to mark).

• Depth of knowledge: Some question types are better at tapping higher-order thinking
skills, such as analyzing or synthesizing, while others are better for surface level recall.

• Processing speed: Some question types are more easily processed and can be more
quickly answered. This can impact the timing of the test and the distribution of students’
effort across different knowledge domains.
The following describes some of the more common question types, their advantages and
disadvantages, and tips on how to develop them.
There are two general categories for test items:

1. Objective items – students select the correct response from several alternatives or supply a
word or short phrase answer. These types of items are easier to create for lower-order
learning (recall and comprehension) while still possible to design test items for higher-order
learning (apply and analyze).
Objective test items include:

• Multiple choice
• True-false
• Matching
• Completion

Objective test items are advantageous when:

• The group tested is large; objective tests are fast and easy to score
• The test will be reused (must be stored securely)
• Highly reliable scores on a broad range of learning goals must be obtained as
efficiently as possible
• Fairness and freedom from possible test scoring influences (e.g., marker bias) are

2. Subjective or essay items – students present an original answer. These types of items
are easier to use to assess higher-order-thinking skills (apply, analyze, synthesize,
create, evaluate).

Subjective test items include:

• Short answer essay
• Extended response essay
• Problem solving
• Performance test items (these can be graded as complete/incomplete,
performed/not performed)
Subjective test items are advantageous when:

• The marking volume is relatively small

• Organization, synthesis, creativity, or problem-solving skills are intended learning
• The development of students’ writing skills is a learning outcome for the course
• The development of student attitudes, critical thinking, perceptions, and/or
values are learning outcomes
The following tips will help you to design tests that are reliable and valid.
General Tips

• Start with your learning outcomes. Choose objective and subjective items that match
your learning outcomes and the level of complexity of the learning outcome.

• Use a test blueprint. A test blueprint is a rubric, document, or table that lists the
learning outcomes to be tested, the level of complexity, and the weight for the learning
outcome (an example is included at end of this document). A blueprint will make writing
the test easier and contribute immensely to test validity. Note that Bloom’s taxonomy
can be very useful with this activity. You can also share this information with your
students, thus helping them to prepare for the test.

• Let your students know what to expect on the test. Be explicit; otherwise students may
make incorrect assumptions about the test.

• Word questions clearly and simply. Avoid complex questions, double negatives, and
idiomatic language that may be difficult for students, especially multilingual students, to

• Have a colleague or instructional assistant read through (or even take) your exam.
This will help ensure your questions and exam are clear and unambiguous. This also
contributes to the reliability and validity of the test.

• Assess the length of the exam. Unless your goal is to assess students’ ability to work
within time constraints, design your exam so that students can comfortably complete it
in the allocated time. A good guideline is to take the exam yourself and time it, then
triple the amount of time it took you to complete the exam, or adjust accordingly.

• Write your exam key prior to students taking the exam. The point value you assign to
each question should align with the level of difficulty and the importance of the skill
being assessed. Writing the exam key enables you to see how the questions align with
instructional activities. You should be able to easily answer all the questions. Decide if
you will give partial credit to multi-step questions and determine the number of steps
that will be assigned credit. Doing this in advance assures the test is reliable and valid.

• Design your exam so that students in your class have an equal opportunity to fully
demonstrate their learning. Use different types of questions, reduce or eliminate time
pressure, allow memory aids when appropriate, and make your questions fair. An exam
that is too easy or too demanding will not accurately measure your students’
understanding of the material.
Some additional considerations for constructing effective exams:

• Prepare new or revised exams each time you teach a course. A past exam will not
reflect the changes in how you presented the material and the topics you emphasized.
Writing questions at the end of each unit is one way to make sure your exam reflects
the learning outcomes and teaching activities for the unit.
• Be cautious about using item banks from textbook publishers. The items may be poorly
written, may focus on trivial topics, and may not reflect the learning outcomes for your
• Make your exams cumulative. Cumulative tests require students to review material
they have already studied and provide additional opportunity to include higher-order
thinking questions, thus improving retention and learning.

Sample Test Blueprint

1. List the learning outcomes for the unit.

2. You will need to decide the:
• Length of the test
• Weight to be given to each outcome
• Weight to be given to each level of cognitive complexity
• Number of questions and types of items in each cell

For the first learning outcome, identifying the parts of the circulation system, students might complete a
diagram to demonstrate knowledge (worth 10 points) and answer 5 true/false questions for

Learning Outcome Knowledge Comprehension Analysis Total

Identify parts of circulation

10 5 0 15
Relate function of
circulation parts to whole 5 5 5 15
Distinguish between
circulation and other bodily 0 5 10 15
Totals 15 15 15 45
*You may choose not to include all levels of Bloom’s cognitive domain depending on your needs
Adapted from: https://people.ucalgary.ca/~dmjacobs/portage/index.htm

Further Reading
Clay, B (2001). Is This a Trick Question? A Short Guide to Writing Effective Test Questions.
Retrieved from https://www.k-state.edu/ksde/alp/resources/Handout-Module6.pdf
(June 2019).
Creating Exams. Eberly Center, Carnegie Mellon University. (n.d.). Retrieved from
https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/assessment/assesslearning/creatingexams.html (May
Davis, B. (2009). Tools for Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Jacobson, M. Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. (n.d.). Retrieved from
https://people.ucalgary.ca/~dmjacobs/portage/index.htm (June 2019)

Preparing Tests and Exams. Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. (n.d.).
Retrieved from https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-teaching-excellence/teaching-
resources/teaching-tips/developing-assignments/exams/exam-preparation (May 2019)
Suskie, L. (2009). Assessing Student Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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