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Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;

Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education




A Research presented to

The Faculty Members of the Graduate School of


In partial fulfillment for

ENGLISH 203/ Seminar in Thesis Writing


April 2021

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

Chapter 1



The Philippine government shows its full support to Philippine Education as the members of the

Legislative Department proposed and amend Republic Acts that can be a way to improve the

Educational System of the country and assures to attain the goal which is to develop learners to become

globally competitive.

The goal of the Department of Education seems congested by the situation of the school year

2020-2021 brought by the pandemic. System of educations all over the country change suddenly from

face to face to modular distance learning. Different learning modality like printed modular, digital

modules, television-based, radio-based and others arises to cater the needs of the learners.

After the change in modality, challenges also arise to the learners and the parents because of the

adjustments to be made to the whole educational system. It is also a big challenge to the school heads

and even teachers as teaching strategies being used during the old normal may not be efficient and

effective to the new normal form of education of today. Even if it is not that effective and efficient as of

today, study habits of the learners may contribute fully to the education of the students to learn by the

present learning modalities.

Study habit is a factor on the learning performance of students even if there is a change in the

pattern of class schedule and modality because it does affect the way they study and learn. The learners’

environment also contributes to the students’ drive and motivation because learning happens not only in

school but also at home. The school may provide all the possible program of learning, but it depends

upon the learners on how they will respond and abide with it.

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a ladderized, modular non-formal education program

in the Philippines for dropouts in elementary and secondary schools, out-of-school youths, non-readers,

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

working Filipinos and even senior citizens. Even before the pandemic, the Alternative Learning System

uses modular approach because of the time frame of students to consider. The system requires students

to choose schedules according to their choice and availability and has two different schematics before

for conducting instruction; school-based and community-based but for the current situation, modular

approach is being used.

Study habit is a factor on the learning performance of Alternative Learning System students, and

it does affect the way they study and learn. The learners’ environment also contributes to their drive and


Conceptual Framework




The Research Paradigm

The study was focused on the study habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) students of

SDO-Talavera North Annex. First, the researcher organized the survey form to describe the study habits

of the respondents. The researcher also gathered the quarter one and quarter two grades of the

respondents to determine their learning performance.

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study was focused on the study habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) students of

SDO-Talavera North Annex. The study was limited to 78 Alternative Learning System students for the

school year 2020-2021 respondents.

The study was undertaken within the inclusive date from January 2021 and ended April 2021.

Statement of the Problem

The study tried to determine the effect of study habits of Alternative Learning System students to

their learning performance in the new normal form of education. Specifically, it sought to answer the

following question:

1. How may the Alternative Learning System students be describe in terms of:

1.1. Gender

1.2. Age

2. How may the study habits of Alternative Learning System students be described in terms of:

2.1. Time Management

2.2. Study Environment

2.3. Test Taking/Preparation Skills

2.4. Note-taking Skills

2.5. Reading Skills

2.6. Writing Skills

2.7. Mathematical Skills

2.8. Oral Skills

3. Is there a correlation on the perception of Alternative Learning System students in their

quarter one and quarter two grades?

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

4. Is there any significant difference on the Alternative Learning System students learning



Based on the specific problems, null hypothesis was tested in the study.

a. There was no significant relationship between quarter one and quarter two grades and

study habits perception.

b. There was no significant difference between the quarter one and quarter two grades

and the learning performances of the respondents.

Significance of the study

The study of Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO –

Talavera North Annex; its effect to academic performances in the new normal form of education

is important to:

The Out-of-School Youth. This study will be beneficial to the out-of-school youth

because it will serve as door of opportunity in pursuing their education.

The Pupils/Students. This study will be beneficial to the pupils/students because it will

serve as a tool for self-reflection about their study habits and how it affects their learning


The Alternative Learning System Students. This study will be beneficial to the

Alternative Learning System Students because it will serve as a tool to avoid discriminations.

The Future Researchers. This study will be beneficial to future researchers because it

will serve as a guide and source of reference in conducting related studies and research.

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

Definition of Terms

Alternative Learning System (ALS). The term refers to the ladderized, modular non-formal

education program in the Philippines for dropouts in elementary and secondary schools, out-of-school

youths, non-readers, working Filipinos and even senior citizens. (Retrieved from on March 13, 2021)

K-12 System. The term refers for the sum of primary and secondary education. The expression

is a shortening of kindergarten (K) for 4- to 6-year-olds through twelfth grade (12) for 17- to 19-year-

olds, the first and last grades of free education in these countries, respectively. (Retrieved from on March 13, 2021)

Learning Performance. The term refers to the first and second term grades of Alternative

Learning System (ALS) students in Talavera.

Perception. The term refers to the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory

information in order to represent and understand the environment. (Retrieved from on March 13, 2021)

Schematic. The term refers to a diagram or illustration (Retrieved from The new International

Webster's Collegiate Dictionary on March 13, 2021)

Study Habits. The term refers to the daily routine in studying. (Retrieved from

www.Wikipedia.Com on March 13, 2021)

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

Chapter 2


This chapter includes the related studies study habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS)

students of SDO– Talavera North Annex; Its effect to academic performances in the new normal form of


Foreign Literature

The Impact of Equivalency Programs (EPS) on the achievement of the Education for All (EFA) goals.

The findings of the impact studies conducted in India, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand indicates the

positive role of Equivalency Programs (EP) in accelerating the achievement of the Education for All

(EFA) goals in these countries.

EPs had several benefits in terms of improving access to education. As EPs are often free or provided at

low cost, and because EPs are often flexible in terms of timetabling (enabling participants to continue to

work or undertake domestic duties), poverty is no longer such a large a barrier to education in places

where EPs are available.

Furthermore, using local facilities as Community Learning Centres (CLC), in which EPs can be

implemented, enables people in remote areas and those with cultural constraints on travelling long

distances to participate in learning experiences, including school education. This has been the case in the

Philippines. In addition, the use of terms such as "facilitator", "tutor", "learning manager" and "learning

organizer" in EPs, rather than "teacher" has made the teaching-learning process less threatening to those

who have had bad experiences with formal education and puts the emphasis on the learner and the

learning process.

In India, one of the key equivalency programs being implemented is the Open Hesse Program

(OBE). The OBE is an EP for children and adults who are seeking complementary avenues to the formal

school system to enable them to complete the basic education.

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

The OBE is seen as being able to do the following

 Meet the educational needs of thus far cached children

 Provide a wider choice of educational programs to learners

 Provide an alternative source of education for school drop-outs

 Provide education to those who cannot attend conventional socioeconomic reasons.

Enable those who could not complete schooling to re-enter the education system. The OBE

program was designed to reach these sections of the society that cannot access education often through

the formal school system, particularly low-income earning groups, girls and adolescents who would

otherwise be forced to drop out of formal school due to socio-economic and cultural reasons.

EPs in Indonesia aim to provide educational services to the public who are not able to attend

formal schools because of social, cultural, psychological, economic, and geographical factors.

According to the impact report, there have been a large number of transferees from formal

education to non-formal education equivalency education in Indonesia. This increase came about mainly

as a result of a government decision in 2006 which enabled formal school students who failed in the

state examinations to repeat their examination through equivalency programs. Thus in 2006 the number

of participants in the equivalency national examination increased by up to 85 percent over the previous

year, depending on the Students' stream of study. Through this program, LPs are enabling greater access


education in Indonesia.

The main target groups of EP's in Thailand are women, prison inmates, laborers, the disabled,

elderly, farmers, ethnic minorities, slum dwellers, and students who are unable to continue studying in

the formal education system. These people can register to join EPs, no matter where they are. The EPs

therefore offer an alternative means of accessing education for those who would not otherwise have

opportunities to participate in the education system. (Retrieved from PDF Published by UNESCO

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

Bangkok: UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education-Achieving EFA through

Equivalency Programmes in Asia-Pacific – A regional overview with highlights from India, Indonesia,

Thailand and the Philippines, Pages 17-20)

Local Literature

In the Philippines, one of the key Equivalency Programs (EPS) being implemented is the

Alternative Learning System (ALS). This EP targets out-of-school youth and individuals aged 12 and

over who have, for various reasons, been unable to complete formal school education, or were unable to

access formal schooling. The program prepares learners for the Accreditation and Equivalency

examinations. Successful candidates gain the necessary qualifications to join formal school and post-

school education programs. Overall, the ALS aims to improve access to education for disadvantaged

groups and to serve as an entry point to the formal school for individuals who were unable to complete

their education. Aside from addressing the needs of school "dropouts" the ALS also assists adults to gain

functional literacy, and provides opportunities for adults to access continuing education programs.

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a free education program implemented by the

Department of Education (DepEd) under the Burcau of Alternative Learning System which benefits

those who cannot afford formal schooling and follows whatever is their available schedule. The program

provides a viable alternative to the existing formal education instruction, encompassing both the non-

formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills. How does it work? In ALS, students have to

attend 10 months of school or 800 hours in the classroom. Then their performances are then assessed.

Since ALS is a module-based learning system, students come in on a set time and choose a module to

read. A quiz is given after each module to test their learning. Instead of teachers, facilitators are always

present to answer any questions and sometimes lecturers would discuss a certain module. After several

months, the students will take the Accreditation and Equivalency Test (AET). If they pass the test, they

will be given a high school diploma and can now enroll in college. Manny Pacquiao took and passed the

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

(AET) under the ALS program. He was presented a high school diploma, making eligible to pursue

college. After getting a certificate upon passing, the students have the option to enroll in ALS again or

go to a college. They leam according to their need and speed. The eskwela has five main learning

strands: Communication skills, critical thinking and problem solving, sustainable use of resources and

productivity, development of self and a sense of community, and expanding one's world vision. Each

student in every session uses a computer loaded with digital modules with videos and animation. A

teacher called facilitator - helps students navigate the digital modules and monitors his/her progress to

determine if the learner is ready for the A&E.

There are two ways in which you can take the Alternative Learning System, through the modules

and just months of classroom preparation for the test?) and through the Internet (with also just months of

classroom with the computers as preparation for the test). The latter is called the eskwela project - the

computer-based way of taking the ALS. There are no elementary e-modules yet, so the eSkwela for

elementary school solely is not yet available.

Retrieved from: on March 13, 2021

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

Chapter 3


This chapter covered the discussion of the main methods, materials, procedure and statistical

treatment used by the researcher.

Research Method

This study adapted the descriptive method of research, particularly survey. It is suitable

whenever the subjects vary among themselves and used when one is interested to know the extent to

which different conditions and situations are obtained among these subjects. Survey signifies the

gathering of data about present existing conditions. A survey is useful in (1) providing the value of facts

and (2) focusing attention on the most important things to be reported.

Research Instruments

The researcher used Survey Questionnaires for the Alternative Learning System students that

correspond to different study habits to determine their level of performance. The researcher used Class

Records to identify the learner's performance and survey instruments in gathering data.

These survey and class records were designed to cope with the problem stated.

Validation of the Questionnaire

The questionnaires were given to Alternative Learning System students of Talavera. They were

requested to answer the items that correspond to their perception in their study habits.

There was additional revision, thus, the revised questionnaire became the final form.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers conducted this research on January to April 2021 at the Alternative Learning

System - SDO-Talavera North Annex. The researcher administered the survey questionnaires to

Alternative Learning System students to describe their perception about their study habits. The

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

researcher requested a copy of the respondents' first and second periodical grades from the teachers to

identify if there was a significant difference between the quarter one and quarter two grades and the

learning performances of the respondents.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher tallied, grouped, arranged and organized the data provided by the questionnaires

and the first and second periodical grades which contained respondents' data and treated them

comprehensively. There were presented, analyzed and interpreted with the use of frequency counts and

weighted mean. The weighted mean was used in qualifications of the data employing live-point scale

and each of the numerical data had its corresponding verbal interpretations.

___________ was used to find the relationship of the two independent variables.

____________ for equality of variances was also used to find the significant difference on the

grades of the two independent variables.


Numerical equivalent, Weight and verbal Interpretation used in the Questionnaire


Numerical Equivalent Weight Verbal Interpretation

4.45 - 5.00 5 Always

3.45 - 4.44 4 Often

2.45 - 3.44 3 Sometimes

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021
Study Habits of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of SDO – Talavera North Annex;
Its Effect to Academic Performances in the New Normal Form of Education

1.45 – 2.44 2 Seldom

1.00 - 1.44 1 Never

The formula used in extracting weighted mean (WM) were taken from the Pearsman (1994)

which provides;

WM = Weighted Mean

TWF = Total Weighted Frequency, and

N = Number of respondents

The formula used in extracting the percentage of the respondent's profile provides;

Percentage (%) = --------- x 100

F = Frequency, and

N - Number of Respondents

Jayson S. Evangelista
MAED- Educational Management
April 2021

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