Bibliography Assignment

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(MPH 814)



MATRIC NO. 22/0366

MAY, 2023
Ayman, Ibrahim. Is Muhammad Also Among the Prophets? A Response to Harley
Talman," IJFM 32.4 Winter 2015. 202-204.

In his write-up, Harley Talman argues that many Christians have perceived Muhammad

in a wrong way for years by seeing him as a false prophet. He calls on Christians to allow the

possibility that Muhammad is a prophet in the biblical sense. He believes there is theological,

missiological, and historical support for Muhammad's prophethood. In response, Ayman said

that, unfortunately, in my judgment, this path ultimately proves to be a dead end. I'm afraid I

have to disagree with his central argument. From a Christian point of view, one must

intentionally ignore or avoid specific biblical references and stretch some historical evidence a

bit too far to allow for the possibility of genuine prophethood for Muhammad. Ayman criticizes

Talman for using secondary sources to back up his argument, neglecting the primary sources.

Ayman, Ibrahim. Is Muhammad Also Among the Prophets? A second to Harley Talman,
IJFM 33.3. Fall 2016. 116-120.

Ayman responded to Talman and said instead of examining the Scriptures and paying

attention to what the texts say on prophets and prophethood, especially after the advent of Jesus

our Lord, we reverse the order. We must begin by discussing a topic, suggesting an argument

that fits our pattern, and then digging into the Bible to see what can support our idea. There is a

difference between Talman's interpretation and mine concerning the "test" of 1 John 4:1–3.

Ayman said Talman did not engage the passage in his initial article, and when I brought it up as a

crucial passage for the topic under study, he dismissed it as irrelevant. He cautions his reader

against the significance and application of my interpretation, relying again on secondary studies

that support his argument entirely and ignoring my comment as less than valid.
Barnes, W. Philip, Chanda Christopher, Ngwira Tapiwa, and Simaoi Bento. Introduction
to Missiology, African Theology Series. Niamey, Niger: Axis Resources, 2021
The authors of this book have a good motive as they aim to give Pastors and even lay

leaders the contextualized tools needed to understand and defend their faith against the

competing worldviews in Africa. They also go beyond that to provide much practical help as

they address current theological issues in missions and provide helpful practices. Barnes W.

Philip et al. clarifies that missions are a mandate that all of God's people must involve.

Escobar, Samuel. The New Global Mission: The Good News from Everywhere to
Everyone. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2003.

Samuel explores how the Church propagates the Christian faith. He said that the heart of

the mission is the drive to share the good news with all, to cross every border with the gospel.

Samuel said that the Church performs various functions as believers in Jesus Christ. It bears

testimony by being the Church, the believers' company have fellowship and feel a sense of

belonging. They express joyful gratitude to God in worship; they receive teaching on the

Christian life and provide service in meeting the needs of people. Preaching the good news of

salvation through Jesus Christ and inviting others to Jesus gives a focus and direction to what the

Church exists for. He concludes that the Church exists for a mission and that a church that is

only inward-looking is not truly the Church.

Gentes, Ad. The second Vatican Council's Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church.
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, Harmony and World Affairs, Georgetown University, 1965.
This document establishes Evangelism as the fundamental mission of the Catholic

Church and reaffirms the link between Evangelism and Charity for the Poor. Ad Gentes also

calls for forming strong Christian communities and relationships with other Christians. It also

lays out guidelines for the training and actions of the missionaries.

Greenham, Ant. "Why You Cannot Follow Jesus as a Muslim," The Gospel Coalition,
August 31, 2018.

Greenham emphasizes the issue of the Insider movement, which to him, are people who

continue to identify themselves as Muslim, yet claim to be followers of Christ. He said it is better

to remain faithful to Islam's supposedly non-consequential outward forms while following

Christ. They stay with their religious communities as Jesus' followers.

Harley, Talman. Is Muhammad Also Among the Prophets?" International Journal of

Frontier Missions 31.4 (Winter 2014) 169-190.

Talman has provided a theological, missiological, and historical agreement for expanding

the categories of prophethood to allow Christians to entertain the possibility of Muhammad

being other than a false prophet. He said that the major obstacle is our uncertainty about the

exact details of Muhammad's life due to the incredible lack of personal information about him in

the Qur'an and the complexities of the historical sources. Talman said that future historical

studies might strengthen or weaken the case for Muhammad as regard his prophethood. The
outcome of critical scholarship regarding the Qur'an's relationship to the Bible will also affect


Harley Talman, Rehabilitating Our Image of Muhammad: A Concluding Response to

Ayman Ibrahim, IJFM, 33.3 (fall 2016): 121-134.

Talman concluded his response to Ayman that understanding Muhammad and his

prophethood should positively impact Christian-Muslim dialogue by affecting our attitudes as

ambassadors because our view of Islam will affect our mood toward Muslims, and our attitude

will, in turn, influence our approach to Christian-Muslim interaction. Our perception of Muslims

will affect the outcome of our witness among Muslims.

Harley Talman, My Response to Ayman Ibrahim, IJFM 32.4 (Winter 2015): 204-207

In the first instance, Ayman views Talman's attempt to move Muhammad from the false-

prophet to the true-prophet category. But Talman's responded that he was not arguing that

Muhammad was a true prophet as Ayman said, but as one who could have a prophetic function

or role.

Henry, Carl F.H. "The tensions between Evangelism and the Christian demand for social
justice," Fides et Historia 4 1972. P.3-10.
Henry Carl is a Ph.D. holder from Boston University and currently editor-at-large for

Christian Today and visiting Prof. of Theology at Eastern Baptist Seminary. Dr. Carl wrestles

with Evangelism and the demand for social justice in his article. He calls our attention as
Christians to know that it is not enough to declare and work for social justice and neglect the

proclamation aspect. The proclamation is part of our role or task that believers must carry out.

Hussey, Georges. "Watching the Insider Movement Unfold." in Muslim Conversions to

Christ: A Critique of Insider Movement in Islamic Contexts. New York: Peter Lang, 2018.

The primary concern of Houssey in his article is the issue of the insider movement. The

insider movement is a relatively recent term for various progressive and innovative approaches

to other cultures. It is the natural child of contextualization. It took contextualization even further

toward indigenous cultures, encouraging converts to remain in their socio-cultural and religious

context. The insider movement tends to have a favorable view of Islam, Muhammad, and the

Qur'an. They have it that Islam culture is not contradictory to the biblical message. So our

mission should not be to extract Muslims from Islam to Christianity but to have them follow

Jesus while keeping their Muslim identity.

Hirt, Matthew. "Generational Disciple-making and the Missional Classroom: The

Submariner Turned Apostolic Academician." Pages 159-178 in Generational Disciple-Making:
How Ordinary Followers of Jesus are Transformed into Extraordinary Fishers of Men. Edited
by George G. Robinson and Matthew Hirt. USA: Rainer Publishing, 2021.
Matthew Hirt is a professor of Missions Nigeria Baptist Theological Seminary,

Ogbomoso. Hirt, in his article, makes it clear that theological education not only creates

academic scholars but also equips disciples for ministry and missions in the local Church and to

the ends of the earth. He emphasizes that theological education is essential when a mission task

about God drives us into the mission field. According to Hirt, theological education does end the

missions movement but is excellent.

Mbewe, Conrad. God's Design Plan for the Church: A Guide for African Pastors and
ministry leaders. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2020. 48-164.
Dr.Conrad Mbewe has been serving as the Pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka,

Zambia, since 1987. He is a frequent conference speaker throughout Africa and around the

world. He writes to deal with some issues preventing the Church in Africa from being what God

designed it to be. He gives the biblical foundations of what the Church should be and addresses

some unfair practices that characterize some African churches today. He outlines what the Bible

teaches concerning various areas of church life, comparing it with the current methods and

calling on African church leaders to rethink how they are doing Church today.

Newbigin, Lesslie. The Open Secrets: An Introduction to the Theology of Mission.

Revised Edition. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995. Ch. 2-6

Newbigin concern in these chapters of his document was the question of the authority of

Jesus at the very outset of the mission of Jesus himself. The only response to this question, "By

what authority" was the announcement of the gospel itself. He further said that the authority of

Jesus is not a derived authority; it is the authority of God himself present in human history. Jesus'

power is ultimate; recognizing it involves a commitment that replaces all other obligations.

Nostra Aetate. Declaration of the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions.

(Vatican II Document) Proclaim by Pope Paul VI, 1965.

Nostra Aetate celebrates 50 Years of the Catholic Church's dialogue with Jews and

Muslims. This document urges the Christians faithful to maintain good relationships with the
followers of other religions and, if possible, to live in peace with all men so that they can

genuinely be sons of their Father who is in heaven. The believers are to forget the past and work

sincerely for mutual understanding for the benefit of all humanity to attain social justice, moral

welfare, peace, and freedom.

Robinson, George. "Jesus, the Carpenter Who Build Disciple Makers: Biblical
Foundations for Generational Disciple-Making." pages 9-34 in Generational Disciple-Making:
How Ordinary Followers of Jesus are Transformed into Extraordinary Fisher of Men. Edited by
George G. Robinson and Matthew Hirt. USA: Rainer Publishing, 2021.
George Robinson is a professor of Global Disciple-making at Southeastern Baptist

Theological Seminary. Robinson's write-up provides a biblical basis for generational disciple-

making, beginning with the principles and process of Jesus. He stressed the centrality of

generational disciple-making to Jesus's life and ministry as he encouraged Jesus's generational

disciple-making approach.

Robinson, George. "Every Generation Matters in Disciple-Making: A High School

History Teacher Learns Simple Math." Pages 35-50 in Generational Disciple-Making: How
Ordinary Followers of Jesus are Transformed into Extraordinary Fishers of Men. Edited by
George G. Robinson and Matthew Hirt. USA: Rainer Publishing, 2021.
George Robinson explores each aspect of the gospel's work, focusing on 2 Corinthians

5:17-21. He also taught us that the gospel of Jesus had saved us from sin, for God, into the

Church, and onto God's mission.

White, Justin. "Generational Disciple-Making and the Mission: The Computer Network
Specialist Turned Missionary Network Strategist." Pages 133-157 in Generational Disciple-
Making: How Ordinary Followers of Jesus are Transformed into Extraordinary Fishers of Men.
Edited by George G. Robinson and Matthew Hirt. USA: Rainer Publishing, 2021.
Justin White is an African Regional Training Director at E3 Partners. Justin established a

vision and strategy for preparing disciples in-home training. His keen emphasis as a strategist has

multiplied disciples locally in a way that now has a worldwide impact. Justin creates five parts of

the mission's approach and how centers on generational disciple-making. He discovered Jesus's

approach in Mark 1:9-39 and that of the apostles in Acts 11 and 13.

Wrogemann, Henning. Theologies of Mission, vol. 2 of Intercultural Theology. Downers

Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2018.

Henning Wrogemann is one of Europe's leading missiologists and scholars of religion. In

his document, he attempts an orderly, logical description of the basic principles of mission

theology. Wrogemann said that the Church's mission is the mission of the triune God, and that

mission is to be carried out by the entire Church body, not an individual or particular group.

Wrogemann, Henning. Theologies of Mission, vol. 2 of Intercultural Theology. Downers

Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2018.

Wrogemann illustrates how the missionary movements of the last few decades developed

in various continents. He also aims to give an idea of essential mission organizations and

associations to provide a first orientation in the vast field of missionary initiatives and show the

challenges people face in various contexts. Wrogemann noted that intense research activities in

mission studies accompany Christian mission initiatives.

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