Tugas Pak Hanif

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Nama: Anam musholli

Prodi: bhs inggris

Semester: 4

Exercise 1
Underline the wh- clauses in the following sentences.
For example
Question: What you are entitled to remains to be seen.
Answer: What you are entitled to remains to be seen.

1. We never learned where all those copies of the report went.

2. They will do whatever you want them to do.
3. Why they behaved the way they did is a complete mystery to me.
4. I wondered whose approval was necessary for the project to get started.
5. They parked the trucks not far from where the boxes were stacked up.
6. Ask not for whom the bell tolls.
7. After all, that was why we did it in the first place.
8. Did you ever find out whose car was blocking the driveway?
9. Whenever they want to start it is OK with me.
10. She showed us how she wanted us to do it.
11. You will never guess what the problem was.
12. We had to settle for whatever they would pay us.
13. The new CEO is whomever the board appoints.
14. The secretary will record whatever is said at the meetings.
15. What you see is what you get.

Exercise 2
Use Rule 2 to move the wh- word to the beginning of the noun clause. Mark the gap where
the wh
word came from with .
For example
Question: We discussed they were doing the job how.
Answer: We discussed how they were doing the job 0.

1. I told them I needed what.

Answer: I told them what I needed.
2. We did what seemed to please them.
Answer: We did what seemed to please them.
3. The police asked them they did it why.
Answer: The police asked them why they did it.
4. The only thing that counts is you actually do what.
Answer: The only thing that counts is you actually do what.
5. I was really impressed by you were trying to accomplish what.
Answer: I was really impressed by what you were trying to accomplish.
6. You can make it whenever will be fine with us.
Answer: You can make it whenever will be fine with us.
7. I can't remember it was whose suggestion.
Answer: I can't remember whose suggestion it was.
8. We were confused by they said what.
Answer: We were confused by what they said.
9. My friends were trying to guess they would pick which one.
Answer: My friends were trying to guess which one they would pick.
10. I had no idea about we should do what.
Answer: I had no idea about what should we do.
11. I voted for whom is nobody's business but mine.
Answer: I voted for whom nobody's business but mine.
12. They had to say what about the economy was pretty convincing.
Answer: They had to say about what the economy was pretty convincing.
13. The car was parked they said it would be where.
Answer: They said where the car was parked would be.
14. You will be tested only on what you have learned in this class.
Answer: You will be tested only on what you have learned in this class.
15. John gave Mary what for her birthday came as a complete surprise to her.
Answer: John gave Mary what for her birthday came as a complete surprise to her.

Exercise 3
For example
Question: I didn’t understand what he was saying.
Answer: I didn’t understand what he was saying.
1. It is not clear what they were arguing about.
2. We need to find out how much it will cost.
3. Who will be the speaker depends on the budget.
4. Their expert advice is what we are paying the big bucks for.
5. They were naturally curious about what we had decided to do.
6. How well he will succeed remains to be seen.
7. We couldn’t decide what we should wear to the party.
8. I was surprised at what she said.
9. What they were serving for lunch was fine with us.
10. I certainly understand how you feel.
11. When we should go hasn’t been decided yet.
12. I’ll have what you have.
13. What you say may be used against you.
14. The question is who will be the next president.
15. Our limited time determined where we could go for lunch.

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