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Lale’s Diary

Dear diary,

I’m starting this diary because believe it or not I feel a bit lonely here, so I want to be able to
have something where I can write down my thoughts and whatever comes to my mind.
Besides, it will keep me entertained. Anyways, It's been 4 months since I arrived here at
Auschwitz and 1 month since they put me in the position of a tattooist. I remember the first 2
weeks i was here, i felt like i was in a horror movie from which i couldn’t escape. The days
passed slower ,as if they were not ending and the nights were horrible, men kept dying
either from cold, hunger and diseases, or they just disappeared, you did not see them again
in the morning, or in the following mornings and that terrified me and wouldn’t let me sleep ,
the very thought that i would be the next one, the next one to die or to disappear. I still think
nights are horrible, days are slow, everything in this place, everything the Germans do is
horrifying. I’m scared I won't get out of here. But I promised myself to walk out of here like a
free man. And I will, as long as I can stay alive. this can't last too many years.

Dear Diary ,

I wake up with the sound of someone knocking at my door. Leon it's outside and I give him
the bread that I kept last night. Yesterday I told Leon to meet me at my door because I
wanted to give him food due to he hasn't been eating very well in the mornings since those
on his block fight a lot for food and he doesn’t have enough. They give them very few
portions. Leon and I walk together to the administration building to get our tools and I see a
bunch of workers trying to clear the road from the snow. The sound of the shovels against
the snow gets louder as we move towards where Baretski wants us to work today.They all
look so tired their arms are so skinny as well as they’re legs, they look like they haven’t
eaten in days. We meet Baretski near a construction building. Leon and I accommodate all
our tools and our table, we then prepare ourselves to leave someone tattooed with a number
that they will not want to remember and that will mark a period in their history.

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