Scheme of Work - Introduction To Software Development

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BEng (Hons) Software Engineering


Introduction to Software

Scheme of Work
Scheme of Work

Session No. Topics Covered

• Module Introduction
• Assessments and grading
1 • Responsibilities and duties
2 • History and importance of Python
• Introducing IDLE
• Print & input functions

3 • Arithmetic operators
• Relational operators
• Comparison operators
• Logical operators
• Assignment operators
• Operator precedence
4 • What is a variable?
• How to declare and initialize a variable?
• Basic data types in Python
5 • String formatting
• Escape sequences
• String functions
• String conversion
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
6 • Dictionaries
• If …. Else statement
• Nested if…else statement
8 • While loop
• For loop
• Function signature
• Declaring a function
• Void methods
• Returning a value from a function
• Passing parameters
9 • Global & local variables

10 • In-class test
• Introduction to Exceptions Handling in Python
11 • Introduction to try…except statement
• Introduction to classes and objects
12 • __init__ function
13 • Continuation of classes and objects
14 • Coursework workshop
15 • Coursework workshop
16 • Introduction to OOP
• History of Java
• Structure of Java and IDEs
• Introduction to Eclipse
• Variables in Java
• Data Types:
• Short, int, long
• Float, double
• String
• Char
• Boolean
17 • Operators in Java
• Introduction to Arrays
18 • Introduction to List, Queue and Set interfaces
• If…else
19 • switch
• while
• do….while
• for
20 • foreach
• What are classes and objects?
• Declaring custom classes
• Default and custom Constructor
21 • Access modifiers
• Introduction to OOP principles
• Abstraction
• Inheritance
• Encapsulation & data hiding
22 • Polymorphism
• Method overloading and benefits
• Method overwriting and usage
23 • ToString() method
24 • Recap and mock test
25 • In-class test
• Introduction to exception handling in Java
26 • Introducing try…catch statement
• Introduction to Java Class Library documentation
27 • Introduction to Javadoc
28 • Recap
29 • Coursework workshop
30 • Coursework workshop

NB: Please note that the Scheme of Work will be spread across the term and may be subject
to change.

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