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C- Task 4

Question 1

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Were staff knowledgeable about emergency procedures? Were they enthusiastic or

complacent and did they fulfil their responsibility to participate in WHS practices?

Yes. The staffs were knowledgeable about the emergency procedures. They were
enthusiastic and they fulfilled their responsibilities to participate in the WHS


Most staff were knowledgeable. Some refused to participate due to work commitments.


Yes. The staffs were knowledgeable about the emergency procedures and they were
enthusiastic and they fulfilled their responsibilities to participate in the WHS procedure.


They knowledgeable about emergency procedures and all of them were responsible about the
WHS practice but some were refusing it.

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

What follow-up action would you recommend after completing the emergency drill?

Create a demo of the crisis circumstance and request that workers do as they have
learned in the crisis drill. 
Take workers' test to check their insight 
Have a subsequent meeting.

 Create a demo of the emergency situation and ask employees to do as they

have learned in the emergency drill
 Take employees' tests to check their knowledge
 Have a follow-up session. 


I make sure to give a perfect training to everyone


Disciplinary action for those employees who do not participate in emergency drills

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

What assistance could your colleagues provide during emergency situations?

•They tried to avoid panicking which additionally helped me not become irritated as
•They followed Plans and Protocols 
•They assisted with leaving the structure cautiously. 
•They figured out how to call 91 and clarified the circumstance.
assist people with disabilities to evacuatecheck the toilets and other areas to see if anyone is


 follow up emergency plan

 Get your emergency kit
 make sure you are ok before helping others
 They could help to exit the building safely.
 they could inform the supervisor about the emergency situation.

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

List three potential emergency incidents that could occur in your workplace. 

The three potential emergency incidents that could occur in my workplace are:

 Fire
 Gas leak


 Fire
 Bomb threats

 Robbery


 earthquake, flood, landslide

 Bomb threats 
 Robbery or armed hold-ups

uestion 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
There has been an emergency incident in the kitchen. A small fire has damaged a
cupboard and a few cooking pots are destroyed.
Locate and complete your organisation’s emergency incident report based on this
incident. Alternatively, create your own incident report. Once completed, submit the
incident report to your assessor.
Incident report
Name: Lakshy Kalra

Description of incident: Gas leak

Location: Kitchen
Date: 2021, 1 April
Time: 1 PM
Incident Details: At 1 pm on 1st April, we smelled a strong smell in the kitchen.
When checked, there was a gas leakage in the kitchen. Without panicking, we
turned off the gas and open the door and windows. We left the kitchen for some
time. The situation has not worsened so we did not call the emergencies.
Causes of incident:
The gas was leaked because of improper maintenance of the appliances. As our
department already reported that the pipe of the gas is not properly working. It
caused the gas leak.
Recommendation: We recommend you repair the gas appliances or change them
to prevent possible accidents in the future.
Date: 27-05-2021
 Time: 10:30
Emergency  Incident: Fire inside kitchen
Alert or assist any person in immediate danger only if it is safe to do so.
Close all doors to isolate the fire. 
 Raise the alarm. Depending on your emergency plan, you might have to contact the
switchboard. If so, use the emergency line if you have one to ensure your call is
answered without delay. Use a ‘break glass’ system or call the 000 emergency number
Attempt to put out the fire only if you are trained and it is safe to do so. 
 Evacuate to the assembly area. 
Remain at the assembly area and make sure everyone is accounted for.
Every one inside kitchen was safe and there is some damage inside kitchen like
cupboard and cooking utensils are damaged. so the cause of fire should be replace or
fixed and put some fire extinguisher or blankets inside kitchen for safety
Name: Pawandeep Kaur
Department: Food and Beverage
Description of incident:
Location: Kitchen
Date: 2021 8 June 
Time: 1 PM
Incident Details: there was a small fire in the kitchen on 8 July at 1 PM. There was
a faulty mixer in the kitchen. Since we did not have the option, we were using that
mixer. But that day, it caused a small fire. The fire has damaged a cupboard and a
few cooking pots are destroyed. 
Causes of incident:
The mixer was faulty for few days. we also reported the issue to the supervisor
but we have not received any new mixer or the mixer is not repaired. 
Recommendation: We recommend you repair the mixer. you should have a
regular inspection on the equipment and have maintenance of them to ensure
staff safety. 
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text

In the incident of a small kitchen fire, which authorities would you contact for

I will initially put off the fire with the assistance of a fire douser and inform an supervisor
or manager about the incident.

fire rescue team


 Firefighting service 
 Police

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