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uses crt;label habis, lanjut;const max_panjang = 100; batas_x = 80; batas_y =

25; speed = 200;type tempat = record x, y : integer; end;var ekor :

array[1..max_panjang] of tempat; ujung, makanan : tempat; tkn : char;
i,pjg,skor,spd : integer; mati : boolean;procedure atur_posisi;begin ujung.x :=
ekor[pjg].x; ujung.y := ekor[pjg].y; for i:=pjg downto 2 do begin ekor[i].x :=
ekor[i-1].x; ekor[i].y := ekor[i-1].y; end; gotoxy(ekor[2].x, ekor[2].y);
write('@'); gotoxy(ekor[3].x, ekor[3].y); write('&'); gotoxy(ekor[pjg-1].x,
ekor[pjg-1].y); write('#'); gotoxy(ujung.x, ujung.y); write(' '); for i:=3 to pjg
do if((ekor[2].x=ekor[i].x) and (ekor[2].y=ekor[i].y)) then mati:=true;
delay(speed-spd);end;procedure makan;var beda : boolean;begin inc(skor,5);
gotoxy(10,26); write('Skor = ',skor); repeat beda := true; makanan.x :=
random(batas_x-2)+2; makanan.y := random(batas_y-2)+2; for i:=1 to pjg do
if((makanan.x=ekor[i].x) and (makanan.y=ekor[i].y)) then beda:=false; until beda;
gotoxy(makanan.x, makanan.y); write('o'); inc(pjg); inc(spd,2);end;procedure
bergerak(c : char);begin if c = 'd' then begin repeat if((ekor[1].x =
makanan.x) and (ekor[1].y = makanan.y)) then makan; ekor[1].x := ekor[1].x+1;
atur_posisi; if (ekor[1].x = batas_x) or (ekor[1].y = batas_y) or (ekor[1].x =
1) or (ekor[1].y = 1) then mati := true; until keypressed or mati; if mati
then exit; tkn:=readkey; if tkn = 'a' then tkn:='d'; end else if c = 's'
then begin repeat if((ekor[1].x = makanan.x) and (ekor[1].y = makanan.y))
then makan; ekor[1].y := ekor[1].y+1; atur_posisi; if (ekor[1].x =
batas_x) or (ekor[1].y = batas_y) or (ekor[1].x = 1) or (ekor[1].y = 1) then
mati := true; until keypressed or mati; if mati then exit; tkn:=readkey;
if tkn = 'w' then tkn:='s'; end else if c = 'w' then begin repeat
if((ekor[1].x = makanan.x) and (ekor[1].y = makanan.y)) then makan;
ekor[1].y := ekor[1].y-1; atur_posisi; if (ekor[1].x = batas_x) or
(ekor[1].y = batas_y) or (ekor[1].x = 1) or (ekor[1].y = 1) then mati := true;
until keypressed or mati; if mati then exit; tkn:=readkey; if tkn = 's'
then tkn:='w'; end else if c = 'a' then begin repeat if((ekor[1].x =
makanan.x) and (ekor[1].y = makanan.y)) then makan; ekor[1].x := ekor[1].x-1;
atur_posisi; if (ekor[1].x = batas_x) or (ekor[1].y = batas_y) or (ekor[1].x =
1) or (ekor[1].y = 1) then mati := true; until keypressed or mati; if mati
then exit; tkn:=readkey; if tkn = 'd' then tkn:='a'; end;end;begin
tkn:='d'; mati := false; randomize; pjg := 10; spd := 0; makanan.x :=
random(batas_x-2)+2; makanan.y := random(batas_y-2)+2; ekor[1].x := 40;
ekor[1].y := 3; for i:=2 to pjg do begin ekor[i].x := ekor[i-1].x; ekor[i].y
:= 3; end;lanjut: clrscr; gotoxy(10,26); write('Skor = ',skor); for i:=1 to 80
do begin gotoxy(i,1); write('-'); gotoxy(i,25); write('-'); end; for i:=2
to 24 do begin gotoxy(1,i); write('|'); gotoxy(80,i); write('|'); end; for
i:=1 to pjg do begin gotoxy(ekor[i].x, ekor[i].y); write('&'); end;
gotoxy(makanan.x, makanan.y); write('o'); repeat if((tkn='w') or (tkn='a') or
(tkn='s') or (tkn='d')) then bergerak(tkn) else begin repeat
gotoxy(20,10); write(' Lagi Galau..??'); gotoxy(20,11); write('
..Paused Game..'); repeat gotoxy(20,13); write('..Press w, a, s or
d to lanjut..'); delay(200); gotoxy(20,13); write('
'); delay(200); until keypressed; tkn:=readkey; until((tkn='w') or
(tkn='a') or (tkn='s') or (tkn='d')); goto lanjut; end; if mati then goto
habis; until (tkn = #27) or mati;habis: gotoxy(20,10); write(' yahahah
kalah..??'); gotoxy(20,11); write(' ..Main ep ep aj..'); gotoxy(20,12); write('
..wkwkwkwkwk..'); readln;end.

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