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Arra Faith G.

Estur Communication 3 PERSUASIVE SPEECH PLAN Title: Unhealthy Diets: Crash Dieting Specific Speech Purpose: To discourage people from engaging themselves to crash diets and convince them to perform physical exercise instead. Statement: Crash dieting is an unhealthy and improper way of managing ones weight. INTRODUCTION I. Attention Step: Gaining weight is normal. But when we eat excessively, we gain fat more than we expect, and at some point in time when we see some skinny girls passing by with their boyfriends holding their tiny waists, well realize that we need to lose a few pounds. II. Clarification Step: Of course, we begin by simply exercising. But every time we look at ourselves, it seems like nothings happening. Now this is the moment that we resort to drastic measures on losing weight, one of which is the very famous crash dieting. BODY I. What is crash dieting? A. Crash diets typically involve eating only one food or a very limited number of foods, and may require you to avoid entire food groups. B. It is a diet which is extreme in its nutritional deprivations, typically severely restricting calorie intake, and is a short-term process of losing weight, depending on how long a person wants to continue. C. Usually, crash diets are so limited and many of these don't advise you to exercise, which is a part of most healthy weight loss diets. II. Why do people engage in such type of diet? A. An enormous influence in a teens, specifically Filipinas, desire to diet is the media, which tells young women that they should value thinness over all other qualities. B. In the hopes of achieving sexual intimacy with potential partners, teens will attempt to alter, often drastically, their physical appearance. C. Different sports can have weight requirements for students wishing to make a team. III. Many risks and complications can accompany a crash dieters weight loss. A. Normally, when people lose weight, it is the excess fat that they lose, however, in crash dieting; all youll lose is your muscle mass. B. Repeatedly following crash diets can negatively impact your metabolic hormones, such as sex hormones and insulin levels, which can cause you to produce more estrogens and become diabetic. C. These diets may also cause you to become deficient in important nutrients, such as iron, calcium and vitamin D and put you in a crabby mood. IV. Though rare, sudden deaths from crash dieting do happen and just because they are rare, many people with weight problems ignore the possibility. A. Samantha Clowes death

She collapsed at home from heart failure after following the strict low calorie for 11 weeks. ii. For 11 weeks, she ate only soups, snack bars and shakes provided by LighterLife Plan a type of crash diet which restricts people to 530 calories a day for a maximum of 12 weeks. iii. This is the third case in which a woman has died from similar heart failure after losing significant amounts of weight on LighterLife Plan. V. The only way to lose weight effectively and permanently is to take it off slowly. A. A sensible diet and exercise program however, will not only shape your body, but will keep it looking and working great for a lifetime. B. Reset your metabolism by building muscle, which means, you need to get to the gym and engage in a routine strength-training program. C. But if you are really keen on dropping those ungainly pounds, a safe bet would be to keep a realistic goal of losing 1-2 kgs every two weeks by following a proper diet and exercising regularly for at least 30 minutes a day.


CONCLUSION Summary Step: If you are a crash dieter, the best thing you can do for yourself is to re-evaluate your health goals and start eating a more diverse diet. Why not ask a friend to join you in your mission and expel crash diets from your vocabulary forever? Remember, a crash diet is far worse for you than simply accepting the weight you are at and starting a longterm healthy diet and exercise plan. Also, bear in mind that when you lose weight by crash dieting, you are also losing your health along with it! References: Time: 5-7 minutes

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