Lexeme and Lexicon

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What is difference between Lexeme, lexicon

A lexeme is a single word or phrase that has a specific meaning and can be used in a
variety of contexts. A lexicon is the entire collection of lexemes in a language.

For example, the word "cat" is a lexeme. It has a specific meaning (a small, furry
mammal) and can be used in a variety of contexts (e.g., "I saw a cat outside," "The cat
is sitting on the mat," "I have a cat"). The lexicon of English includes all of the lexemes
in the English language, such as "cat," "dog," "house," "tree," and so on.

Lexemes can be divided into two main types: content words and function words.
Content words are words that have a specific meaning, such as "cat," "dog," "house,"
and "tree." Function words are words that help to connect content words together, such
as "the," "of," "and," and "to."

The lexicon of a language is constantly changing. New lexemes are added to the
lexicon over time, and old lexemes can fall out of use. The lexicon can also be affected
by changes in the way people use language. For example, the word "tweet" was
originally a verb that meant to chirp like a bird. However, the word has since been
adopted as a noun to refer to a short message posted on Twitter.

The lexicon is an important part of language. It allows us to communicate our

thoughts and ideas to others. The lexicon is also a reflection of the culture and
history of the people who speak the language.

Sure. A lexeme is a single word or phrase that has a specific meaning. For example, the
word "cat" is a lexeme. It has a specific meaning (a small, furry I mammal).

A lexicon is the entire collection of lexemes in a language. The lexicon of English

includes all of the lexemes in the English language, such as "cat," "dog," "house," "tree,"
and so on.

Here are some examples of lexemes:

 cat

 dog

 house
 tree

 run

 jump

 eat

 sleep

Here are some examples of lexicons:

 The English lexicon

 The Spanish lexicon
 The French lexicon
 The Chinese lexicon

hope this explanation is easier to understand. Let me know if you have any other

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