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Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

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Archives of Psychiatric Nursing

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The Transtheoretical Model based psychoeducation's effect on healthy

lifestyle behaviours in schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial
Sercan Mansuroğlu a, *, F. Yasemin Kutlu b
Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Institute of Graduate Studies, Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Istanbul, Turkiye
Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Istanbul, Turkiye


Keywords: Objective: The study was conducted with the pretest-posttest randomized controlled trial design to detect the
Schizophrenia psychoeducation's effect, based on the Transtheoretical Model, on the healthy lifestyle behaviours of individuals
Transtheoretical Model with schizophrenia.
Healthy lifestyle
Methods: The data were collected from 82 participants, as 41 intervention and 41 control. The data were collected
Behavioural change
Mental health
via personal information form, behavioural change stage diagnosis form and healthy lifestyle scale II. 6-week
Psychiatric nurse psychoeducation, consisting of 6 modules, based on the Transtheoretical Model, was applied to the interven­
tion group. No interventions were applied to the control group. Pretests and posttests were applied to both
Results: When the healthy lifestyle scale II of intervention and control groups and final test results arranged
according to ANCOVA analysis are compared, average final test results were meaningfully positive for the
intervention group with taking control of the pretest and other covariants. When the pretest-posttest results in
terms of behavioural change of the intervention group are evaluated; a meaningful difference among nutrition,
physical exercises, spiritual self-improvement and stress management, which all are the stages of behavioural
change, was detected.
Conclusion: It was determined that psychoeducation on a healthy lifestyle, based on the Transtheoretical Model in
an individual with schizophrenia affected physical exercises, spiritual self-improvement and interpersonal re­
lationships sub-dimension in medium level, and had a drastic influence on health responsibility, nutrition, stress
management sub-dimensions and all healthy lifestyle behaviours. Progress in behavioural change stages was
Clinical trials ID: NCT05259748.

Introduction cause to be tended to decrease (World Health Organization, 2019). In­

dividuals diagnosed with schizophrenia generally have a worse physical
Schizophrenia has been identified as a priority disorder because of its health compared to other populations, and this is an important factor in
association with high levels of disability and early mortality, human increasing their risk of premature death (Crump et al., 2013; Nordentoft
rights violations, and loss of productivity (Patel, 2016). It is estimated et al., 2013; Walker et al., 2015). It is stated that physical diseases that
that there are approximately >21 million people diagnosed with are common, cannot be prevented adequately, are not detected early
schizophrenia worldwide (World Health Organization, 2018). When the and are not treated effectively are caused by premature deaths in about
prevalence of schizophrenia in Türkiye is accepted as 0.6 % and the 60 % of people with severe mental illness (Saxena & Maj, 2017). The
population is taken as 84 million, the current number of schizophrenic most important factor that individuals with Schizophrenia have a
patients is estimated to be 500,000 (Yaşar & Yıldız, 2021). shorter life expectancy is the physical factors, which include mainly
According to the World Health Organization, the life expectancy of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), hypertension (HT), cerebrovascular
between 10 and 25 years of severe mental disorders among individuals diseases (CeVD), respiratory system diseases, diabetes mellitus (DM),
with schizophrenia than the general population to die prematurely and obesity, metabolic syndrome and infections (Ohlsen et al., 2005; Uğur,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: sercanmansuroglu@gmail.com (S. Mansuroğlu), kutluy@iuc.edu.tr (F.Y. Kutlu).

Received 12 March 2022; Received in revised form 15 June 2022; Accepted 9 July 2022
Available online 20 July 2022
0883-9417/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Mansuroğlu and F.Y. Kutlu Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

2008; Öyekçin, 2009; Hardy & Gray, 2010; Collins et al., 2011; Strassnig research and service on various problematic behavioural change areas.
et al., 2017; Firth et al., 2019; Pan et al., 2020) and these can cause This model explains the stages of change: pre-contemplation, contem­
serious health problems and deaths. plation, preparation, action and maintenance (Erol & Erdoğan, 2007).
Defects in the physical health of individuals with schizophrenia are TTM, a behavior change model, shows how an individual move through
associated with unhealthy living habits such as unbalanced and inade­ these five stages of change (Mohebbi et al., 2021; Li et al., 2020;
quate nutrition (Malhotra et al., 2016; Simonelli-Munoz et al., 2012), Rahimdel et al., 2019; Sharma, 2015).
sedentary lifestyle, and smoking and alcohol consumption (Fusar-Poli The purpose of offering care for individuals with chronic mental
et al., 2009) has been reported (Malhotra et al., 2016). In addition, the disorders like schizophrenia is to improve their skills to cope with the
medical side effects of medical treatments are also a risk factor associ­ disorder and prevent acute symptoms to increase and physical and
ated with the negative impact of physical health (Choong et al., 2012; psychosocial health problems caused by the disorder's symptoms. In line
Correll et al., 2015; Gothefors et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2016). with this purpose, nursing attempts must focus on helping the individual
The right to health means that a person can ask the state to protect with mental disorder to learn or remember the healthy behaviours that
his health, to be treated when needed, to be healed, and to benefit from can ensure that they play their parts in the society satisfactorily (Oflaz,
the opportunities offered by the society. Therefore, everyone has the 2016). In this context, it can be said that mental health and psychiatry
right to live in physical and mental health. The state is also responsible nurses stands for a critical point in upgrading and improving health with
for ensuring that all its citizens live in physical and mental health and in aimed behavioural changes and healthy lifestyle interventions (Bonfioli
a way that is worthy of human dignity (Kol, 2015), but it is clear that et al., 2012).
individuals with schizophrenia cannot access adequate care to meet In a study examining the healthy lifestyle behaviours of individuals
their physical health needs (De Hert, Cohen, Bobes, Cetkovich-Bakmas, with a chronic mental disorder, it is reported that spiritual development
Leucht, Ndetei, et al., 2011; De Hert, Correll, Bobes, Cetkovich-Bakmas, and interpersonal relationship sub-dimensions scores were higher than
Cohen, Asai, et al., 2011b; De Hert, Correll, Bobes, Cetkovich-Bakmas, healthy lifestyle behaviours of the participants, comparing to the other
Cohen, Asai, Leucht, and Leucht, 2011c). Therefore, what should be sub-dimensions, and the physical activity point has the lowest score
done for schizophrenia patients in psychiatric care services is to focus on (Gerçik, 2018). In another study that Erginer and Günüşen (2018)
physical health and prevent unhealthy lifestyle behaviours (Baller et al., analyzed 115 individuals with mental disorders in terms of physical
2015; Stubbs et al., 2015). health status and healthy lifestyle behaviours, 49.6 % of individuals
Based on WHO's definition of bio-psycho-social and spiritual health, with mental disorders have metabolic symptoms, 34.8 % of them smoke
a healthy lifestyle has a preventive and health-supporting effect on in­ approximately 1 pack of cigarettes, most of them have additional
dividuals (World Health Organization, 2006). Individuals with a diag­ various chronic diseases, 37.4 % have higher body mass index than
nosis of schizophrenia stated that it takes time to change unhealthy normal, and nutrition and physical activity scores are low, therefore,
lifestyle habits and they make the decision to change after gaining they should have educational support for these topics. Parallel with the
awareness about the health benefits of these changes (Lundström et al., results of this study, it is possible to say that mental health and psy­
2017). chiatry nurses may help to prevent physical health problems of in­
A healthy lifestyle is that individuals control every behavior that dividuals with schizophrenia and a chronic mental disorder by
affects their health, increases their well-being and supports self- developing healthy lifestyle behaviours.
development, and reflects this by choosing behaviours appropriate for There are several studies in Türkiye on the development of healthy
their personal health status while arranging their daily activities (İlhan lifestyle behaviours on chronic mental disorders (Çelik İnce & Partlak
et al., 2010). Healthy lifestyle behaviours are presented as nutrition, Günüşen, 2021) and individuals with schizophrenia (Acıl et al., 2008)
physical activity, interpersonal relationships, spiritual self-improvement for physical activity by applying for physical activity programmes.
health responsibility and stress management (Bahar et al., 2008; However, national and international studies on the TTM, which is used
Cihangiroğlu & Deveci, 2011). Individuals should take their own re­ for the development of healthy lifestyle behaviours, are limited. When
sponsibilities and develop healthy behaviours, and turn these habits into the studies conducted on this subject are analyzed, it was detected that
the daily world (Cihangiroğlu & Deveci, 2011; Özyazıcıoğlu et al., mostly the effect of the TTM on quitting smoking was researched. Other
2011). Many factors such as sedentary lifestyle, smoking, inadequate than that, there are several studies on stress management, compliance
and unbalanced eating habits, substance abuse and antipsychotic drug with the medication, preventing depression, weight control, exercising
use may be effective in the formation of physical health problems in regularly and sleep problems (Alkar & Karanci, 2007; Aveyard et al.,
patients with schizophrenia (Burghardt & Ellingrod, 2013; Murphy 2006; Aveyard et al., 2009; Güngörmüş & Yılmaz Karabulutlu, 2012;
et al., 2019). Triggering lifestyle behavior change mainly depends on Hashemzadeh et al., 2019; Prochaska et al., 1994; Selçuk Tosun &
factors such as gaining awareness of the harm caused by a certain Zincir, 2016; Sharifirad et al., 2012; Spencer et al., 2006).
behavior to physical health and successful implementation and main­ In the literature review, it is seen that intervention studies on the use
tenance of this behavior change (Davis et al., 2015). of TTM in schizophrenia patients, who are observed to exhibit frequent
For individuals to develop a healthy lifestyle behavior, it is necessary unhealthy lifestyle behaviours, are scarce. The aim of this study is to
to primarily determine the lifestyle behaviours and then prevent the determine the effect of psychoeducation based on the Transtheoretical
illnesses caused by the lifestyle and deaths linked to these illnesses. Model on the healthy lifestyle behaviours of individuals with
Current theory or models used to benefit from health programmes, schizophrenia.
prepared for the development of healthy lifestyle behaviours, should be
deep-scaled. Theories and models are defined as a mental or schematic The hypotheses of the study
representation of care that is formed systematically and that helps in­
dividuals organize their thoughts about what they do and put these
Hypothesis 1. Individuals with schizophrenia who receive psycho­
thoughts into practice (Mc Kenna & Slevin, 2008). A well-defined model
education based on the Transtheoretical Model will progress according
could contribute to the process of effective health improvement pro­
to the behavior change stage identification form when compared to
grammes for directive and content creation. One of the models mainly
those who do not receive this psychoeducation.
used to develop a behavioural change in health and explain how to
obtain the most effective health behavioural change is the “Trans­ Hypothesis 2. Psychoeducation based on the Transtheoretical Model
theoretical Model” (TTM) (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997; Shinitzky & Kub, is effective on the healthy lifestyle behaviours of individuals with
2001). Developed by Prochaska and DiClemente (1982), TTM is an schizophrenia.
intentional behavioural change model that can offer a wide range of

S. Mansuroğlu and F.Y. Kutlu Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

Materials and methods the TTM developed by psychologists Prochaska and DiClemente (1982),
it is stated that behavioural change is a process that develops stage by
Aim and design stage and a framework in the classification of the behavior's stage (Van
Nes & Sawatzky, 2010). This study only focuses on the stages of change.
This study is conducted in pretest-posttest randomized controlled Stages of change deal with the time dimension of the model and include
experimental research type. five stages. The structure of the model consists of stages as pre-
contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance (Erol
Setting and time & Erdoğan, 2007; Nigg, 2001; Prapavessis et al., 2004). These stages also
explain the interests and the motivations of individuals towards change
The study was conducted in a Community Mental Health Center with time of intention, attitude and behavioural change (Kim et al.,
(CMHC) in Hatay in Türkiye between April 2019–November 2020. 2006). In this form, the question patterns directed to the participants are
related to healthy lifestyle behaviours (health responsibility, nutrition,
Sample physical exercise, spiritual development, interpersonal relations and
stress management) specific to each change phase of TTM (pre-
The population of the study are the individuals with schizophrenia contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance). It
who registered in a CMHC and are under observation (N = 230). The includes question patterns to determine what state they are in. The
sample number is determined based on another similar study (Erbaba, participant is asked to choose the most appropriate sentence for each
2018) with power analysis. In the evaluation completed according to the sub-dimension of healthy lifestyle behaviours that describes the stages of
healthy lifestyle behaviours score, the sample number needed to the transtheoretic model directed to him. This form only describes the
participate in the study was determined to be at least 42 (intervention current status of the participant by numbers and percentages.
group = 21 - control group = 21) in order for research results for Power: Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours Scale (HLBS II): It was developed to
0.80, β:0,20 and α:0,05 to have a meaningful effect. The data were measure behaviours of individuals that improve their well-being asso­
collected from 82 individuals with schizophrenia, as 41 intervention and ciated with a healthy lifestyle by Walker et al. (1987). The scale was
41 control groups. reviewed in 1996 and renamed HLBS II. The scale consists of 52 items
and six subfactors and it is a 4-point Likert type scale (never (1),
➢ Inclusion criteria for the study sometimes (2), often (3), regularly (4)). The lowest and highest scores on
• Between the ages 18 and 65 the scale are 52 and 208 respectively. It is considered that individuals'
• Being diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM-V healthy lifestyle behaviours increase with the increasing total score.
• Being literate According to the results of the study on validity and reliability of HLBS II
• Not having education and language problem that can block the and its subscales, conducted by Walker et al. (1995); Cronbach's Alpha is
interview 0.94 in the whole scale and changes between 0.79 and 0.87 for six
• Being open to communication and cooperation subscales. The Turkish adaptation of the HLBS II was performed by
• Being in one of the three stages of the TTM: contemplation, Bahar et al. (2008). As the result of the Turkish reliability and validity
preparation and action study of the scale; Cronbach's Alpha is 0.92 in the whole scale and it was
➢ Exclusion criteria from the study found out to be 0.77 for the responsibility of health subscale; 0.79 for the
• Patients in acute exacerbation period physical activity subscale; 0.68 for the nutrition subscale; 0.79 for the
• Having a neurocognitive disorder spiritual development subscale; 0.80 for the interpersonal relationships
• Having a mental retardation subscale; 0.64 for the stress management subscale. As to this study,
• Being in one of the two stages of TTM: Precontemplation and Cronbach's Alpha is determined to be 0.94 in the intervention group for
Maintenance. the whole scale, and for the sub-dimensions, in pretest to be respectively
0.67, 0.87, 0.73, 0.81, 0.76 and 0.76 whereas in posttest to be respec­
Randomization tively 0.71, 0.87, 0.71, 0.83, 0.78 and 0.74. As to the control group, it is
determined to be 0.95 for the whole scale, and for the sub-dimensions, in
The files of 230 schizophrenia patients registered with the Commu­ pretest to be respectively 0.88, 0.88, 0.79, 0.85, 0.93 and 0.50 whereas
nity Mental Health Center were evaluated by the researchers according in posttest to be respectively 0.86, 0.89, 0.77, 0.82, 0.92 and 0.61.
to the inclusion or exclusion criteria. As a result, 82 participants were
included in the randomization. In order to reduce selection bias in Research procedures
determining the intervention and control groups, the numbers to be
included in the sample were determined with a number generator using The behavioural change identification form was applied to in­
the www.random.org website. dividuals with schizophrenia, who agreed to participate in the study,
and their stage of the TTM was detected. The participants meeting the
Measurements criteria in the participation stage (contemplation, preparation, action)
were assigned to the intervention and control groups with the
Personal Information Form: This form prepared by the researcher randomization. Pretests (personal information form, behavioural
using literature knowledge consists of total of 22 questions related to change identification form, HLBS II) were applied to the intervention
their personal features, their disorder's specifications and lifestyles of and control groups before the psychoeducation. In addition to the
the individuals with schizophrenia in the study (Demirel Döngel et al., rehabilitation activities conducted in the CMHC, healthy lifestyle be­
2018; Erginer & Günüşen, 2018; Gerçik, 2018; Holt et al., 2019; haviours psychoeducation programme (HLBPP), based on the TTM, with
İpekçioğlu & Kök Kendirlioğlu, 2019; Selçuk Tosun & Zincir, 2016; 6 sessions (healthcare responsibility, nutrition, physical activity, spiri­
Sungur et al., 2019). tual development, interpersonal relationships, stress management) was
Behavioural Change Stage Identification Form: It is formed using applied to the intervention group for 6 weeks as three days in the
behavioural change phases of the TTM and based to the literature by the weekdays and two sessions in a day.
researcher in order to determine the behavioural chance stages of the Psychoeducation was carried out by the researcher on the same day
patients in the fields of taking responsibility for own health, nutrition, but within different time zones. Each psychoeducation session took
physical exercise, spiritual development, interpersonal relationships and 90–120 min with the breaks taken considering the participants' mood.
stress management (Ay & Temel, 2008; Baysal, 2013; Tosun, 2015). In After completing six sessions, the behavioural change identification

S. Mansuroğlu and F.Y. Kutlu Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

form and HLBS II were applied to the intervention group again. On the Data analysis
other hand, the control group continued their rehabilitation practices
prepared for themselves in the CMHC. It was contacted with the control SPSS v23.0, which is a statistical analysis programme, was used to
group three times, two face to face and one via phone. In the third and evaluate the findings of the study. It was benefited from descriptive
final meeting, when the intervention group's sessions are completed, the statistics such as frequency, percentage, arithmetic average, standard
behavioural change identification form and HLBS II were applied again deviation, minimum and maximum during data analysis. Parametric
to the control group. All the participants remained in the study at the tests were used for the data analysis. The chi-squared test was used for
end of it. The study was completed with 41 individuals in the inter­ relation analysis of two different categorized variables whereas the t-test
vention group and 41 individuals in the control group, and all steps of was used while comparing averages of two independent groups. To
the study shown in the CONSORT flow diagram (Fig. 1). determine the alteration of individuals' behavioural change stages
before and after receiving psychoeducation, the McNemar test was used.
Ethical considerations Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) while detecting the effect of the
intervention study in the researches designed in the entrepreneurial
The permission for the use of HLBS II was granted by the researcher pattern. In ANCOVA, to detect how big the effect of the independent
from those who conducted Turkish validity and reliability studies variable on the dependent variable the eta squared (effect size) was
thorough email. Permission was received from Mustafa Kemal Univer­ calculated and the eta squared value (η2) was interpreted that it presents
sity Faculty of Medicine Clinical Research Ethical Board (Date: which parts of the change explain the total variant that the independent
26.09.2019-Decree No. 06). Using this permission, an application was variable has on the dependent variable and it received a value between
made to Hatay Provincial the Health Directorate and institution 0 and 1 (Büyüköztürk, 2011; Pallant, 2017).
permission from Hatay State Hospital was obtained (Date: 23.10.2019). Eta squared is interpreted as 0,01 as the minor effect, 0,06 as medium
The individuals with schizophrenia in the study and their families were effect and 0,14 as large effect (Cohen, 1992). All test results were
informed according to the Helsinki Declaration and written and verbal evaluated in terms of p < 0.05 meaningfulness level.
approval were collected. This study has been registered with a Clinical
Trial Registry ID (Clinical Trials ID: NCT05259748). Results

Findings of personal and health characteristics of the individuals

with schizophrenia in the intervention and control groups are shown in

Assessed for eligibility (n=230)

Not included (n = 148)

Refused to participate (n = 42)
Legal guardian did not consent to attend (n=27)
Did not meet inclusion criteria (n = 79)
-Over 65 years (n = 10)
- Illiterate (n = 14) Power analysis=42
- Having a neurocognitive disorder (n = 12)
-Having mental retardation (n=5)
- Patients in acute exacerbation period (n = 6)
- Being in one of the two stages of TTM:
Precontemplation and Maintenance (n=32)

Randomized (n= 82)

Intervention Group Control Group
Applying pretest (n=41) Applying pretest (n=41)

Applying Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours No intervention

Psychoeducation Programme (n=41) Phone interview (n=41)
Completed the intervention (n=41) Completed the control procedure (n = 41)

Applying posttests (n=41) Applying posttests (n=41)
Analyzed (n=41) Analyzed (n=41)
Excluded from analysis (n=0) Excluded from analysis (n=0)

Fig. 1. CONSORT flow diagram.

S. Mansuroğlu and F.Y. Kutlu Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

Table 1
Distribution of individual and illness characteristics of participants (n = 82).
Group Test statistics

Intervention (n = 41) Control (n = 41) Total (n = 82)

n (%) n (%) n (%) χ2 p

Gender Female 6 (14,6) 8 (19,5) 14 (17,1) 0,086 p > 0,05

Male 35 (85,4) 33 (80,5) 68 (82,9)
Marital status Married 12 (29,3) 15 (36,6) 27 (32,9) 0,221 p > 0,05
Single 29 (70,7) 26 (63,4) 55 (67,1)
Education Primary school 23 (56,1) 21 (51,2) 44 (53,7) 0,424 p > 0,05
High school 13 (31,7) 13 (31,7) 26 (31,7)
Undergraduate/graduate 5 (12,2) 7 (17,1) 12 (14,6)
Living With family 35 (85,4) 38 (92,7) 73 (89,0) 1,123 p > 0,05
Only 6 (14,6) 3 (7,3) 9 (11,0)
Financial situation Income less than expenses 20 (48,8) 18 (43,9) 38 (46,3) 5,005 p > 0,05
Income equals expense 17 (41,5) 23 (56,1) 40 (48,8)
Income equals expense 4 (9,8) 0 (,0) 4 (4,9)
Social security Yes 35 (85,4) 34 (82,9) 69 (84,1) 0,091 p > 0,05
No 6 (14,6) 7 (17,1) 13 (15,9)
Lifestyle definition Active 11 (26,8) 13 (31,7) 24 (29,3) 0,059 p > 0,05
Quiet 30 (73,2) 28 (68,3) 58 (70,7)
Additional chronic disease Yes 11 (26,8) 17 (41,5) 28 (34,1) 1,356 p > 0,05
No 30 (73,2) 25 (58,5) 55 (65,9)
Type of additional chronic disease Diabetes 2 (18,2) 2 (11,8) 4 (14,3) 7,457 p > 0,05
Hypertension 6 (54,5) 4 (23,5) 10 (35,7)
COPD 0 (0,0) 8 (47,1) 8 (28,6)
Other (asthma, FMF, solar retinopathy, goiter) 3 (27,3) 3 (17,6) 6 (21,4)
Regular doctor check Yes 37 (90,2) 12 (29,3) 49 (59,8) 31,755 p < 0,001
No 1 (2,4) 10 (24,4) 11 (13,4)
Partially 3 (7,3) 19 (46,3) 22 (26,8)
Adherence to treatment Yes 38 (92,7) 14 (34,1) 52 (63,4) 33,629 p < 0,001
No 1 (2,4) 0 (0,0) 1 (1,2)
Sometimes 2 (4,9) 27 (65,9) 29 (35,4)
Smoking Yes 22 (53,7) 30 (73,2) 52 (63,4) 3,920 p > 0,05
No 18 (43,9) 11 (26,8) 29 (35,4)
Stop using 1 (2,4) 0 (0,0) 1 (1,2)
Alcohol consumption Yes 2 (4,9) 7 (17,1) 9 (11,0) 2,173 p > 0,05
No 37 (90,2) 31 (75,6) 68 (82,9)
Stop using 2 (4,9) 3 (7,3) 5 (6,1)
Alcohol consumption frequency Once a week 0 (0,0) 1 (14,3) 1 (11,1) 9,000 p < 0,05
Twice a week 0 (0,0) 3 (42,9) 3 (33,3)
Three times a week 0 (0,0) 3 (42,9) 3 (33,3)
Social drinker 2 (100,0) 0 (0,0) 2 (22,3)
Substance use Yes 10 (24,4) 7 (17,1) 17 (20,7) 0,297 p > 0,05
No 31 (75,6) 34 (82,9) 65 (79,3)
Type of substance Cannabis 10 (100,0) 6 (85,7) 16 (94,1) 1,518 p > 0,05
Ecstasy 0 (0,0) 1 (14,3) 1 (5,9)
Regular exercise Yes 22 (53,7) 16 (39,0) 38 (46,3) 1,226 p > 0,05
No 19 (46,3) 25 (61,0) 44 (53,7)
Type of exercise Walking 21 (95,5) 11 (68,8) 32 (84,2) 8,387 p > 0,05
Swimming 0 (,0) 1 (6,3) 1 (2,6)
House-cleaning 0 (,0) 3 (18,8) 3 (7,9)
Fitness 0 (,0) 1 (6,3) 1 (2,6)
Warm up moves 1 (4,5) 0 (,0) 1 (2,6)
Exercise frequency Once a week 4 (18,2) 1 (6,3) 5 (13,2) 19,904 p < 0,001
Twice a week 5 (22,7) 0 (0,0) 5 (13,2)
Three a week 0 (,0) 9 (56,3) 9 (23,7)
Five a week 0 (,0) 1 (6,3) 1 (2,6)
Everyday 13 (59,1) 5 (31,3) 18 (47,3)
The way of nutrition Only 3 main meals 15 (36,6) 5 (12,2) 20 (24,4) 8,362 p < 0,05
Regular 3 snacks and 3 main meals 4 (9,8) 2 (4,9) 6 (7,3)
3 main meals regular, 3 regular breaks 8 (19,5) 14 (34,1) 22 (26,8)
2 main meals are regular, 3 breaks are irregular 14 (34,1) 20 (48,8) 34 (41,5)

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD t* p

Age 38,7 ± 9,9 39,6 ± 11,1 − 0,389 p > 0,05

Diagnosis age 24,8 ± 6,7 25,0 ± 3,2 − 0,106 p > 0,05
Diagnosis time (years) 14,1 ± 7,3 14,1 ± 10,0 0,025 p > 0,05
Number of hospitalizations 4,7 ± 5,4 4,8 ± 4,5 − 0,112 p > 0,05
Additional disease duration (years) 11,5 ± 11,7 10,5 ± 5,3 0,289 p > 0,05
Smoking duration (years) 16,5 ± 9,0 18,8 ± 10,2 − 0,857 p > 0,05
Cigarettes (day/piece) 25,0 ± 12,9 30,7 ± 14,6 − 1,450 p > 0,05
Height (cm) 173,6 ± 8,5 173,4 ± 8,3 0,092 p > 0,05
Weight (kg) 86,8 ± 17,8 75,9 ± 10,6 3,360 p < 0,001
Waist measurement (cm) 104,1 ± 12,5 92,1 ± 10,2 4,768 p < 0,001

S. Mansuroğlu and F.Y. Kutlu Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

χ2 = Chi-Square Test, COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, FMF: Familial Mediterranean fever.
χ2 = Chi-Square Test, *independent sample t-test, SD: standard deviation.
Note: The test statistics shown in bold in the table show that the applied test gives meaningful results.

Table 1.
Table 3
The findings related to the pretest-posttest results regarding the
Post-test and corrected post-test means of HLBS II and sub-dimensions of in­
behavioural change stages of the individuals with schizophrenia in the
dividuals diagnosed with schizophrenia in the intervention and control group (n
intervention and control groups are shown in Table 2. When the com­ = 82).
parison between groups is evaluated using chi-squared, the groups are
Group n Post-test Corrected
observed to be similar other than physical, exercise and spiritual
development stages of behavioural change (p > 0.05). When the pretest-
posttest results of the individuals with schizophrenia are evaluated using
the McNemar relation test, a significant difference was detected between Responsibility of Intervention 41 25,24 4,66 24,00 0,25
nutrition, physical exercise, spiritual development and stress manage­ health Control 41 20,49 4,50 21,73 0,25
Physical activity Intervention 41 18,02 6,05 16,26 0,30
ment (p < 0.05). Control 41 13,51 4,28 15,28 0,30
As a result of the test process of the necessary hypothesis for Nutrition Intervention 41 23,63 4,52 22,87 0,30
Covariance (ANCOVA) analysis to be applied, for determining the effect Control 41 20,20 3,47 20,36 0,30
of the independent variable on the dependent variable; the hypothesis of Spiritual Intervention 41 26,24 5,77 23,69 0,20
development Control 41 20,20 3,99 22,75 0,20
the normal distribution of the groups was achieved according to the
Interpersonal Intervention 41 24,51 5,38 22,50 0,20
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, completed to observe the groups normal relationships Control 41 19,80 5,07 21,82 0,20
distribution (p > 0.05). According to the result of the Levene test which Stress management Intervention 41 22,90 4,59 21,00 0,27
was performed to test the homogeneity of the variances, no difference Control 41 17,20 2,82 19,09 0,27
was observed between groups (p > 0.05). According to the results of the HLBS II total Intervention 41 140,56 24,99 130,07 1,31
Control 41 111,39 20,21 121,88 1,31
Pearson Correlation Test, another hypothesis of the ANCOVA test, which
was applied to test whether there is a direct relationship between the X: average, SD: standard deviation, SE: standard error.
covariant variable and dependent variable, a statistically significant
relationship was found between covariant variables and the dependent pretest score were statistically stabilized, a significant difference ac­
variable (p < 0.05; r > 0.30). Finally, the homogeneity of the regression cording to the covariance results were observed between the healthcare
lines was tested and it was seen that the equality of the regression lines responsibility posttest average score of the patients in the intervention
was obtained (p > 0.05). group and the posttest average score of the patients in the control group
Without the effect of covariant variables, corrected posttest averages (F(1,79): 38.658; p < 0.001). This difference is in favour of patients in the
of ANCOVA analysis results of HLBS II of the patients and its sub- intervention group Xintervention: 25.24; Xcontrol: 20.49). Also, the crite­
dimensions are presented in Table 3. ANCOVA analysis results, _

completed after the necessary hypothesis was achieved, are shown in rion of study η2 (eta squared) was calculated as 0.32. When pretest
Table 4. scores were stabilized, 32 % of the variance in the posttest scores was
After the ANCOVA analysis, when the healthcare responsibility explained with the group variable. Basing on this finding, without the
effect of pretest, it can be said that the HLBPP based solely on the TTM

Table 2
Comparison of pre-test-post-test results regarding behavior change stages of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia in the intervention and control group (n = 82).
Intervention (n = 41) Test value Control (n = 41) Test value

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

n (%) n (%) χ2 n (%) n (%) χ2

Healthcare responsibility Contemplation 2 (4,9) 1 (2,4) 0,927 20 (48,8) 20 (48,8) 0,000
Preparation 7 (17,1) 10 (24,4) p > 0,05 9 (22) 9 (22) p > 0,05
Action 32 (78) 30 (73,2) 12 (29,3) 12 (29,3)
McNemar test p > 0,05 p > 0,05
Nutrition Contemplation 17 (41,5) 3 (7,3) 13,518 16 (39) 16 (39) 0,000
Preparation 18 (43,9) 25 (61) p < 0,001 15 (36,6) 15 (36,6) p > 0,05
Action 6 (14,6) 13 (31,7) 10 (24,4) 10 (24,4)
McNemar test p < 0,001 p > 0,05
Physical activity Contemplation 19 (46,3) 6 (14,6) 11,300 19 (46,3) 19 (46,3) 0,000
Preparation 10 (24,4) 22 (53,7) p < 0,001 15 (36,6) 15 (36,6) p > 0,05
Action 12 (29,3) 13 (31,7) 7 (17,1) 7 (17,1)
McNemar test p < 0,05 p > 0,05
Spiritual development Contemplation 12 (29,3) 2 (4,9) 9,529 16 (39) 16 (39) 0,000
Preparation 10 (24,4) 18 (43,9) p < 0,01 10 (24,4) 10 (24,4) p > 0,05
Action 19 (46,3) 21 (51,2) 15 (36,6) 15 (36,6)
McNemar test p < 0,05 p > 0,05
Interpersonal relationships Contemplation 8 (19,5) 4 (9,8) 1,578 12 (29,3) 12 (29,3) 0,000
Preparation 21 (51,2) 23 (56,1) p > 0,05 15 (36,6) 15 (36,6) p > 0,05
Action 12 (29,3) 14 (34,1) 14 (34,1) 14 (34,1)
McNemar test p > 0,05 p > 0,05
Stress management Contemplation 12 (29,3) 4 (9,8) 5,320 17 (41,5) 17 (41,5) 0,000
Preparation 23 (56,1) 27 (65,9) p > 0,05 23 (56,1) 23 (56,1) p > 0,05
Action 6 (14,6) 10 (24,4) 1 (2,4) 1 (2,4)
McNemar test p < 0,01 p > 0,05

χ2 = Chi-Square Test.
Note: The test statistics shown in bold in the table show that the applied test gives meaningful results.

S. Mansuroğlu and F.Y. Kutlu Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

Table 4
ANCOVA results of the adjusted post-test scores of HLBS II and sub-dimensions of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia in the intervention and control group (n =
Resources Sum of squares Df Average of squares F p η2
Responsibility of health Pre-test 1479,601 1 1479,601 589,739 0,000 0,88
Group 96,991 1 96,991 38,658 0,000* 0,32
Error 198,204 79 2,509
Total 45,015 82
Physical activity Pre-test 1931,997 1 1931,997 575,471 0,000 0,88
Group 17,451 1 17,451 5,198 0,025*** 0,06
Error 265,222 79 3,357
Total 23,003 82
Nutrition Pre-test 1012,712 1 1012,712 280,481 0,000 0,78
Group 72,068 1 72,068 19,960 0,000* 0,20
Error 285,24 79 3,611
Total 40,921 82
Spiritual development Pre-test 1857,578 1 1857,578 1353,489 0,000 0,95
Group 13,948 1 13,948 10,163 0,002** 0,11
Error 108,422 79 1,372
Total 46,926 82
Interpersonal relationships Pre-test 2062,826 1 2062,826 1337,329 0,000 0,94
Group 8,332 1 8,332 5,402 0,023*** 0,06
Error 121,857 79 1,542
Total 42,901 82
Stress management Pre-test 958,988 1 958,988 373,09 0,000 0,83
Group 57,597 1 57,597 22,408 0,000* 0,22
Error 203,061 79 2,57
Total 34,790 82
HLBS II total Pre-test 37981,965 1 37981,965 898,406 0,000 0,92
Regular physician check-up 0,275 1 0,275 0,007 0,936 0,00
Adherence to treatment 2,460 1 2,460 0,058 0,810 0,00
Frequency of alcohol use 165,881 1 165,881 3,926 0,051 0,05
Frequency of exercise 5,043 1 5,043 0,119 0,731 0,00
Nutritional status 3,197 1 3,197 0,076 0,784 0,00
Weight (kg) 57,337 1 57,337 1,357 0,248 0,02
Waist circumference (cm) 42,546 1 42,546 1,007 0,319 0,01
Group 587,997 1 587,997 13,917 0,000* 0,16
Error 3042,058 72 42,251
Total 1,360,094 82

Df: Degrees of Freedom, η2: Eta-square (effect size).

Note: the test statistics shown in bold in the table show that the applied test gives meaningful results.
p < 0,001.
p < 0,01.
p < 0,05.

significantly improved the healthcare responsibility sub-dimension, one finding, without the effect of pretest, it can be said that the HLBPP based
of the healthy lifestyle behaviours of individuals with schizophrenia, solely on the TTM significantly improved the nutrition sub-dimension,
and it has 32 % (great) influence on the healthcare responsibility levels one of the healthy lifestyle behaviours of individuals with schizo­
(Table 4). phrenia, and it has 20 % (great) influence on the nutrition levels
When the physical exercises pretest score was statistically stabilized, (Table 4).
a significant difference between the physical exercises posttest average When the spiritual development pretest score was statistically sta­
score of the patients in the intervention group and the patients in the bilized, a significant difference between the physical exercises posttest
control group was detected according to the covariance analysis results average score of the patients in the intervention group and the patients
(F(1,79): 5.198; p < 0.05). This difference is in favour of the patients in in the control group was detected according to the covariance analysis
the intervention group Xintervention: 18.02; Xcontrol: 13.51). Also, the results (F(1,79): 10.163; p < 0.01). This difference is in favour of the
_ _
patients in the intervention group Xintervention: 26.24; Xcontrol: 20.20).
criterion of study η2 (eta squared) was calculated as 0.06 and 6 % of the _ _
variance in the posttest scores were explained by the group variable. Also, the criterion of study η2 (eta squared) was calculated as 0.11 and
Basing on this finding, without the effect of pretest, it can be said that the 11 % of the variance in the posttest scores were explained by the group
HLBPP based solely on the TTM significantly improved the physical variable. Basing on this finding, without the effect of pretest, it can be
exercise sub-dimension, one of the healthy lifestyle behaviours of in­ said that the HLBPP based solely on the TTM significantly improved the
dividuals with schizophrenia, and it has 6 % (medium) influence on the spiritual development sub-dimension, one of the healthy lifestyle be­
physical exercises levels (Table 4). haviours of individuals with schizophrenia, and it has 11 % (medium)
When the nutrition pretest score was statistically stabilized, a sig­ influence on the spiritual development levels (Table 4).
nificant difference between the physical exercises posttest average score When the interpersonal relationships pretest score was statistically
of the patients in the intervention group and the patients in the control stabilized, a significant difference between the physical exercises post­
group was detected according to the covariance analysis results (F(1,79): test average score of the patients in the intervention group and the pa­
19.960, p < 0.001). This difference is in favour of the patients in the tients in the control group was detected according to the covariance
intervention group Xtest: 23.63; Xcontrol: 20.20). Also, the criterion of analysis results (F(1,79):5.402; p < 0.05). This difference is in favour of
_ _
the patients in the intervention group Xintervention: 24.51; Xcontrol:
study η2 (eta squared) was calculated as 0.20 and 20 % of the variance in _ _
the posttest scores were explained by the group variable. Basing on this 19,80). Also, the criterion of study η2 (eta squared) was calculated as

S. Mansuroğlu and F.Y. Kutlu Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

0.06 and 6 % of the variance in the posttest scores were explained by the behavior in the psychiatric patient group, it was reported that positive
group variable. Basing on this finding, without the effect of pretest, it progress was detected in the change stages of the individuals partici­
can be said that the HLBPP based solely on the TTM significantly pating in the study (Gümüş Ersoy, 2019). Gong et al. (2015), it was seen
improved the physical exercise sub-dimension, one of the healthy life­ that the training given for TTM-based physical exercise is effective in
style behaviours of individuals with schizophrenia, and it has 6 % protecting health and reducing risk factors. Increases were observed in
(medium) influence on the interpersonal relationships levels (Table 4). the transitions between healthy behavior change stages of TTM-based
When the stress management pretest score was statistically stabi­ motivational interviewing conducted by Selçuk-Tosun and Zincir
lized, a significant difference between the physical exercises posttest (2019). It was observed that the use of the TTM-based interventions in
average score of the patients in the intervention group and the patients different chronic diseases and sample groups was also effective in
in the control group was detected according to the covariance analysis making progress in the stages of change (Çavuşoğlu, 2018; Erkal Aksoy
results (F(1,79):22.408; p < 0.001). This difference is in favour of the & Özentürk, 2021; Li et al., 2020; Tanyeri, 2019; Yalçınöz Baysal, 2013).
patients in the intervention group Xintervention: 22.90; Xcontrol: 17.20). TTM-based interventions deal dynamically with behavioural changes in
_ _ the change processes of goals and approaches determined during the
Also, the criterion of study η2 (eta squared) was calculated as 0.22 and behavior change stages of individuals (Chen et al., 2012). These results
22 % of the variance in the posttest scores were explained by the group show that TTM-based interventions show positive developments in
variable. Basing on this finding, without the effect of pretest, it can be behavior change in individuals, just like in this study. Considering the
said that the HLBPP based solely on the TTM significantly improved the effectiveness of TTM in chronic diseases, it may be recommended to
physical exercise sub-dimension, one of the healthy lifestyle behaviours increase the level of evidence by using TTM in intervention studies for
of individuals with schizophrenia, and it has 22 % (great) influence on individuals with severe mental illness.
the stress management levels (Table 4). Compared to the control group, greater progress was made in the
When the healthy lifestyle behaviours pretest score, along with intervention group in the stages of change, and it is thought that the
regular doctor check, adherence to treatment, alcohol consumption HLBPP grounded on the TTM was effective in these posttest average
frequency, exercise frequency, the way of nutrition, weight (kg), waist scores of the intervention and control group patients are corrected by the
measurement (cm) variables were statistically stabilized, a significant ANCOVA analysis of the HLBS II and its sub-dimensions. When they are
difference between the healthy lifestyle behaviours posttest average compared, the sub-dimensions of healthy lifestyle behaviours and the
score of the patients in the intervention group and the patients in the total posttest average scores showed a significant difference in favour of
control group was detected according to the covariance analysis results the intervention group. When the effect of covariates is removed, HLBPP
(F(1,79):13.917; p < 0.001). This difference is in favour of the patients in based on the TTM shows moderate effect in the sub-dimensions of
the intervention group Xintervention: 140.56; Xcontrol: 111.39). Also, the physical exercise, spiritual development and interpersonal relations in
_ _
individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia in the psychoeducation
criterion of study η2 (eta squared) was calculated as 0.16 and 16 % of the
programme, and health responsibility, nutrition, stress management
variance in the posttest scores were explained by the group variable.
sub-dimensions and the total of HLBS II can be said to have had a great
Basing on this finding, without the effect of pretest along with the other
variables, it can be said that the HLBPP based solely on the TTM
When the national and international literature is analyzed, the
significantly improved the healthy lifestyle behaviours of individuals
findings have been discussed under limitations since it has been detected
with schizophrenia, and it has 16 % (great) influence on the healthy
that HLBS II and an intervention programme based on the TTM are
lifestyle behaviours levels (Table 4).
limited. Lifestyle interventions appear to have positive outcomes in
patients with mental illness in the general population (Daumit et al.,
2013). Most previous studies have looked at the general population with
chronic disease and have applied similar strategies, focusing mostly on
This study is a clinical psychoeducational study based on the
physical activity and nutrition only (Stubbs et al., 2016). The results of
Transtheoretical Model, and it was observed that it had a positive effect
this study were not only limited to the dimensions of nutrition and
on healthy lifestyle behaviours in individuals with schizophrenia and
physical exercise, but also other healthy lifestyle behaviours (health
that the participants in the experimental group made positive progress
responsibility, spiritual development, interpersonal relations and stress
in the stages of behavior change. The results of the study support these
management) of the participants were also evaluated. It can be said that
two hypotheses: H1: “Individuals with schizophrenia who receive psy­
this situation increases the importance of the study. It has been sug­
choeducation based on the Transtheoretical Model will progress ac­
gested that the proof level should be increased with the studies that
cording to the behavior change stage identification form when
could deal with this subject. As the result of the previous studies, it was
compared to those who do not receive this psychoeducation.” and “H2:
emphasized that lifestyle change of individuals with chronic mental
Psychoeducation based on the Transtheoretical Model is effective on the
disorders must be performed with the aim of minimizing the risk of
healthy lifestyle behaviours of individuals with schizophrenia.”
cardiovascular diseases and mortality (De Hert, Cohen, Bobes,
When the demographic, personal and disease-related characteristics
Cetkovich-Bakmas, Leucht, Ndetei, et al., 2011; De Hert, Correll, Bobes,
of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia were examined, it was seen
Cetkovich-Bakmas, Cohen, Asai, et al., 2011b; De Hert, Correll, Bobes,
that the findings obtained in the study were similar to those of previous
Cetkovich-Bakmas, Cohen, Asai, Leucht, and Leucht, 2011c; Ratliff
studies in the literature with the same sample group (Gandhi et al.,
et al., 2012; Dipasquale et al., 2013; Erginer & Günüşen, 2018; Jakobsen
2019; Meepring et al., 2018; Costa et al., 2018; Vancampfort et al., 2017;
et al., 2018; Çelik İnce & Partlak Günüşen, 2021).
Vancampfort et al., 2016).
According to the results of the protecting and improving physical
When the pretest and posttest results of the intervention and control
health programme applied with individuals with chronic mental disor­
groups in the TTM change stages are evaluated, it was observed that the
ders (Çelik İnce & Partlak Günüşen, 2021), it was detected that, − in a
intervention group made progress in the stages of nutrition, physical
way that is similar to the results of the health responsibility sub-
exercise, spiritual development and stress management, but they could
dimension of the study-, there is a statistically significant increase in
not progress in the stages of health responsibility and interpersonal re­
the healthcare responsibility, physical activity and nutrition sub-
lations. It may be speculated that longer-term interventions or follow-up
dimensions score but there is no significant difference on the other
are needed to observe an average to minimize the change in individuals
sub-dimensions. In the same study mentioned, for the control group, on
in terms of health responsibility and interpersonal relations. In a study
the other hand, a significant increase was reported only in the spiritual
examining the effect of the interview based on the TTM on smoking
development sub-dimension.

S. Mansuroğlu and F.Y. Kutlu Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 41 (2022) 51–61

It was stated that physical exercise intervention programmes, Declaration of competing interest
managed by professionals, practised with individuals with chronic
mental disorders help individuals to lose weight and decreases the body The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
mass index (Dodd et al., 2011). In these activity programmes, in­
dividuals were observed to feel mentally better, become easygoing and Acknowledgement
feel closer to the therapeutic interventions, and have positive outcomes
such as strengthening their sense of physical self, increasing social We thank the individuals with schizophrenia who have taken part in
functionality, decreasing anxiety, having more quality sleeps (Silva the study. We would also like to state that all of the data in this study
et al., 2015; Loh et al., 2015). The intervention programmes applied to were based on a doctoral thesis prepared by Sercan Mansuroglu under
increase the physical activity and healthy nutrition levels of individuals the supervision of Prof. Dr. F. Yasemin Kutlu, Institute of Graduate
with chronic mental disorders also have positive outcomes (Van Citters Studies, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Istanbul, TÜRKİYE.
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