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Szymborska Poetry

Teacher's Comments
Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretation (5 marks)

 To what extent does the student show knowledge and understanding of the work or text?
 To what extent does the student use their knowledge and understanding to reach conclusions
about the work or text in relation to their chosen topic?
 How well does the student use references to the work or text to support their ideas in relation to
their chosen topic?

4 out of 5: There is good knowledge and understanding of the work.  Using three poems
demonstrates good coverage of the work in relation to a very specific line of inquiry.  It is very close
to excellent, but is held back at times by the repetitive ideas/phrasing.  References are relevant and
support the candidate's line of inquiry.  
Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation (5 marks)

 To what extent does the student analyze and evaluate how language, style, and wider authorial
choices influence meaning in relation to their chosen topic?

4 out of 5: The analysis and evaluation are appropriate and sometimes insightful.  The candidate
handles narrative voice well and also discusses the smaller minutia of it too.  However, it's not
consistent enough in terms of close language analysis to be convincing at all times.  
Criterion C: Focus, organization, and development (5 marks)

 To what extent is the presentation of ideas organized, focused, and developed?

 How effectively has the student integrated supporting examples into their essay?

4 out of 5: There is a clear line of inquiry and the student stays focused on it.  Examples are also
well-integrated.  A bit more cohesion in terms of connecting all three poems together - in relation to
the narrative voices used - would have aided this candidate even more. 
Criterion D: Language (5 marks)

 How clear, varied, and accurate is the student's language?

 To what extent is the student's choice of register, style, and terminology appropriate?

4 out of 5: There is a bit of repetitiveness in terms of the vocabulary used especially the verbs used
to argue a point.  However, on the whole, this is clear and carefully chosen with a good degree of

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