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Letter To ME!!

Hello Mahes in the next 6 years !

You know you will have lots of schedules to attend, or you have more leisure time. Don't forget in this November
2022 you will have your first mid-exam as a Binus University student. After you finished your exam, in the last
December, you will have a holiday with your family in Mekkah and Madinah, the holy city for Muslim people. How
is your holiday there? Do you feel satisfied or feel sad again? if you are satisfied, you need a reward and published
it on your social media. BUT, if you feel sad, please tell someone you trust.

Hereby, Mahes from 2022, 19 years old. You, Mahes from 2028, 25 years old. I think you will be someone who has
your own money. The person has her own salary and equipment, like your own house. You have a house in BSD
and there are 3 floors with lift service. Also, are you still in love with korean idol? which group do you stand for?
Do you still like exo? do they come back with 9 members? I hope you still have your favorite kpop and also JKT48. I
will say if you still go to the jkt48 theater if you feel sad or want to meet them. Luckily, they have fans like you
who always support them. How about the food you make? Have you any improvement to cook other food? I wish
you have. cause not for a long time you will be a wife to someone or maybe it's already.

In the next 6 years, i think my family relations will get better, especially with my parents. My brother will have his
own choices without considering every suggestion from his surrounding. How about your depression, anxiety, and
your heart problem? it's getting better or not? Well, the most important thing to remember is you eligible to stay
alive. don't forget always consume your medicine when needed.

But still, i don't know are you become a media consultant or have another occupation. If you still fight for joining
the Unilever company, please let me help you to pray for the best choice. However, if you are already enrolled, i
will say congratulations on your hard work and do the best for the rest. But, if you joining another company, it's
also a great choice for you.


1. Do you still have a relationship with the same person in 2022? or not?
2. Do you still have a feeling about the person you met in 2019? or not?
3. Or do you have another man you have met?

If you're the 1st option then i just said congrats and just go marry him.
If you're the 2nd option then i just said sometimes it's probably the person your and your heart looking for. Just
trust yourself and rebuild your love.
If you're the 3rd option well i just said ... HOW DID YOU TRUST SOMEONE YOU'VE NEVER MET?
My life now:

Our world today:

3 Things to remember:

My hope for the future:

Doodle here:

( Mahes, Nov 13 2022 )

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