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Problem Set 1

1. (Exercise 1.1.6, page ) Use the measurements of Eratosthenes to find the approximate
difference in angle of elevation of the sun at two places 1000 km apart in a north-south
direction, both nother of the equator.
Using Eratosthenes measurements of 787 km and an angle of elevation of 7.2◦ , we get
the ratio:
787 1000
7.2 x
x ≈ 9.1◦

2. (Exercise 1.1.7, page 6) If the distance were 300 miles and the angle difference 6◦ , what
would be the circumference of the planet?
If we use the geometry of a circle to solve this, then an angle of 6◦ traces out an arc of
300 miles. Then, the ratios
360 6
x 300
x = 18, 000 miles

If you want to approximate the triangle by a right triangle, as we talked about in class,
then we have
= sin 6◦
r= ≈ 2870
sin 6◦
C = 2πr ≈ 18, 033 miles

3. (Exercise 1.1.8, page 6) If the distance were 400 miles and the angle difference 8◦ , what
would be the circumference of the planet?
This is identical to the previous problem. If you proceed by the first solution, you
get a circumference of 18,000 miles. Proceeding by the second solution, you get a
circumference of approximately 18,059 miles.

4. (Exercise 1.3.5, page 16) Rewrite the axioms using the words student for point and
committee for line.

(a) There are exactly three students.

(b) Each two distinct students are on exactly one committtee.
(c) Not all students are on the same committee.

(d) Each two distinct committees are on at least one student.

5. (Exercise 1.3.6, page 16) Does each pair of lines in the geometry intersect in a point in
the geometry?
Yes, by Axiom 4.

6. (Exercise 1.3.7, page 16) Through a point not on a given line, is there at least one line
not intersecting the given line?
No, each line uses two points, and if the point is not on that line, that is the third of
the three points. Any line through that point would have to pass through one of the
points on the given line, thus the two lines would intersect.

7. (Exercise 1.3.8, page 16) For each two distinct points, does exactly one line exist on
both of them?
Yes, by Theorem 1.1.

8. (Exercise 1.3.9, page 16) Through a point not on a given line, how many lines are
parallel to the given line?
There are none. This geometry does not have any parallel lines.

9. (Exercise 1.3.10, page 16) Exactly how many points are on each line?
There are exactly 2 points on each line. A line must contain at least two points by
Axiom 2. If the line contained a third point, it would contain all the points of the
geometry, contradicting Axiom 3.

10. (Exercise 1.3.11, page 16) Must lines be straight in the Euclidean sense?
We haven’t defined straight, but even if we accept the idea of using our exterior knowl-
edge of straight Euclidean lines, the answer is no.

11. (Exercise 1.3.12, page 16) Could three lines all contain the same point?
No, we know that each line contains at least 2 points. If three distinct lines all contained
the same point, then we would need 3 more points for each of these lines. This gives us
a minimum of 4 points. Thus, we cannot have three lines all contain the same point.

12. (Exercise 1.3.13, page 16) Do any squares exist?

No, a square requires 4 lines and 4 points, which we do not have.

13. (Exercise 1.3.14, page 16) Prove that a line cannot contain three distinct points.
Assume that a line contains three distinct points, then this line contains all of the
points of the geometry. This contradicts Axiom 3. Thus, a line cannot contain three
distinct points.

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