Solid Edge Expert Part Exam Questions

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Which element of the steering wheel do you pick to revolve a face in synchronous
a) The Torus
b) The Origin
c) The Blue Bearing Knob
d) The Primary Axis

2. What mode enables you to automatically select all faces representing a cutout in a
synchronous model after selecting one face?
a) Add mode
b) Normal Select mode
c) Selection Manager mode
d) Union

3. In synchronous modeling, what happens to an extruded feature if you delete the profile
sketch used to create it?
a) The feature will show an error symbol
b) The feature will be in a failed state
c) The feature will be removed
d) Nothing

4. In the following image, using a Horizontal/Vertical Smart dimension, which key do you
press to create the aligned 35 mm dimension?

a) Ctrl Key
b) Alt Key
c) Spacebar
d) Tab Key
5. What causes a “Zero-Thickness (non-manifold) condition” in a part model?
a) A feature that has lost its parent sketch
b) When an extrude depth is equal to zero.
c) Features or bodies that connect at a single point or edge
d) Holes that do not intersect a solid body

6. 3D sketch functionality is not available in which environment?

a) Draft mode
b) Assembly mode
c) Sheet Metal mode
d) Part mode

7. Which surfacing command can be used to merge several surface patches into a single
surface and control its tangencies to adjacent surfaces?
a) Ruled
b) Bluesurf
c) Bounded
d) Redefine

8. If creating a symmetric model, but only one half is modeled, what function can virtually
preview the symmetric side?
a) Base Reference Plane
b) Mirror Plane
c) Reflection plane
d) Draft analysis

9. The ability to let Solid Edge automatically optimize the design of a part while
maintaining its integrity is called _________________________.
a) Optimize
b) Generative Deign
c) Goal Seek
d) Simulation
10. The following is true about the START model: Faces 1, 3 and 5 are coplanar and faces 2, 4
and 6 are coplanar. The odd and even numbered faces are symmetric about the base
coordinate system. What must be selected and/or design intent relationships must be
enabled or disabled to result in the FINISHED model?

a) Face 1 and 3 are dragged; Coplanar must be disabled and Symmetry must be
b) Face 3 is dragged; Offset and Symmetry must be enabled
c) Face 1 is dragged; Coplanar and Symmetry must be enabled
d) Face 1 and 3 are dragged; Coplanar and Symmetry must be enabled
What command is used to make the red face conform to the extruded surface?

  Match Face

  Project Face

  Extend Face

  Replace Face

The Flatten command in Sheet Metal is found on the ____________________.

  PMI tab

  Tools tab

  Home tab

  View tab
What command is used to copy edges of background geometry to a defined sketch

  Derived Curve

  Project to Sketch

  Project Curve

  Copy Sketch

If you want to move the steering wheel to a new keypoint or face, but do not want the
steering wheel to change its orientation, which key do you press while selecting the
origin to drag?

  Ctrl Key

  Tab Key

  Alt Key

  Shift Key
The Symmetric Design intent relationship finds geometry that is symmetric about

  the Base reference planes

  a sketch plane

  a locked plane (F3)

  any specified plane in the model

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