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Case Study

The current limitations of online reviews
Before I go any further into this presentation, I think it would be important to introduce the
problem of online reviews and how it currently stands.
• Online reviews are a popular way for customers to share their experiences with
businesses, but the current system is not without its limitations.
• One limitation is that many online review platforms rely solely on star ratings, which can
be misleading and do not provide a detailed or nuanced understanding of a customer's
• Another limitation is that many online reviews lack a visual element, making it difficult
for businesses to quickly and easily understand the sentiment of their customer
• These limitations can make it challenging for businesses to effectively use customer
feedback to improve their services, and for customers to make informed decisions
about where to spend their money.
• Furthermore, most of the online review platforms lack a good way for customers to
understand the emotions of the customers who wrote the reviews. This could be
confusing and not very helpful when making a decision based on the reviews.
• It is of importance to mention that there's an increasing trend of people looking for
emotions when reading reviews. They want to know how people felt about the product
or service and not just the rating.
• In addition to that, star ratings can be easily manipulated by businesses or fake
reviews, leading to an inaccurate representation of a business's service or quality.
• Many online reviews are written in natural language, which can be difficult for
businesses to understand and act on.
• Online reviews are often scattered across different platforms, making it hard for
businesses to get a comprehensive view of their customer feedback.
• The current online review system does not provide a good way for customers to
understand the emotions of the customers who wrote the reviews, making it hard for
them to make a decision based on the reviews.
• Furthermore, most of the online review platforms are not engaging and interactive,
making it hard for customers to get an engaging experience when reading the reviews.
All of these limitations point to just one direction, the need for a new solution.
Replacement of Star Ratings by a System of Emojis

First things first, emojis are widely recognized and easily understood, making
them a great way to quickly and easily convey the sentiment of customer reviews.
• Customers would be prompted to select an emoji that best represents their
experience with the business. This would be done by having a list of emojis to
choose from when leaving a review.
• The program would then display the reviews along with the selected emoji.
This would allow customers to quickly and easily understand the emotions of
the reviewers.
• The program would also include an option for customers to leave a written
review along with the selected emoji. This would provide additional context for
the chosen emoji and give customers a more complete understanding of the
reviewer's experience.
• Using emojis as a way of representing emotions is an intuitive and easy way
for customers to understand the emotions of reviewers.
How this could be implemented

Wondering how the program would display the reviews along with the selected
• The program would display the reviews in a user-friendly format, such as a list
or a feed, where customers can easily scroll through and read the reviews.
• Each review would be accompanied by the selected emoji, which would
provide a quick and easy way for customers to understand the emotions of the
• The program would also include additional information such as the date of the
review, the name of the reviewer and the name of the business.
• The program would also include an option for customers to sort the reviews by
emoji, allowing them to filter the reviews and only see the reviews with a
specific emoji. This would make it easy for customers to find reviews that
match their interests.
• The program will include an option for customers to flag a review if they find it
to be inappropriate or fake. This would help to ensure that the reviews are
accurate and
• The program would include a search function that allows customers to
search for reviews by keyword, business name, or location. This would
make it easy for customers to find reviews for specific businesses or for
businesses in a specific area.
• The program would also include an option for customers to share reviews
on social media or by email. This would allow customers to share their
favorite reviews with their friends and family and help to increase the
visibility of the program.
• The program would also include a feature to show the location of the
business on a map, this way customers can quickly find a business in their
• The program will include a feature that allows customers to filter reviews
based on certain criteria, such as date, rating, or keywords. This would
make it easy for customers to find reviews that match their interests.
• A positive review could be represented with a smiling face emoji, a neutral
review with a neutral face emoji, and a negative review with a frowning face
• The program includes a dashboard that allows businesses to view the emojis
associated with their reviews and quickly understand the sentiment of the
• The program also allows for the customization of the emojis, for example using
the brand's own emojis.
• At the end of the day, the program uses emojis as a way of representing the
emotions of the customers. For example, a 😊 for happy, 😕 for confused, 🤔
for neutral and 🙁 for sad.
• It's important to note that the use of emojis could add a fun and interactive
element to the reviews and make them more engaging for customers. It could
also be a way for the businesses to stand out and differentiate themselves
How it’d benefit Business

There’s many benefits for businesses of using a system of emojis. Just some of them are:
• A visual representation of the emotions of their customers, which can be used to
improve their services and understand their customers better.
• The program would provide a quick and easy way for businesses to understand the
overall emotions of their customers, allowing them to identify patterns and trends in the
• The program would also provide an easy way for businesses to see which emojis are
most used, and where they can improve their services.
• The program will also provide a way for businesses to showcase their positive reviews
and emotions to potential customers.
• Customization of the emojis could also be a way for businesses to stand out and
differentiate themselves from their competitors.
• The program will provide a way for businesses to track their progress over time,
allowing them to see how their services have improved and how their customers'
emotions have changed.
• The program could provide a way for businesses to identify specific areas
of their service where customers are having positive or negative
experiences, allowing them to make targeted improvements.
• The program could also provide a way for businesses to respond to
reviews and address customer concerns in a timely manner.
• The program would also provide businesses with valuable insights and
metrics, such as the percentage of positive, negative and neutral reviews,
which can be used to benchmark their performance against their
• The program will provide businesses with an opportunity to build a
community of loyal customers by engaging with them and addressing their
• All in all, these opportunities could be used to gather valuable feedback
that can be used to improve products, services, and overall customer
How it’d benefit Customers

• A fun and interactive way to understand the emotions of reviewers and

make informed decisions.
• The program is going to provide a quick and easy way for customers to
understand the overall emotions of the reviewers, allowing them to identify
patterns and trends in the feedback.
• The program would provide an easy way for customers to find reviews that
match their interests by sorting reviews by emoji.
• The program will provide customers with a sense of trust and confidence in
the reviews, as they can see the emotions of the reviewers, rather than just
a star rating.
The Conclusion

• The potential for the emoji system to revolutionize the way businesses
receive and act on customer feedback by providing an engaging and
interactive way to get the feedback.
• Further elaboration…

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