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Student name: Nguyễn Phạm Sương Mai Student ID number: 31221024633

Student name: Trần Tự Minh Student ID number: 31221027075
Student name: Nguyễn Thy Nhã Student ID number: 31221024215
Student name: La Mạnh Khang Student ID number: 31221023151
Student name: Ngô Đặng Khánh Linh Student ID number: 31221026513

Unit name: Consumer Behaviour Unit number: CB-48-04

Tutorial/Lecture: A3. Group Proposal Class day and time: Wednesday, 12:00 PM
Lecturer or Tutor name: Ms. Tran Thi Hong Van


Title: A3_Part 1_Project Proposal

Length: 3 pages Due date: 31/05/2023 Date submitted: 31/05/2023

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Student’s signature: Nguyễn Phạm Sương Mai
Student’s signature: Trần Tự Minh
Student’s signature: Nguyễn Thy Nhã

Student’s signature: La Mạnh Khang

Student’s signature: Ngô Đặng Khánh Linh

Note: An examiner or lecturer/tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has not
been signed.
Part 1 - Project Proposal

1. Topic:
“Gen Z attitudes towards Omachi instant noodle”
● Target group: Gen Z
● Consumer topic: Attitudes
● Object: Omachi instant noodle

2. Contexts:
● Introduce about the industry related to the object of consumption: what industry, current
situation of the industry
- The instant noodle industry is a significant part of the food and beverage sector, catering to
the fast-paced lifestyles and convenience-oriented preferences of consumers, including the
Gen Z demographic. Instant noodles have gained popularity worldwide due to their ease of
preparation, affordability, and wide range of flavors. Vietnam's use of instant noodles
increased dramatically during the two years when the Covid-19 outbreak affected the
country, according to data from the World Instant Noodle Association (WINA). Moreover,
Vietnam devoured an astounding 7 billion containers of instant noodles in 2020, a huge 29%
rise over 2019. Building on this pace for growth, Vietnam's consumption of instant noodles
increased further, reaching more than 8.5 billion packets the year after, in 2021. This
outperformed all other markets in the top 10 rankings with a stunning growth rate of 22%.
- In recent years, the industry has witnessed advancements in product innovation, with brands
like Omachi introducing new flavors, healthier options, and unique packaging designs to
capture the attention of consumers, particularly the young and dynamic Gen Z population.
The industry's current landscape is marked by intense competition among various instant
noodle brands, with a focus on differentiation and appealing to specific target groups.
- By keeping up with the trends and preferences of the Gen Z target group, Omachi aims to
establish itself as a go-to brand for instant noodles, providing a delicious and convenient
meal option for young consumers on the go.
=> These statistics demonstrate the significant impact of instant noodles on the Vietnamese
market, reflecting the product's affordability, convenience, and popularity among
Vietnamese consumers.
- According to the UK-based market research company Euromonitor, over 1,127 tons of instant
noodles were consumed daily in Vietnam last year, up more than 20% from 2016. Vietnam
consumed 411,500 tons of instant noodles in 2021, 9% more than in 2020.
- In terms of sales, the instant noodle industry in Vietnam brought in more than VND3.8
trillion ($153.2 million) in 2021. With respect to 2020 and about 18% in relation to 2016, this
marked an exceptional growth rate. These numbers highlight the market size and financial
effect of the instant noodle market in Vietnam.
=> The data reaffirms Vietnam's position as a critical market for instant noodles, showcasing
the strong consumer preference for this convenient and affordable food option.
● Introduce about the target group and current trends in their consumption
- Target group: Gen Z (people who were born from the year of 1997 to 2012)
In addition to being a generation that is "more demanding for products or services," Gen Z is
also "open to new experiences", according to a survey that found 40% of Gen Z members are
always prepared to try new things as stated by Nielsen, "enjoyable experience even when
they are already using familiar brands." Therefore, when new goods like quick noodles with a
variety of tastes and processing techniques hit the market, Gen Z is quite open-minded.
However, this diversity also makes it harder for Gen Z to select quick noodle brands that fit
their budget and preferences.
According to a study conducted by researchers at Bryn Mawr College and San Diego State
University in the United States, Gen Z lives more responsibly and slowly than prior
generations. Because of the popularity of social networking sites, tiktokers and influencers
spread information on healthy lifestyles, as well as materials and propaganda, emphasising
the significance of living a healthy lifestyle. It has had a significant impact on how Gen Z lives,
particularly in terms of food intake. A common misconception about instant noodles is that
they lack nutrients, are unhealthy, and may be dangerous if ingested in big numbers.
Therefore, Gen Z won't opt to eat quick noodles as frequently as they did in the past.

● Discuss how the results from this consumer topic will help the marketers in this industry or
other parties (such as government).
- Consumer Strategy: Gen Z is a youthful cohort that is largely reliant on e-commerce and
internet platforms. As a consequence, marketers may use their attitude about Omachi's
instant noodles to optimize online sales channels, enhance product visibility online, and
improve the customer experience. Direct-to-consumer techniques, e-commerce platforms,
and identifying online advertising and promotions may all be used to effectively reach and
engage Gen Z customers.
- Online Reviews and Ratings: When evaluating purchase decisions, Gen Z tends to depend
largely on Internet evaluations and ratings. Marketers should encourage Gen Z customers to
rate and review on e-commerce platforms, social networks, or specialized review sites.
Positive reviews and high ratings may have a big effect on other Gen Z consumers, improving
a product's reputation and exposure in internet searches.
- Product development and innovation: Knowing Gen Z's preferences and level of interest in
instant noodles can help manufacturers create distinctive flavors, packaging, and preparation
techniques that suit this generation's preferences. It might motivate them to create fresh
goods suited specifically to Gen Z's preferences, which might boost sales and market share.
For instance, marketers can create instant noodles with organic components or healthier
substitutes if Gen Z consumers prefer healthier and more natural products.
- Marketing Messaging: Customers in the Gen Z generation value honesty and openness.
Knowing how this generation feels about instant noodles can help marketers create
advertising that appeals to this group. For instance, marketers may focus on eco-friendly
packaging or sustainable sourcing in their messaging if Gen Z consumers are interested in
- Brand positioning: Understanding Gen Z's attitudes towards instant noodles can guide
marketers in developing a brand identity and positioning that align with their values.
Marketers may present their business as a simple and time-saving solution for busy people if
Gen Z consumers appreciate convenience and quick meal options. This may draw in Gen Z
customers, who actively look for products from companies that maintain ethical and
sustainable practices.

3. References:

1. Nguyen D. Vietnam world’s third largest instant noodles market - vnexpress international
[Internet]. VnExpress International; 2021 [cited 2023 May 31]. Available from:

2. Lan M. Vietnam’s instant noodle market grows 20% per year [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2023 May 29].
Available from:

3. Baotuoitre VTK. Một Số Xu Hướng Lựa Chọn Thức Uống Của Gen Z [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2023
May 29]. Available from:

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