Thought Piece No. 1 Language

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One of man’s greatest gift received is the ability to express himself to others.
This gift is conveyed with the aid of language. Language is a concept that cannot
be adequately defined in a single expression. As discussed, languages are generally
forms of symbolic representation. All over the globe, we use different languages
and we basically use it in communication, for without language, I guess it will be
challenging for our part in expressing ourselves to others. With this, I would like to
focus on the importance of language in communication among men.

Communication, as we know it, is the exchange or transmission of

information among individuals in the society. However, it would be absolutely
dead if there is no language involved. I think if language is not present,
communication will certainly fail to attain its goal. We know that language is not
something that we can learn overnight and, in my opinion, language is learned
everyday as if it were a lifetime process. Without language, our ideas, feelings and
desires will just remain in us and will not be revealed. In my experience, I have
seen introverts choose to remain silent and act as if language does not exist just to
avoid people and all of us can certainly do it too. Yet, keeping quiet will not do us
any good. We must use language as an outlet to unveil our yearnings, opinions and
feelings in order to achieve the goal of communication. However, there are also
instances wherein language is used in a negative manner. People use it in arguing
with others and use it to express what they truly feel. In addition, language for me
must be seen as a tool or an aid in man’s communication and not as a weapon for it
can be used to elevate or degrade people.

With all the things being said, we can say that language plays a vital role in
man’s relation with others. Nevertheless, we must remember that language evolves
each day that passes and instead of using it to belittle, insult or demean others, we
must choose to utilize it to build connection with others through communication.



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