Jaka Seger Dan Rara Anteng

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Name : Jertiadi Cakra Pusaka Nugraha

School : SMP Negeri 2 Bangkalan

Participant Number : 2
Jaka Seger and Rara Anteng

Once upon a time, there was a husband and a wife. The husband was Jaka Seger and the
wife was Rara Anteng. They loved and cared for each other and lived a simple but happy life.
Nevertheless, there was one thing that they wished would come true in their lives. They had
been married for years but they did not have any children yet.

They prayed to gods every day, months and years. They were so desperate to have children
of their own. After long prayers, Joko Seger got a hint that he should meditate in a cave
nearby Mount Bromo. With no hesitation, he went on a journey to find this place. As he
arrived there, he found that there was a lion in the cave and it didn’t like his presence. He
had no choice but to fight and kill the lion.

After that, Jaka Seger began his meditation and prayers. Gods could see his sincerity. Jaka
Seger heard clearly a voice said, “Jaka Seger. All gods in heaven have agreed to grant your
wish to have children with your wife Rara Anteng. You will have many of them.”

Jaka Seger cried with joy, gratitude and relieved. “Thank you. Thank you, gods.”

“There is a condition, however.”

“Yes, yes, gods. Say it. Whatever it is, I will do it. I will do anything for my many children.”

“You will have 25 children but you must sacrifice one of them when he or she has become
an adult. Do you agree to this?”

“I agree.” Said Joko Seger immediately. It seemed like he didn’t fully understand the
consequence he put his family into. Hurriedly, he came back home to his wife and told her
the good news and the bad news. At first, Rara Anteng was so joyful but then she frowned
in worries as her husband told her the sacrifice they should make in the future. Jaka Seger
assured her that sacrificing one child over twenty-four other children wouldn’t be so hard.

Weeks later, Rara Anteng was pregnant. The blessing from gods in heaven had come true.
The couple finally became parents. A year after the birth of the first child they were blessed
again with the second child. Later, Rara Anteng gave birth to their children every year until
they had gotten twenty-five children. Up to that time, they had been living happily with
their huge family. They were overjoyed by their lives that neither Jaka Seger nor Rara
Anteng remembered the agreement they had settled with gods.

One night, Jaka Seger saw a god in his dream. He reminded Jaka Seger about the agreement.

“Jaka Seger. The time has come. You must sacrifice one of your children as you promised.
Bring that child to the crater of Mount Bromo.”

“I can’t. My wife and I, we… We love all of our children. We will be horrible parents if we do

“You have agreed.”

“No. Please, please. I will do anything. But don’t take my child.”

“If you dare breaking your promise, you will upset gods. Mount Bromo will erupt and
destroy everything that lives around it.”

“No. No… Please, please.”

“Sacrifice a child or thousands will die.”

Jaka Seger woke up in fear. He told Rara Anteng his dream. She was shocked. She didn’t
know that day would really come. She was broken hearted. What mother would sacrifice
her own child. But they had no choice. They had to break this news to their children. As
expected, every child gasped in horror.

“No, father. I don’t want to die.” Said the oldest child.

“Don’t choose me! I have been a good daughter to you. You can’t get rid of me.” Cried one
of their daughters.

“You can’t ask your children to do something like that. You are horrible parents.” Another
child yelled in panic.

The family instantly was in chaos. Nobody was willing to be sacrificed even when it was to
save the lives of thousands. Rara Anteng couldn’t say anything and only cried the whole
time. Jaka Seger didn’t know what to do because he was not able to force his children to
sacrifice themselves.

Suddenly, Kesuma, the youngest of the family, stepped up and said to everyone that he was
willing to be sacrificed. He had always been the kindest child of all. He was obedient and
caring. Not only his siblings and parents but also all the villagers loved him.

The next day, Kesuma was standing by the crater of Mount Bromo. He was ready to sacrifice
himself. His parents were there and so were his siblings. And then…


Kesuma had sacrificed himself for all villagers who lived around Bromo Mountain. To show
their gratitude, every year, Kesuma’s siblings and villagers held a ceremony where they
brought offerings to the crater of Mount Bromo to commemorate Kesuma. They called it
The Kesada Ceremony. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation
and is still done until today.
Name : Marvel Ghaisan Milano
School : SMP Negeri 2 Bangkalan
Participant Number : 14
Jaka Seger and Rara Anteng

Once upon a time, there was a husband and a wife. The husband was Jaka Seger and the
wife was Rara Anteng. They loved and cared for each other and lived a simple but happy life.
Nevertheless, there was one thing that they wished would come true in their lives. They had
been married for years but they did not have any children yet.

They prayed to gods every day, months and years. They were so desperate to have children
of their own. After long prayers, Joko Seger got a hint that he should meditate in a cave
nearby Mount Bromo. With no hesitation, he went on a journey to find this place. As he
arrived there, he found that there was a lion in the cave and it didn’t like his presence. He
had no choice but to fight and kill the lion.

After that, Jaka Seger began his meditation and prayers. Gods could see his sincerity. Jaka
Seger heard clearly a voice said, “Jaka Seger. All gods in heaven have agreed to grant your
wish to have children with your wife Rara Anteng. You will have many of them.”

Jaka Seger cried with joy, gratitude and relieved. “Thank you. Thank you, gods.”

“There is a condition, however.”

“Yes, yes, gods. Say it. Whatever it is, I will do it. I will do anything for my many children.”

“You will have 25 children but you must sacrifice one of them when he or she has become
an adult. Do you agree to this?”

“I agree.” Said Joko Seger immediately. It seemed like he didn’t fully understand the
consequence he put his family into. Hurriedly, he came back home to his wife and told her
the good news and the bad news. At first, Rara Anteng was so joyful but then she frowned
in worries as her husband told her the sacrifice they should make in the future. Jaka Seger
assured her that sacrificing one child over twenty-four other children wouldn’t be so hard.

Weeks later, Rara Anteng was pregnant. The blessing from gods in heaven had come true.
The couple finally became parents. A year after the birth of the first child they were blessed
again with the second child. Later, Rara Anteng gave birth to their children every year until
they had gotten twenty-five children. Up to that time, they had been living happily with
their huge family. They were overjoyed by their lives that neither Jaka Seger nor Rara
Anteng remembered the agreement they had settled with gods.

One night, Jaka Seger saw a god in his dream. He reminded Jaka Seger about the agreement.

“Jaka Seger. The time has come. You must sacrifice one of your children as you promised.
Bring that child to the crater of Mount Bromo.”

“I can’t. My wife and I, we… We love all of our children. We will be horrible parents if we do

“You have agreed.”

“No. Please, please. I will do anything. But don’t take my child.”

“If you dare breaking your promise, you will upset gods. Mount Bromo will erupt and
destroy everything that lives around it.”

“No. No… Please, please.”

“Sacrifice a child or thousands will die.”

Jaka Seger woke up in fear. He told Rara Anteng his dream. She was shocked. She didn’t
know that day would really come. She was broken hearted. What mother would sacrifice
her own child. But they had no choice. They had to break this news to their children. As
expected, every child gasped in horror.

“No, father. I don’t want to die.” Said the oldest child.

“Don’t choose me! I have been a good daughter to you. You can’t get rid of me.” Cried one
of their daughters.

“You can’t ask your children to do something like that. You are horrible parents.” Another
child yelled in panic.

The family instantly was in chaos. Nobody was willing to be sacrificed even when it was to
save the lives of thousands. Rara Anteng couldn’t say anything and only cried the whole
time. Jaka Seger didn’t know what to do because he was not able to force his children to
sacrifice themselves.

Suddenly, Kesuma, the youngest of the family, stepped up and said to everyone that he was
willing to be sacrificed. He had always been the kindest child of all. He was obedient and
caring. Not only his siblings and parents but also all the villagers loved him.

The next day, Kesuma was standing by the crater of Mount Bromo. He was ready to sacrifice
himself. His parents were there and so were his siblings. And then…


Kesuma had sacrificed himself for all villagers who lived around Bromo Mountain. To show
their gratitude, every year, Kesuma’s siblings and villagers held a ceremony where they
brought offerings to the crater of Mount Bromo to commemorate Kesuma. They called it
The Kesada Ceremony. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation
and is still done until today.
Name : Bima Cakra Radjandra
School : SMP Negeri 2 Bangkalan
Participant Number : 16
Jaka Seger and Rara Anteng

Once upon a time, there was a husband and a wife. The husband was Jaka Seger and the
wife was Rara Anteng. They loved and cared for each other and lived a simple but happy life.
Nevertheless, there was one thing that they wished would come true in their lives. They had
been married for years but they did not have any children yet.

They prayed to gods every day, months and years. They were so desperate to have children
of their own. After long prayers, Joko Seger got a hint that he should meditate in a cave
nearby Mount Bromo. With no hesitation, he went on a journey to find this place. As he
arrived there, he found that there was a lion in the cave and it didn’t like his presence. He
had no choice but to fight and kill the lion.

After that, Jaka Seger began his meditation and prayers. Gods could see his sincerity. Jaka
Seger heard clearly a voice said, “Jaka Seger. All gods in heaven have agreed to grant your
wish to have children with your wife Rara Anteng. You will have many of them.”

Jaka Seger cried with joy, gratitude and relieved. “Thank you. Thank you, gods.”

“There is a condition, however.”

“Yes, yes, gods. Say it. Whatever it is, I will do it. I will do anything for my many children.”

“You will have 25 children but you must sacrifice one of them when he or she has become
an adult. Do you agree to this?”

“I agree.” Said Joko Seger immediately. It seemed like he didn’t fully understand the
consequence he put his family into. Hurriedly, he came back home to his wife and told her
the good news and the bad news. At first, Rara Anteng was so joyful but then she frowned
in worries as her husband told her the sacrifice they should make in the future. Jaka Seger
assured her that sacrificing one child over twenty-four other children wouldn’t be so hard.

Weeks later, Rara Anteng was pregnant. The blessing from gods in heaven had come true.
The couple finally became parents. A year after the birth of the first child they were blessed
again with the second child. Later, Rara Anteng gave birth to their children every year until
they had gotten twenty-five children. Up to that time, they had been living happily with
their huge family. They were overjoyed by their lives that neither Jaka Seger nor Rara
Anteng remembered the agreement they had settled with gods.

One night, Jaka Seger saw a god in his dream. He reminded Jaka Seger about the agreement.

“Jaka Seger. The time has come. You must sacrifice one of your children as you promised.
Bring that child to the crater of Mount Bromo.”

“I can’t. My wife and I, we… We love all of our children. We will be horrible parents if we do

“You have agreed.”

“No. Please, please. I will do anything. But don’t take my child.”

“If you dare breaking your promise, you will upset gods. Mount Bromo will erupt and
destroy everything that lives around it.”

“No. No… Please, please.”

“Sacrifice a child or thousands will die.”

Jaka Seger woke up in fear. He told Rara Anteng his dream. She was shocked. She didn’t
know that day would really come. She was broken hearted. What mother would sacrifice
her own child. But they had no choice. They had to break this news to their children. As
expected, every child gasped in horror.

“No, father. I don’t want to die.” Said the oldest child.

“Don’t choose me! I have been a good daughter to you. You can’t get rid of me.” Cried one
of their daughters.

“You can’t ask your children to do something like that. You are horrible parents.” Another
child yelled in panic.

The family instantly was in chaos. Nobody was willing to be sacrificed even when it was to
save the lives of thousands. Rara Anteng couldn’t say anything and only cried the whole
time. Jaka Seger didn’t know what to do because he was not able to force his children to
sacrifice themselves.

Suddenly, Kesuma, the youngest of the family, stepped up and said to everyone that he was
willing to be sacrificed. He had always been the kindest child of all. He was obedient and
caring. Not only his siblings and parents but also all the villagers loved him.

The next day, Kesuma was standing by the crater of Mount Bromo. He was ready to sacrifice
himself. His parents were there and so were his siblings. And then…


Kesuma had sacrificed himself for all villagers who lived around Bromo Mountain. To show
their gratitude, every year, Kesuma’s siblings and villagers held a ceremony where they
brought offerings to the crater of Mount Bromo to commemorate Kesuma. They called it
The Kesada Ceremony. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation
and is still done until today.

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