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Digital humans
Reading and vo cab u lary A day in th e life

1 SPEAKING Imagine you are sitting next to a

stranger on a train. Discuss the things you might
show them or talk to them about. FI DRV THE LIFE in
m personal photos ■ personal text messages
your age w here you live
w hat you are interested in
w h o your friends are
w h at you w ere doing
last weekend A s part o f o u r week on d ig ita l hum ans, we
a sk ed teenager Issy T y le r to keep a ‘d ig ita l’
2 SPEAKING Discuss the questions. Then read the diary. P sy ch o lo g ist Mia Graham an a lysed
article from a science magazine and compare your the resu lts.
1 W h at are th e advantages and disadvantages of
7.30 a.m.
I’m usually on Facebook first thing and today was
sharing information on a social m edia w ebsite?
no different. I actually logged in w hile I w as still
2 Is it easier to be mean to people in the digital w orld?
in bed, ju st to see w hat m y friends had posted
the night before and to catch up w ith the gossip.
3 Complete the article with sentences A-G. There is
O ve r breakfast, I did a status update and within
one sentence that you do not need.
thirty m inutes, I had five likes and tw o com m ents.
A I didn't kn ow on e of them , but that's w h y Facebook is Nothing special about that - it w as ju st another
so exciting. ordinary day.
B Issy enjoys being part o fa com m unity.
Mia: It’s natural and hum an to share experiences
C I talked to m y friend about the nasty com m en t and
and open up to people. 1 . She likes it when
she apologized.
people from this com m unity com m ent on her
D However, friends can com prom ise this im age by
tagging you in photos, saying w here you've been or
w h at you've said.
8.45 a.m.
E He left his m obile in class today and I found it.
On the school bus, I noticed that I’d been tagged
F Issy did th e right thing w hen she deleted the
in a picture. 2.............It’s stressed me out, so
com m ent. I’m currently checking the latest updates again.
G I looked absolutely awful so I clicked 'untag'. Hopefully, no one realized it w as me!

Mia: On Facebook, Issy is alw ays on disp lay and

insight P h ra s a l ve rb s : re la tio n s h ip s
she feels the pressure to consistently Took good’.
4 Study the highlighted phrasal verbs in the text. In a recent survey, 41% o f teens said their online
T h e n re p la c e th e p h ra ses in italics w ith th e co rrect im age w as extrem ely im portant, consequently, they
form of the phrasal verbs. made an effort to look ‘cooler than th ey really are’.

1 Jo h n hasn't returned to his usual se lf after our 3 . You might not like it, but you can’t stop
friends sharing inform ation about you.
argum ent. He refuses to be friends with me.
2 W h e n e ve r Peter w as bullied at school, he usually lost
control o f his feelings and cried.
3 I called an old friend today and w e brought each other
up-to-date on our news. W e hadn't spoken to each
other for a while.
4 W e unexpectedly m et our teacher w hile w e w ere
walking around the museum.
5 Isabel is very shy. She doesn't usually talk freely about
her feelings.
6 You should always su pp ort a n d defend your friends
w h e n som eone is m ean to them.
7 W h e n Ciaran m et m y sister, th ey liked each other
immediately. They w ere both obsessed w ith W orld of
8 People w h o are horrible o r nasty to other people are
called bullies.

108 Digital humans
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs: relationships; words often confused; Speaking: discussing social media; analyzing real life and online life; asking
describing gadgets: words with more than one meaning for instructions, explanations and clarification
Grammar: defining and non-defining relative clauses; introductory It Writing: a for and against essay

insight Words often confused

5 Study the underlined words in the text. Then match

each word in 1-5 to definitions a-b.
1 actu ally/cu rrently 4 sym p athetic/friend ly
a really, in fact a happily
b at the present time, com m unicating
at the m om ent w ith som eone
2 latest/last b show ing that
a final, com ing after you understand
all others people's feelings
b the most recent and feeling sorry
3 co n seq u ently/ for them
consistently 5 even tu ally/p o ssib ly
12.30 p.m.
At lunchtim e, a friend posted quite a nasty
a as a result, because a perhaps, m aybe
com m ent about ano th er friend on m y profile. The of this b in the end, finally
tw o girls recently had a row, but th ey need to get b regularly, constantly
over it and make up w ith each other. I deleted the
com m ent because I don’t w an t to get involved. 6 Choose the correct answers.
1 It took a long time, but I eventually / possibly
Mia: It's easy to pick on people in the digital world.
uploaded a video on m y Facebook page.
Cyberhullies can post an unflattering picture or a
2 Issy had a n e w friend request today. She didn't
nasty com m ent and reach a wide audience. And in
actually / currently know w h o the person was.
an online world, you can't see people break down in
tears. As a result, you're less sym pathetic and less 3 I know how the victims of cyberbullies feel. I was bullied
likely to stick up for them. 4 myself at school, so I am totally sym pathetic /friendly.
4 W e w aited a long tim e for Max. H e w as the last /
5.30 p.m. latest person to arrive.
At hom e, I w rote a post about a boy I quite like. 5 Beth did consequently / consistently w ell in class, so
5............. It w as nice to talk to him, he w as friendly everyone w as surprised w h e n she failed her exam.
and w e had a lot in com m on - w e really hit it off! 6 Last week, w e learned about com puter program m ing
and w e are actually / currently studying the
Mia: Like so m any of us, Issy shares intimate details
problems of privacy on Facebook.
of her life online. The problem is, these details stay
on the web forever and are easy to dig up again. In a
7 I get the last / latest stories in m y newsfeed on
recent survey, 40% of teens said they were concerned
about who was view ing their online activities. 8 M y sister forgot to post th e party invitation on

T h ey also worried about how these activities might Facebook. Consequently / Consistently, no one
eventually be perceived by parents, teachers, future turned up.
em ployers or their peers. T h ey are right to be 9 Troy was sym pathetic / friendly and pleasant, but he
concerned about who is watching. The internet never wasn't a good friend w hen it really mattered.
forgets, so Issy needs to think before she posts. 10 Are you playing football this w eekend? Eventually /
Possibly, unless it rains.
11.00 p.m.
My last status update before I go to bed and I had 7 SPEAKING Discuss the questions.
tw o friend requests, w hich I accepted. 6 You
1 Have you got a social m edia account? H o w often do
can chat with people w ho you possibly w ouldn't
you use it? W h at do you actually use it for?
run into in yo u r everyd a y life and you can contact
2 Do you think everyone will eventually have a social
people w ho you haven't seen for years ...
media account? W h y / w h y not?
Mia: Issy's right - it's good to talk, but she needs to 3 In the future, will w e possibly be interacting more
be extrem ely careful about who she talks to. The w ith m achines than w ith people? W h at effect might
average teen has 237 ‘friends', however, th ey have this have?
talked to only a fraction o f these people in real life.
Vocabulary bank Technology page 142
Essen tially it's a question o f trust, so before you
accept a friend request, consider this: w ho is this
person and do I really w an t them to read m y posts?
Don't forget, there are people behind the machines.

Digital humans 109

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