New Time 7

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Like most of us, I wear a few different hats — mum, counsellor, wellness writer,

friend, partner and more — all of which encompass and evoke emotion.

It can feel like a job in itself, navigating the intricate web of relationships and
emotions. Recently, a beautiful friend reminded me of the profound importance of
sharing the good, the bad and the ugly in our lives. It made me realise the immense
value of having safe relationships where we can truly be ourselves, vulnerabilities
and all.

Isolation, whether self-imposed or imposed by circumstances, has a way of altering

how we feel and how we process our emotions. When we believe our struggles are
completely unique and specific to us, it can intensify the weight of our burdens,
making them even harder to bear. We might feel like no one can possibly understand
our pain or comprehend the depth of our experiences. In truth, this belief only
serves to isolate us further. ddfsffs sgf

There is incredible power in shared experiences. Simply talking through our

problems with a trusted confidant can lighten the burden we carry. It allows us to
process our emotions and gain new perspectives.

As a counsellor, I’ve witnessed firsthand how allowing someone to retell the story
of a difficult experience over and over again can be therapeutic. Through the act
of sharing, they begin to make sense of what’s happening, finding solace, and often
discovering new, healthier ways to navigate their challenges.

Even if our story seems unique to us, and our friends are not able to fully grasp
the intricacies of our experiences, by opening ourselves up to hearing another
person’s story, we expand our own understanding.

We are given or are giving an opportunity to develop greater compassion and

empathy, which are vital qualities in fostering deeper connections.

Who knows, maybe the story we hear or share today will become a source of comfort
for tomorrow.

The essence of being real with those we love lies in the act of authenticity. When
we let our guard down and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we create a space where
others feel safe to do the same. It is through these shared moments of
vulnerability that relationships deepen, trust grows, and a genuine sense of
connection is fostered.

Let us remember that being real doesn’t mean burdening others with our problems
without considering their own struggles. It means creating a reciprocal environment
where both parties can share, support and uplift one another. It means listening
with an open heart, being slow to make judgments or draw conclusions, and instead
offering a shoulder to lean on and being there in both good times and bad.

In a world where we often curate our lives through filters and carefully crafted
narratives, the power of authenticity shines through as a beacon of hope. So let’s
strive to be real with those we love and cherish.

Let us embrace safe relationships where we can be true to ourselves and invite
others to do the same. Together, we can create a tapestry of shared experiences,
understanding and growth that will sustain us through life’s challenges.
This week I’m . . .

Working from Tom’s Providore & Wine Bar. There are times I definitely work more
efficiently from an inspiring location/without my eight-month-old.

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