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Introductory paragraph

Listening skills play a very important role in learning English as a foreign

language. In this sense, the present theoretical framework was conducted on two
variables; the independent variable related to audiovisual aids and the dependent variable
on listening comprehension, since this work aims to investigate the effect of audiovisual
aids on listening comprehension. Additionally, this section was developed based on
different articles, books, and websites with topics related to the topic which were found
in platforms such as Google Scholar, Eric, Scielo, and more. Most of the previous studies
have not conducted their research in the specific educational context that this research
work analyzes. The present section is structured with definitions, characteristics and
benefits of audiovisual aids, mostly based on the multimedia learning theory established
by Mayer (1998, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2014), likewise, the most important aspects related
to listening comprehension established by the empiricist Nunan (1995, 1997, 2001, 2002)
were included. Finally, this theoretical framework reviews research on the effect and
impact of audiovisual aids on the development of English as a foreign language learners'
listening skills.
Concluding paragraph

The theoretical framework was presented to showcase the most important aspect
of the study “Audiovisual aids and listening comprehension, among tenth-grade students
at a public institution in Loja, during 2022-2023 School Year”. Furthermore, previous
studies about audiovisual aids suggest that the visual aid provided to the audio material
offers information that contributed positively to the listening comprehension process.
However, the previous action research studies presented had only been applied to specific
contexts that had little relation to the context of this research work, therefore, it is the
author's responsibility to select findings that can contribute to this study’s context. In this
sense, the implementation of this research work was framed in three aspects of listening
comprehension that were expected to improve with the application of audiovisual aids;
such as, making inferences, listening for the gist and listening for details. Therefore, this
research work is relevant within the English language teaching process, because by
providing updated audiovisual material and techniques students could enhance their
listening comprehension.

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