Cep323 Semifinal

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BIT International College

City of Tagbilaran

Semi Final Examinations

CE Laws

1. Discuss why there is a need to know the practice of Civil Engineering in the Philippines?
The practice of civil engineering within the meaning and intent of Republic Act No. 544
shall embrace services in the form of consultation, design, preparation of plans, specifications,
estimates, erection, installation and supervision of the construction of streets, bridges, highways,
railroads, airports and hangars, port works, canals, river and shore improvements, lighthouses
and coast protection work. Civil engineers are required to be registered and duly qualified to
practice civil engineering in the Philippines. Firms and corporations engaged in civil engineering
practice may engage in such practice provided that it is carried out under the supervision of a
civil engineer or civil engineers holding valid certificates issued by the Board.

2. Discuss the importance of having a license from PCAB (Phil. Contractors Accreditation Board)
The Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) license aims to form its holders in
excellence and competence towards contracting operations. In addition to that, PCAB license
ensures that all contractors have qualified and masterful set of skills in order to conduct
constructions of infrastructures. It establishes professionalism on the contractor’s end and
allows for complacency in the work environment. These make the contractor more appealing to
clients and workers from a legal standpoint. It’s an indication that both are insured and
protected from financial pitfalls caused by accidents in the workplace.

3. Discuss the effects and implications of having so many sub-contractors in a project.

The tasks may not be executed the way the principal company wants them done. Since
the main contractor lacks the expertise in these fields, they are at the mercy of the
subcontractors in that respect. Also, subcontracting can lead to longer completion times and
subcontract redrafts are generally necessary each time the master contract is amended.

4. Discuss the implications of negative and positive slippage in construction.

Project slippage is the delay in the completion of a project beyond its scheduled
completion date. Positive slippage occurs when a project is completed ahead of schedule while
negative slippage occurs when a project is completed behind schedule.

5. Discuss the effects of inclement weather in construction.

Inclement weather can have a significant impact on construction projects. Rain can
cause delays as work areas need to be pumped dry, debris cleaned up and materials dried out.
Wind can also negatively impact productivity. Extreme temperatures could cause work to stop or
slow down. Lightning can result in the project being temporarily shut down and a direct lightning
strike on an item of equipment causes damage which is costly to repair and delays the project.
According to research, the inclement British weather can delay construction projects by up to
21%, which can have a damaging effect on budgeting, timelines and relationships with clients.
Essentially, inclement weather includes any weather conditions that would make it impossible,
unsafe or unreasonable to continue with construction activities.

1. Enumerate some violations of a contractor.
Contractors can be held liable for construction defects and violations of the law by a
licensed contractor may result in a citation or charges against the contractor that could lead to
suspension or revocation of the contractor’s license. A breach of contract usually involves
breaking an obligation in the construction contract. Contractors and subcontractors are
prohibited from engaging in recruitment and placement activities.

2. Enumerate the importance of having an STE (Sustaining Technical Employee) on contractors.

STE aims to ensure that only qualified and reliable contractors are allowed to undertake
construction in the country for the safety of the public. The law also aims to promote for the
benefit of the public and private sectors and for the national interest, the orderly growth of the
contracting industry.


There are some local officials in this country who will favor contractors not from their places putting local
contractors in jeopardy or devoid of contract projects. In your own opinion, what is/are the hidden
agenda of the local officials?

We are all too familiar with crooked contractors who connive with corrupt government officials
to inflate the cost of public works projects so they can line their pockets and get huge kickbacks. This is
why crooked and corrupt contractors are legion in this country; why every kind of scam and rip-off
proliferate; and why con artists have perfected their game. The honest and innocent are left helpless
because government agencies and the industry itself often fail to protect them against the bad guys.
There are many opportunities to steal and cheat in the construction industry, and corruption is so
endemic that it has eroded the people’s confidence in an industry that also has many honest and decent
practitioners. So, sure, let the government open up the construction industry to honest and more
efficient builders, regardless of race or color. The competition would surely benefit both public and
private infrastructure projects and help protect people by driving crooked contractors out of business.

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