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Narrator: It was a sunny day, and the smell of an orchid was scattered around the place. A soft
melody of music was heard from afar. There was a man who is listening to soft music under the
tree. His name is Xin. Xin feels uncomfortable with people around him, and he prefers being
alone than to socialize with others.
Narrator: Samantha. A classmate of Xin. She hates him because she finds Xin weird.
Narrator: Samantha had a bad attitude, doesn’t think twice about her words, and was selfish.
Samantha: Hey, Xin! You’re still here in your favorite spot, Huh?!
Samantha: Why don’t you get out of here and look for another spot? This place is already
occupied by me and Marga!
Narrator: Marga. A classmate of Xin and a friend of Samantha.
Xin: (rolled his eyes and ignored Sam)
Marga: You’ve never changed, Sam! You still hate Xin out of his attitude. Let him be, It’s his
place and it’s never been ours. He’s always been there ever since the school year started.
Samantha: And here you are again, protecting Xin again and again! Why do you protect
someone like him?! Are you in any way interested in him?
Marga: It’s not that I like him, It’s just he’d never done something to us. Just leave him alone
Samantha: Oh, I remember something. Didn’t you tell me before that you’re somehow
interested in shy people? Isn’t that Xin you’re talking about?
Marga: Sam no, stop! It’s not Xin, there’s no way that I’ll like someone like him. (Blushes on
her face)
Samantha: Hmm, all right. Your call!
Narrator: Marga has been admiring Xin from afar since the school year started. She hasn’t
confessed her feelings for Xin out of shyness.
Narrator: Marga told Sam that it was Xin she likes. And pleased Sam not to tell Xin about her
feelings. (Marga explains further to Sam how she fell in love with Xin)

Narrator: Xin is alone in the classroom and he is imagining things.

Narrator: Yvette saw Xin alone while staring at the bored.
Narrator: Yvette. Xin’s classmate, she and Samantha had a relevant attitude. She also finds Xin
Yvette: What are you doing, Xin? Why are you staring at the board? You are so weird; you
Xin: I’m not. I love to imagine things, things that are mostly impossible to happen in my life.
Xin: It is one of the things I do when I’m bored. Feels weird for someone like you, but it feels
amusing for me.
Yvette: Never mind, weirdo! (With a grumpy voice)
Xin: Yvette, could you do me a favor?
Yvette: What kind of favor is that?
Xin: I feel tired and wanted to sleep a little bit. Please if I ever fall asleep, tell others not to wake
me up.
Yvette: Is that it? All right, I’ll inform Mr. Bravo right away.
Narrator: Yvette informed Mr. Bravo about what Xin said and Mr. Bravo knows.

Narrator: One day on gloomy day, Xin is eating alone in the cafeteria and suddenly Samantha
sat beside him and she told how Marga feels about him.
Xin: I’ve seen Marga’s actions towards me, She’s quietly been sweet to me and I felt that she
likes me.
Xin: I’ve known Marga since Grade School. And I’ve always felt that she has feelings for me.
Samantha: How’s that possible? How come you knew that she has feelings for you?
Xin: Yes, I don’t communicate with people. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t know a single
Xin: I’m always cautious around me. I know everything about what’s exactly happening around
me. So knowing that she has feelings for me is nothing compared to me. I’ve seen it ever since
grade school.
Samantha: Wow, that’s nice! Is that what lonely people do?
Xin: I’m not lonely, Don’t call us that. We can be friends with people; we’re normal people like
you. We’re just not comfortable socializing with people. And that is why we’re always alone.
But that doesn’t mean that we’re alone!
Samantha: Oh, I’m sorry.
Narrator: And then Marga suddenly came. She was shocked and scared at the same time
because Sam might have told Xin that Marga has feelings for him.
Marga: Oh, what are you guys doing here?
Samantha: I just sat beside Xin and had a little talk with him.
Marga: Don’t tell me that you told Xin what I’ve said to you yesterday?! (With an angry tone of
Samantha: Marga, you don’t have to hide your feelings anymore. Xin already knows that you
had feelings for him.
Marga: How is that possible?
Samantha: He told me that he has seen through your actions that you had feelings for him.
Marga: (Asked Xin) Is that true Xin?
Xin: (Xin happily replied) Yes!
Marga: Then if you’ve seen through my actions why didn’t you avoid and repelled me?
Xin: Why would I? You’re a good friend of mine. We’ve known each other since grade school.
Marga: Is that so?
Marga: Is there any chance that you feel the same as me, Xin?
Xin: Before, yes. But now, no. I suddenly lost my feelings for you last year December.
Narrator: Samantha intervenes in Xin’s and Marga’s conversation.
Samantha: (With a huge tone of voice) How come you lost your feelings for Marga? She’s
perfect, literally perfect. She’s the campus crush, She’s academically smart, and She’s gorgeous!
Xin: Please do not Invalidate my feelings.
Xin: I can’t tell my reason for you. It’s something personal.
Xin: Please just understand and let it be. I already have lost my feelings for Marga. It’s over!
(With a tone of regret in Xin’s voice)
Narrator: Sam and Marga slowly walked away with tears of drop on Marga’s eyes. Marga felt
sad and heartbroken.
Samantha: It’s all right Marga. There are still lots of men out there.
Marga: (With a furious voice) Will you please stop with your Insensitive words, Sam?!
Marga: There are lots of things that you couldn’t change in a minute. Just like my feelings for
Xin, I wouldn’t be able to remove them in seconds or minutes.
Samantha: I’m sorry. From now on, I’ll keep an eye on my mouth.

Narrator: 3 years ago, Marga and Xin are in a relationship. They’re in a healthy relationship.
Involve honesty, trust, respect, and open communication between them and they take an effort
and compromise with each other.
Narrator: Marga’s parents are against her relationship with Xin due to her not being of legal
age. Marga is only 7 years old when she fell in love with Xin. She was 15 years old when She
and Xin got together.
Narrator: 2 years ago Marga had an accident. She’s been driven over by a huge truck. She had
lost her memory including her past with Xin. She only remembers her memories with her
Narrator: Xin and Marga’s parents had an agreement that they will let Xin court Marga and re-
write their stories as lovers when they’re already at legal age.
Narrator: Marga’s parents pleased Xin not to tell their past to protect Marga’s brain. Marga had
severe brain damage because of her accident.
Narrator: Xin chose not to tell Marga about their past and kept it a secret to protect Marga. He
decided not to stay close as possible to Marga until the day of Marga’s 18th b-day.
Xin: (Thinks of Marga) It’s only a matter of time then we can finally continue our story, my

Narrator: Xin shouted and scared the whole class.

Narrator: Tristan and Yvette asked Xin. are you okay? What happened?
Xin: (Knods his head)
Narrator: Everyone in the class asked Xin what happened including Mr. Bravo
Xin: I was only dreaming and it was a bad dream. Sorry for the interruption.
Narrator: Xin was only having a bad dream.
Narrator: Then the class continued.
Narrator: It turned out that all of the happening is all about Xin’s imagination and dream. It’s
his thing to imagine things. Whether romance, fantasy, and lots more things that could be
Narrator: Marga and Samantha are only fictional characters from Xin’s imagination.
Narrator: Factors of Xin’s not being with others. Xin started making his own stories in his
Narrator: Daydreams are an inner world where we can rehearse the future and imagine new
adventures without risk. Allowing the mind to roam freely can aid creativity—but only if we pay
attention to the content of our daydreams.
Narrator: Neuroscientists have identified the “default network”—a web of brain regions that
become active when we mentally drift away from the task at hand into our reveries.
Narrator: When daydreaming turns addictive and compulsive, it can overwhelm normal
functioning, impeding relationships and work.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Your mind is powerful enough to create everything.

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