Endorsement Letter

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Email: skhumalohrm@mthwakazikingdom-ii.

Website: www.mthwakazikingdom-ii.org

Website: www.mthwakazikingdom-ii.org

May 28th 2023

To whom it may concern


It with great pleasure that I pledge my full support for King of Kings cultural Bonanza 2024 Innitiatives due
from 14th -21st March 2024 in South Africa. This event brings together people from different cultural regions
who share similar beliefs, history and language to showcase traditional dances, foods, constume and music.
This event is aimed at bringing together African cultures and world at large to one centre stage wrapped with
cultural tourism and trade which shall always be climaxed with a royal and business summit which is defined in
line with UNESCOS's profound philosophy, emphatically represented as THE POWER OF CULTURE FOR

As King of the Royal Kingdom of Mthwakazi, I have had the opportunity to develop a close relationship with
King of Kings cultural Bonanza 2024 through its founder Mr Kuuwe Umar, who is an excellent example of how
our passion through culture can make a difference in our respective societies. Learning about the Vision of
fostering a prosperous and inclusive Africa by leveraging our collective strengths through resources like (1)King
of Kings Royal Summit, ii) Kings of kings investment Booth,(2) King of Kings Royal Parlour , and experiences
to create equitable opportunities for all. I became very excited both with the vision and potential of culture
towards development.

The partnership with diferent cultural leaders from Africa and other cultural divisions makes it possible for
promotion of cultural tourism, trade and opening up for and to investment opportunities. Through this event,
alignment with a seven day complilation to intrigue the preservation of their heritage and the diversity of
actual content to embrace an all inclusive concept of culture, recognising it as a rich asset for societies to
enable drive 21st century sustainable development goals.

I have every confidence in Bonanza De-Cultural's intergrity as an organisation and the sincerity of its vision and
mission, am delighted to support the initiative and the amazing event . I cannot think of a greater contribution
to Africa and the world at large than the opportunities that will be availed for a better Future.

Thank you. I personally look forward to seeing you there.

Yours truly,

His Royal Majesty King Mzilikazi II

The Royal Kingdom of Mthwakazi

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