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Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature

Language proficiency

Unit 4. Finance and business

Lecturer: Lê Tấn Cường .MA

Cellphone: 096.331.8588
How do you define finance and business?
How important are they?
Nice words and structures
- The rise of bank notes…
- Briefly cover the idea of …
- You may already know that….
- provide a great example of how….
- Make the note harder to copy
- Fake money=counterfeit money
- Hologram /ˈhəʊləɡræm/: a special type of image that appears to
be three-dimensional (= solid rather than flat), especially one
created using lasers
- Coronation /ˌkɔːrəˈneɪʃn/: a ceremony at which a crown (= an
object in the shape of a circle, usually made of gold and
precious stones) is formally placed on the head of a new king or
queen and they officially become king or queen
Nice words and structures
- We’re going to discuss a need…
- Store their assets….
- Some of the bigger examples we have found…
- Enable them to create more….
- The new lock shares many features….
Business words/ collocations
• A calculation: She has to make a calculation before she decides whether to
• Cutbacks: The company made cutbacks at their stores in New York.
• Expectations: Always manage your expectations during contract negotiations.
• Cut a deal: We cut a deal with our competition.
• Close a deal: Jake closed the deal yesterday. He's celebrating today.
• Work on a deal: We're working on a deal with a new client.
• Write/draw up a contract: Let's write up a new contract for next year.
• Long-time customer: We treat our long-time customers with great respect and
even better deals.
• Regular customer: He's a regular customer. He comes in every Friday
• Paying customer: The only customer we need is a paying customer.
• Domestic/international customer: We have both domestic and international
Present a business idea that you may
consider doing in the coming years

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